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Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade
versión impresa ISSN 0104-7043versión On-line ISSN 2358-0194
NOBRE, Thiago da Silva. HISTORY TEACHING IN TIMES OF EMERGENCY REMOTE TEACHING: METHODOLOGY, ASSESSMENT AND REFLECTION. Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade [online]. 2022, vol.31, n.65, pp.121-137. Epub 25-Oct-2022. ISSN 2358-0194.
This study aims to understand the relationship between education and technology, as well as to understand the singularities and peculiarities to try to outline more general trends, from the context of the world pandemic of Covid-19. For our case study, we used the lesson plans and evaluations of three teachers from the city of Fortaleza (Ceará), from the 9th grade of elementary school to the 3rd year of high school during May to December 2020. What we realized beforehand, in these relations between education and technology, it was that “overnight” millions of teachers and students around the world had to adapt quickly to the new reality of remote classes and massive use of Communication and Information Technologies (ICTs), Educational Technologies, educational objects, applications, virtual learning environments (VLEs), etc. And often, having to have their own means to use these technologies. What we noticed, too, was that the changes in the relationship between education and technology occurred mainly in the forms and ways of teaching mediated by technologies, to the detriment of modifications in the contents taught.
Palabras clave : History teaching; educational technologies; emergency remote teaching; distance learning.