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Revista Educação em Questão
Print version ISSN 0102-7735On-line version ISSN 1981-1802


Table of contents
Rev. Educ. Questão vol.57 no.54 Natal Oct./Dec 2019

 ·  Editorial
Araújo, Marta Maria de

        · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Method of solution of problems for development of concepts in schoolchildren
Rosas-Rivera, Yolanda; Solovieva, Yulia; Quintanar-Rojas, Luis

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Structured X unstructured: family perceptions among education professionals
Gonçalves, Josiane Peres; Eggert, Edla

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English | Portuguese     · English ( pdf ) | Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Contributions of post-qualitative research to the field of environmental education studies
Iared, Valéria Ghisloti

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English | Portuguese     · English ( pdf ) | Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Digital media generators of curriculum acts and authorships in hybrid learning networks
Amaral, Mirian; Carvalho, Felipe; Santos, Rosemary

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  “The jokes denounced that I was a faggot child”: the gender “made” in chidhood
Rios, Pedro Paulo de Souza; Dias, Alfrancio Ferreira; Brazão, José Paulo Gomes

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The rural education conceived by Renato Sêneca Fleury in the mid-1930s
Celeste Filho, Macioniro

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  What the Tembé indigenous teachers say about school education and the future of the village: a study of their representations
Silva, Glauber Ranieri Martins da; Nascimento, Ivany Pinto

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Grammar teaching: knowledge and practices mobilized by a Portuguese language teacher
Silva, Rafaella Sales da; Silva, Alexsandro da

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The social representations of teaching and the identity constitution of bachelor's degree students in Chemistry
Miranda, Camila Lima; Placco, Vera Maria Nigro de Souza; Rezende, Daisy de Brito

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Racism in school education: discourses that hurt
Vale, Rosiney Aparecida Lopes do; Santos, Gabriel Gustavo dos

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  For a queer childhood cartography in the school curriculum
Silva, João Paulo de Lorena; Paraíso, Marlucy Alves

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Profile of managers in Brazilian community universities
Jung, Hildegard Susana; Fossatti, Paulo; Monticelli, Jefferson Marlon

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English | Portuguese     · English ( pdf ) | Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Appreciation of the education professionals of the city of Campinas (2001-2004)
Guimarães, Ana Paula Kacenelenbogen; Jacomini, Márcia Aparecida

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Aspects of continuing teacher education policy implemented by CEFAPROs of Mato Grosso
Mello, Ângela Rita Christofolo de; Silva, Albina Pereira de Pinho; Taborda, Cleuza Regina Balan

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Popular cultures, education and decolonization
Abib, Pedro Rodolpho Jungers

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  For attention to the care of the self at school in times of hyperconnected dispersion
Campesato, Maria Alice Gouvêa; Schuler, Betina

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The academic fraud and the code of conduct at the University: the responsibility of ethical education
Pimenta, Maria Alzira de Almeida; Domingues, Ivo; Vieira, Thereza Carolina Gonçalves

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  History and teacher education
Pérez, Valentín Martínez-Otero; Paiva, Marlúcia Menezes de

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Curriculum and epistemological thinking in higher education
Garcia, Joe

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The body in the scene: (co) possibilities with inclusive education
Peixoto, Sára Maria Pinheiro; Dias, Maria Aparecida

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Case study in research educational
Rabelo, Francy Sousa; Lima, Maria Socorro Lucena

        · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The agony of Eros: self-critical manifestations
Habowski, Adilson Cristiano; Conte, Elaine; Milbradt, Carla

        · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Instructions on the first lessons schools issued by the Prince Regent and the Count of Linhares (Portugal, 1798-1800)
Dias, Thiago Alves

        · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )