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vol.41Leituras de 1808 - Aspectos educativos, estéticos e cognitivos da recepção da obra a partir da Didática da HistóriaEducação não formal e o município educador: algumas experiências sociocomunitárias índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Acta Scientiarum. Education

versão impressa ISSN 2178-5198versão On-line ISSN 2178-5201


SANTOS, Leônidas Melo  e  NEUVALD, Luciane. Aesthetic, ethics and education in adornian perspective. Acta Educ. [online]. 2019, vol.41, e34728.  Epub 01-Mar-2019. ISSN 2178-5201.

The article discusses the relationship between aesthetics, ethics and training in the Adornian perspective. The research, of bibliographical nature, includes some works by Adorno and his interpreters. In the Dialectics of Enlightenment, Adorno and Horkheimer (1985) critically discuss the relation between myth and instrumental rationality, for the progress of enlightenment, by valuing a reason for abstract and dominating characteristic, weakened the exercise of critical self-reflection and promoted the regression of consciousness, the process of which are expressed in half education and barbarism. The art and aesthetics oppose this process and strengthen the consciousness and the emancipatory reason, constituting a reference of freedom and integration between the intellectual and the manual work.

Palavras-chave : cultural industry; art; emancipation; education.

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