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versão On-line ISSN 2177-6059
RIBEIRO, Raimunda Maria da Cunha. Management and evaluation of municipal public education systems. Roteiro [online]. 2021, vol.46, e24084. Epub 01-Mar-2021. ISSN 2177-6059.
The field of education has been marked by the diffusion of statistics of large-scale evaluation, impacting on the management model in educational systems. This study, therefore, has as main objective to find out whether institutionalized autonomy in the municipal education system has an impact on the results of large-scale evaluation, taking IDEB as a reference, within the state of Piauí. Methodology has adopted the attributes of the qualitative and quantitative approach. The technique of data collection was the analysis of documents: a set of laws for the creation of municipal education systems in Piauí; official result of the large scale evaluations of the municipalities of Piaui. Regarding the data analysis technique, we adopted the principles of containment analysis, according to Bardin's guidelines (2009). The data from research allow us to understand that: the state of Piaui has serious economic and educational limitations; Of the 97 laws analyzed, soil 4 refers to the national assessment process; The IDEB of Piauí, considering the municipal public escuela systems in the first years, is around 4.6; In a frequency of 6.25% of the municipalities, we identified IDEB equal to greater than 6.0 in the initial years. Thus, the management of educational systems lends itself to the same role that the evaluative state decides from neoliberal ideology to educational management and evaluation policies.
Palavras-chave : democratic management; educational evaluation; municipal education systems..