Print version ISSN 1414-5138On-line version ISSN 2318-1982
VIEIRA, Josimar de Aparecido; VIEIRA, Marilandi Maria Mascarello and PASQUALLI, Roberta. Case study as teaching strategy for Professional and Technological Education. Sér.-Estud. [online]. 2017, vol.22, n.44, pp.143-159. ISSN 2318-1982. https://doi.org/10.20435/serie-estudos.v22i44.1012.
In this paper we sought to characterize the case study as a teaching strategy, highlighting potential and procedures for their use in Professional and Technological Education (PTE). It was drawn from the literature research with particular focus on works from authors such as Abreu; Masetto (1985), Anastasiou; Alves (2006), Graham (2010), Grillo; Gessinger (2008), Lüdke; André (1986), Queiroz; Cabral (2016), Triviños (1987) and Yin (2005). Given the scope and size of the subject, the work focuses on the issues: a) how characterized is the case study to be used as a teaching strategy? b) what are the potentialities of the case study as a teaching strategy for PTE and c) how to proceed to use the case study on the PTE? The main results of the study indicate that the case study as a teaching strategy enables the participation, cooperation and networking between students and teachers, promoting the breakdown of dichotomies established by the traditional paradigm of education so present in PTE and the rapprochement between theory and practice in a interdisciplinary perspective of the situation under study. Can contribute to teaching of innovative PTE, being a good teaching strategy if properly planned and developed in class.
Keywords : Professional and technological education; teaching strategies; case study.