Print version ISSN 1414-5138On-line version ISSN 2318-1982
FALCAO, Giovana Maria Belém and FARIAS, Isabel Maria Sabino de. Teacher training and the Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID): presentations regarding progress and contradictions of a program. Sér.-Estud. [online]. 2017, vol.22, n.44, pp.161-179. ISSN 2318-1982. https://doi.org/10.20435/serie-estudos.v22i44.916.
Over the last few decades, there have been analyzes highlighting the urgency and the importance of establishing closer links between training institutions and the schools. The Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) rises in this scenario aiming to motivate and give value to the option of teachership. An initiative that in 2017 celebrates its 10th implementation anniversary. Which guidelines outline this program? What advances and contradictions can be identified in PIBID's configuration since its first edition? These concerns are present in the problematization exercise of the theme in this paper. Right in the center of such reflections are the guiding and delineating guidelines of the program, as well as its advances and contradictions. Examination of its thematic was carried out being supported by the analysis of documents of the following sources: legal references and edicts launched since the beginning of PIBID. Access to such documents happened via Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) website. The theoretical reference was based upon the works of authors such as Nóvoa, Garcia and Farias. The qualitative analysis showed that the PIBID has a strong potential for professional socialization, although it also shows contradictions within itself. It is now delineated in a perspective of rupture with technical and pragmatic processes, and affirms and relies on such processes. Establishing strong and comprehensive teacher education policies remains a challenge in the beginning of the 21st century.
Keywords : Teacher's education; PIBID; Basic Education.