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Revista de Educação Pública

versión impresa ISSN 0104-5962versión On-line ISSN 2238-2097


RESENDE, Marilene Ribeiro. Basic concepts of V.V. Davidov: contributions and challenges for mathematics research and teaching-learning. R. Educ. Públ. [online]. 2021, vol.30, e9345.  Epub 18-Mar-2021. ISSN 2238-2097.

The Theory of Study Activity and Developmental Teaching, developed by V.V. Davidov, were built during more than 20 years of investigation, in the second half of century XX, with the implantation of a didactic system in several Soviet republics. These theories, within the framework of the Historical-Cultural Theory, involve basic concepts and assumptions that need to be properly understood and appropriate. Thus, this text, developed from bibliographic research and the use of Nvivo11 software tools, identifies and discusses these concepts and presents possible contributions to Mathematics research and teaching-learning.

Palabras clave : Study Activity Theory; Theoretical Thinking; Mathematical Teaching-learning of Mathematics; V.V.Davidov.

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