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Revista Eletrônica de Educação
versão On-line ISSN 1982-7199
VELOSO, Braian; MILL, Daniel e MONTEIRO, Maria Iolanda. Teaching, distance education and digital technologies: a bibliometric study. Rev. Elet. Educ. [online]. 2019, vol.13, n.1, pp.319-335. Epub 05-Ago-2019. ISSN 1982-7199.
The present work has as objective to carry out a bibliometric study in one of the thematic axes of the International Symposium on Distance Education and the Meeting of Researchers in Distance Education (SIED: EnPED), held in 2016 at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil. For the analysis, thematic axis 5 of the virtual stage of the event, titled “Teaching (EaD + TIC) - broad aspects”, was selected. Regarding the methodology, the metadata of the researches presented in the thematic axis 5 were collected, for later qualiquantitative analysis, with the presentation of the results in tables, graphs and word clouds. With the results of the research, it was inferred, specifically in thematic axis 5 of the SIED: ENPED:2016, that: Distance Education was the main thematic of most research; There was a predominance of studies involving the figure of the tutor, as well as the interaction of this professional with the students; There was a higher incidence of research from the Southeast and Northeast regions of Brazil, with a higher number of investigations originating from Brazilian public institutions; Among other information analyzed in this investigation.
Palavras-chave : Distance education; Teaching; Digital information and communication technologies; Bibliometrics.