Revista Teias
Print version ISSN 1518-5370On-line version ISSN 1982-0305
PARANHOS, Will and JIMENEZ-JIMENEZ, Maria Luisa. “FOR A FAT SCHOOL!”: diffractions from activism and fat body studies. Revista Teias [online]. 2023, vol.24, n.75, pp.150-165. Epub Dec 26, 2023. ISSN 1982-0305.
This article aims to propose a diffractive exercise that starts from the authors' experiences as fat bodies during school years and entangles itself with studies of the fat body and fat activism, in order to think about possibilities of theorization that instrumentalize be-do at/the/with the school. Initially, several aspects are identified that lead us to think about how fatphobia is a structured violence in society and, as a result, institutionalized in education. Subsequently, a diffractive analysis is proposed around bullying, a complex phenomenon that indicates violence in the school context, but which, given its weaknesses and indiscriminate use, inscribed in a universalist logic, ends up erasing forms of violence that need to be named, ensuring their specificities. Finally, in a kind of manifesto, connections are created from fat body studies, fat activism, black, fat and caring feminisms, in addition to other onto-epistemological perspectives, thinking about possibilities that aim to guide the construction of an educational practice focused on alterity and difference(s).
Keywords : fat body studies; fatphobia; bullying; fat school; differences..