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Reflexão e Ação
versão On-line ISSN 1982-9949
BERKENBROCK-ROSITO, Margaréte May. The aesthetics of the pedagogy of hope: contributions to teacher training. Rev. Reflex [online]. 2017, vol.25, n.2, pp.9-26. ISSN 1982-9949.
The present study is framed by a larger research: "The stewardship regime in Freire as a theory and practice of teacher education, aiming at a contribution to the History of Education", which includes the aesthetics present in the works published by Paulo Freire and authors, disciples and critics of Paulo Freire. The study includes the book "Pedagogy of Hope: a reunion with the Pedagogy of the Oppressed", by Paulo Freire (1992), which we have chosen to present in this text. It establishes as hypothesis of study that the regime of aesthetics is the great challenge of the pedagogy of Freire, allows to improve the intervention of the subject through aesthetics, a way for the realization of justice among men. The documentary analysis, with a hermeneutic approach, is adopted as a methodology from the perspective of Gadamer (2000). The study points out a contribution to the elaboration of a conceptual matrix of aesthetics in Freire, regarding teacher education.
Palavras-chave : Paulo Freire; Aesthetics; Teacher Training.