Editorial |
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| · Editorial Oliveira, João Ferreira de
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Dossiê |
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| · Higher education, internationalization and circulation of ideas: adjusting terms and exploding myths Azevedo, Mário Luiz Neves de; Catani, Afrânio Mendes
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| · Higher education in Brazil: input, indicators and co mparisons with OECD members and BRICS Amaral, Nelson Cardoso
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| · International cooperation and equity: is it possible? Oliveira, Adriana Rivoire Menelli de; Morosini, Marília Costa
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| · Policies for science, technology and innovation, graduate education and the production of knowledge in Brazil Oliveira, João Ferreira de
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| · The expansion of graduare education against a background of globalization: snippets of the brazilian situation Cabral Neto, Antônio; Castro, Alda Maria Duarte Araújo
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| · Higher education policies and the production of knowledge in Mexico (1980-2011) Alcántara Santuario, Armando; Jiménez Nájera, Yuri
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| · Society and the economics of knowledge in globalization Zepeda García, Evangelina
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| · Teacher formation as seen by eu education ministers and heads of State Silva, Maria Abádia da
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Artigos |
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| · Know-how in the formation of teachers for the hospitality course at Universidade Federal do Maranhão Correia, Jonilson Costa
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| · Listening to the subject in the context of human resources Poli, Maria Cristina; Almeida, Lucia
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| · Possibilities for teachers' well-being in the educational context Costella, Silvério; Noal, Ingrid Kork; Naujorks, Maria Inês
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| · National curriculum parameters for secondary education: preparing for the insecurity of the labor market Piovezan, Patrícia Regina; Vieitez, Candido Giraldez
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Teses e Dissertações |
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| · Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da FE-UFG
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