Dossiê - Manuais Escolares e Mídias Educativas: temas e perspectivas de investigação |
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| · Apresentação - Pesquisas sobre manuais escolares e mídias educativas: tensões e interações entre impresso e digital Garcia, Tânia Maria F. Braga; Rodríguez, Jesús Rodríguez; Anichini, Alessandra
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| · Analysis of digital teaching materials provided from an open website: the case of the Canary Islands Ruiz, Carlos José González; Alemán, Elena Chirino
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| · Visions of the agents involved in the design, dissemination and use of digital educational materials in Spanish educational portals Chacón, José Peirats; Nemiña, Raúl Eirín; Rodriguez, Jesús Rodríguez
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| · New study practices. Survey on the use of new and old technologies among university students Marchionne, Ilaria; Bartolini, Rudi; Dantas, Taisa Rodrigues
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| · Student’s visions about Digital Didactic Materials in Spain Rego-Agraso, Laura; Suelves, Diana Marín
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| · The materials used in early Childhood Schools, projected on their websites and blogs Rodríguez, María Montserrat Castro
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| · Re-writing knowledge, re-design textbooks: auto-production of contents in the classroom Anichini, Alessandra; Parigi, Laura
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| · On how to teach: paradigmatic traits in pedagogical manuals and research perspectives (1870-2015) Garcia, Tânia Maria F. Braga; Silva, Vivian Batista da
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| · The textbook and its presence in History classes: contributions of ethnography Chaves, Edilson Aparecido
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Demanda contínua |
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| · Culture of school material in the radiophonic schools in Bragança: permanencies and pedagogical innovations (1960-1970) Maciel, Rogerio Andrade; Castro, Cesar Augusto; França, Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Gomes de Souza Avelino de
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| · The old new educational perspectives in the front of the ethical crisis Neitzel, Odair
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| · Parque Infantil: The Singularity and its Components Kuhlmann Jr., Moysés
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| · Regulatory forms and child participation: marks of mismatches in moments of the wheel in Early Childhood Education Buss-Simão, Márcia; Mafra-Rebelo, Aline Helena
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| · Sustainability and STS: a necessary dialogue in/for Science Education in times of environmental crisis Freitas, Nadia Magalhães da Silva; Marques, Carlos Alberto
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| · PROVOQUE - Problematizing Visualities and Questioning Stereotypes: Reading of images based on Visual Culture Studies Baliscei, João Paulo
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| · Oral and photographic testimonials: reports of memories of cultural actions of Mobral in the sertaneja community Silva, Jailson Costa da; Freitas, Marinaide Lima de Queiroz
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| · Indigenous school education policies in Acre Silva, José Alessandro Cândido da
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