On-line version ISSN 2175-8042
SANTOS, Mariselma Oliveira dos; CARVALHO, Camila Lopes de; ARAUJO, Paulo Ferreira de and SALERNO, Marina Brasiliano. School Physical Education and inclusion: a case study in Brazil from the perspective of the bioecological model. Rev. Motriviv. [online]. 2020, vol.32, n.62, e67312. Epub May 01, 2020. ISSN 2175-8042.
School inclusion of students with disabilities encompasses multiple variables, characters, and contexts. This study analyzed the inclusion in Physical Education classes of a regular state school in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, from the bioecological model. A case study was developed through the observation of 15 Physical Education sessions of a 3rd grade elementary school, which had a student with disability. For data collection, we used the “Instrument to evaluate the interaction between students with and without disabilities in school physical education”, with data appreciated by categorization. The school system has been adapting to act in conjunction with the family and cultural systems, in line with the determinations of political promulgations. There were aspects favorable to the inclusion - positive interactions of students -, interspersed with difficult aspects - architectural weaknesses regarding accessibility. Inclusion in school physical education can be made easier by understanding the complexity of the multiple covered aspects.
Keywords : Physical education and training; Educational inclusion; Bioecological model.