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Revista Brasileira de Educação

Print version ISSN 1413-2478


CHARTIER, Anne-Marie. Literacy and elementary school teacher formation. Rev. Bras. Educ. [online]. 1998, n.08, pp.04-12. ISSN 1413-2478.

How are teachers prepared for schools that teach children to read and write? Is it possible to fight against school failure by giving these teachers a better intellectual and professional training? The first part of the article takes France as an example and analyzes the Historic phases of elementary teacher formation geared to attend the evolution of social demand in literacy skills. Four historical phases are defined where the definition of literacy objectives varied (merely learn how to read; know how to read, write and count; acquire basic knowledge of written culture; master essential mechanisms for continued education). In each phase new training content is found as well as new methods for teaching initial skills and knowledge. In the second part of the article questions are raised about the challenge which is being faced today regarding teacher training and what are the expectations of secondary school and of society. What contents regarding language and learning what professional skills as regards methods for reading and writing should be given to the young teachers in order to diminish school failure in reading and writing in elementary school. How should the equilibrium be kept between theoretical and practical contents? Between intellectual contents and professional skills? Between initial formation of the students and permanent education throughout the career. These problems are illustrated by what is occurring at present at the University Institutes of Teacher Formation (IUFM), emphasizing three aspects: the passage form oral language to written language in early childhood schools; the use of reading manuals in the learning proeess, early language knowledge.

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