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Educação e Filosofia

Print version ISSN 0102-6801On-line version ISSN 1982-596x


MARTINAZZO, Celso José. Philosophy and education philosophy in recursive link. Educação e Filosofia [online]. 2017, vol.31, n.61, pp.345-368. ISSN 1982-596x.

The current text aims a reflection about the links that connect the Philosophy, as a reflection about the whole reality, with the Education Phi losophy in its specific task of thinking the extent of human formation. The reflection focus concerns on comprehension bias which, historically, Philo sophy has assumed and whose reflexes demarcate and guide the educational process. The question analysis intends to demonstrate that Philosophy, when practiced in the form of Education Philosophy, has the task of, among others, providing support to the epistemological issues of the educational process. From this angle of reflection the Education Philosophy may have its potential enlarged and reframed by means of a pragmatic change, that is, when inspired by a complex epistemology. Under the complexity viewpoint, Philosophy and Education Philosophy, as distinct fields of knowledge, may be understood, at the same time, as areas which can reconnected, con(fused) and complement each other, creating a recursive ring between them. It is possible to conclude pointing out some complex epistemological implications to the Philosophy and Education Philosophy fields.

Keywords : Philosophy; Education Fhilosophy; Epistemology; Complex Rationality.

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