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vol.14 número02Consentimento e uso em Tomás de Aquino: dois preceitos educativos no século XIII índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2177-6210


BATISTA, Gustavo Araújo. O pensamento educacional de Santo Tomás de Aquino como consequência de sua teologia e de sua filosofia. Educação. UNISINOS [online]. 2010, vol.14, n.02, pp.82-96. ISSN 2177-6210.

Saint Thomas (1124/5-1274) is considered the highest scholastic thinker. His philosophy and theology have influenced as Christian as non-Christian orientation thinkers. Reflecting on convergences and divergences between reason and faith, he considers that philosophy and theology have, therefore, similarities and differences since they have, respectively, those objects as fundamental matters of study. Establishing the philosophy and theology common and particular fields, he promotes not only conciliation between them but also, and mainly, a symbiosis, because both reason and faith come from the same fountain (God), and they cannot, therefore, contradict each other. Orientated from those considerations, he weaves a reflection of educational character that is recorded in his work entitled On the teaching or De Magistro (On the master).

Palabras clave : Education; Philosophy; Saint Thomas Aquinate; Theology.

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