Artigos |
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| · The nature of science in science education: theories and practices Morais, Ana Maria; Neves, Isabel Pestana; Ferreira, Sílvia; Saraiva, Leonor
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| · The evaluation in learning cycles in the basic education of Mozambique: between tensions and challenges Duarte, Stela Mithá
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| · Childhood, education and human dignity: considerations on the educational processes of children Peroza, Marilúcia Antônia de Resende
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| · Teaching reading and its relation with elementary school teachers’ education: notes from the academic production Cruz, Eliane Travensoli Parise; Martiniak, Vera Lucia
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| · The teaching of Education Policy and Administration in pre-service teacher education courses Guimarães-Iosif, Ranilce; Limeira, Luciana Cordeiro; Santos, Aline Veiga dos
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| · Evaluation of systems and skills and abilities polices of OCDE Pereira, Rodrigo da Silva
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| · Accessibility in the educational attendance of Special Education targeted students in a Hospital Class in the state of Rio Grande do Sul Schmengler, Angélica Regina; Freitas, Soraia Napoleão; Pavão, Sílvia Maria de Oliveira
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| · Pierre Bourdieu: for a sociology about the State and education policies Amar, Hernán Mariano
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| · Ethics and Education research: the necessary international dialogue Carvalho, Isabel Cristina de Moura
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| · Risk and social vulnerability in the sayings of Pedagogy academics Zucchetti, Dinora Tereza
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| · Democratic management in the legal frameworks of municipalities in the state of Maranhão: an analysis of the laws of the Municipal Councils of Education Soares, Efraim Lopes; Cardozo, Maria José Pires Barros
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| · Experiential learning of initiation to teaching in PIBID Silva, Fabrício Oliveira da; Rios, Jane Adriana Vasconcelos Pacheco
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| · Qualis: construction of an index for the Education journals Souza, Ângelo Ricardo de; Souza, Gizele de; Bruel, Ana Lorena; Ferraz, Marcos Alexandre
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Tradução |
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| · Plano Nacional de Educação apresentado na Convenção Nacional por Maximilian Robespierre em 13 de julho de 1793
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Resenhas |
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| · FERNÁNDEZ CRUZ, Manuel. Formación y desarrollo de profesionales de la Educación: un enfoque profundo. USA: Deep University Press, 2015. 236 p. Timm, Jordana Wruck
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| · SCHLESENER, Anita Helena. Grilhões invisíveis. Ponta Grossa: Editora UEPG, 2016. 195 p. Galastri, Leandro
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