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Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação

Print version ISSN 0103-1457On-line version ISSN 2178-4612


MARIM, Caroline Izidoro. Is the capacity to understand norman and make normative judgments is a product of evolution?. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2017, vol.22, n.spe, pp.68-82. ISSN 2178-4612.

This paper aims to offer a concise overview of the role of emotions in moral agency, when we are debating questions about the nature of morality. After briefly presenting the historical context as it was put by Hume, we will show how to understand the nature and evolution of morality in a broader perspective can enhance the emotions as the basis of moral judgments, or more specifically, of morality. This exploration of the rules in conjunction with the emotions leads us toward a psychological approach to moral judgment, which brings out new branches for the ethical and philosophical inquiry. Thus, our main goal is to show if morality would be an adaptation? and, if we can say that morality evolved? This clarification has as its ultimate aim to show how the non-cognitive theory of Gibbard is configured as a good model of explanation of the role of emotions in the constitution, formulation of normative judgments and particularly in adherence to standards.

Keywords : Moral Judgment; Nature of Morality; Moral Psychology; Evolution; Emotions.

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