Editorial |
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| · Editorial Costa, David Antonio da; Carvalho, Diana Carvalho de; Debus, Eliane Santana Dias; Bergmann, Juliana Cristina F.; Torriglia, Patricia Laura
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Apresentação |
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| · Apresentação Debus, Eliane; Ramos, Ana Margarida; Belmiro, Celia Abicalil
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| · Memory and history in the picturebook: dialogical relations between text and images González, Isabel Mocifio
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| · When pictures replace words: the collection “Images that tell”, by Pato Lógico publisher Ramos, Ana Margarida; Rodrigues, Carina
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| · Portuguese children’s literature and illustration in the 50s of the twentieth century: Sophia de Mello Breyner with Sarah Affonso and Maria Keil Silva, Sara Reis da
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| · Wordless picturebooks for small children: a look at the PNBE collection for early child education Spengler, Maria Laura Pozzobon; Debus, Eliana Santana Dias
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| · Aesthetic education in the artistic creative processes of the wordless picturebook Araujo, Hanna Talita Gonçalves Pereira de
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| · Which neighbors are these? Words, images and pedagogical practices building meaning for picture book Souza, Renata Junqueira de; Lira, Marcela de Araújo
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| · The picture book and the imagination: writer, illustrator and reader in an interactive connection Zimmermann, Anelise; Freitas, Neli Klix
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| · Picturebook and the metafictional narratives for children Belmiro, Celia Abicalil; Almeida, Tatyane Andrade
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Artigos de Demanda Contínua |
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| · Implications of school environment for precocity: an analysis of classroom situations Martins, Bárbara Amaral; Chacon, Miguel Claudio Moriel
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| · “Practice” as “criterion of truth” Peixoto, Elza Margarida de Mendonça
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| · Employability versus full training: Integrated High School in the State of Ceara Santos, José Deribaldo Gomes dos; Santos, Ellen Cristine dos; Barros, Ribeiro Rosiane Bento
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| · The practice of pedagogy of alternation at the national agricultural family school, in Tocantins state Aires, Helena Quirino Porto; Vizolli, Idemar; Stephani, Adriana Demite
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| · ICTs and teaching and learning processes in higher education: a discursive analysis of statements by students in at a teacher’s college Aquino, Israel da Silva; Fiss, Dóris Maria Luzzardi
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| · Environmental economy and biopolitics: the experience of a colombian school Díaz, José Alberto Romana; Munhoz, Angélica Vier
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| · Potentials and challenges in the education of nutritionists Vieira, Vivian Breglia Rosa; Ferretti, Carla Rosane Paz Arruda Teo Fátima
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| · Epistemology of Praxis in Teacher Education: a critical emancipatory perspective Silva, Kátia Augusta Curado Pinheiro Cordeiro da
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| · The “boys’ master” in the temple of intelligence: reflections about the role of teachers and pedagogues in the educational field Silva, Rossano
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| · Teacher Education and Overcoming of Bullying: a challenge to ethical conviviality in schools Tognetta, Luciene Regina Paulino; Daud, Rafael Petta
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