Artigos |
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| · Global education policy: key concepts and theoretical frameworks Verger, Antoni
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| · How to promote social justice and Freire's pedagogy in higher education. Examples of English teaching at the university Lirola, María Martínez
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| · Transformations of the exam in the Colombian school (1890-1940): towards the classification and individualization of the school subject Correa, Ángela Adriana Rengifo
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| · John Dewey as a reader of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: the problem of the formation of human capacities Dalbosco, Claudio A.; Rossetto, Miguel da Silva
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| · Union agenda of Basic Education Teachers: Challenges arising from the National Professional Minimum Wage Gouveia, Andréa Barbosa; Fernandes
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| · Specificities of prison and its approximation with education in Paraná: brief notes from the literature review Rodrigues, Vanessa Elisabete Raue; Quadros, Sheila Fabiana de; Oliveira, Rita de Cássia da Silva
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| · Teacher valorization policy and career of Basic Education teachers in the state of São Paulo Thomazini, Leandro; Jacomini, Márcia Aparecida
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| · Doctor in Education (EDD): trends in world-class universities contexted in international academic rankings Calderón, Adolfo-Ignacio; Wargas, Bruna Mara da Silva; Borochovicius, Eli; Wandercil, Marco; Pontes, Marina Piason Breglio; Barros, Adelir Aparecida Marinho de; Brazier, Fábio; Koide, Adriana Batista de Souza
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| · Interfaces of the hero in Brazilian comics: didactic and political issues Botton, Fernando Bagiotto; Molina, Hector Ribeiro; Machado, Lareane Lourenço; Scirea, Douglas Figueira; Pereira, Andre Victor Falcalde
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| · Indigenous Epistemes (Guarani and Kaingang) and University: the trajectories of meetings in participatory and collaborative actions Menezes, Ana Luisa Teixeira de; Bergamaschi, Maria Aparecida
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| · The clarified despotism and the Brazilian colonial education from the Serro, from 1759 to 1807 Briskievicz, Danilo Arnaldo
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| · Problematization in health education: applicability and difficulties of the teaching practice França, Fabiana Claudia de Vasconcelos; Síveres, Luiz
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| · Popular Education and Public Science: discussing alternatives to the dialogue of knowledge Colla, Rodrigo Avila
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| · Power relations in the idealization of Mathematics textbooks Santos, José Wilson dos; Silva, Marcio Antonio da
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| · A study of academic elite in the field of Education Policy in Brazil Guimarães, Isac Pimentel
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| · First approaches to the being of reflection: daily life as the basis of the process of knowledge Torriglia, Patricia Laura
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| · The regulation of behavior of researchers in Brazilian science: a research problem or a problem for research in Education? Fare, Mónica de La; Savi Neto, Pedro
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| · Undergraduate theses: trends of studies related to Special Education in a Pedagogy course Papi, Silmara de Oliveira Gomes; Golba, Letícia
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| · "This round table is squared": democratic management in the context of bourgeois democracy Schlesener, Anita Helena
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Resenhas |
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| · MARTÍNEZ LIROLA, María. La importancia del análisis crítico del discurso y la gramática visual para analizar textos - Propuesta de actividades enmarcadas en la educación para el desarrollo, la educación con perspectiva de género y la educación para la paz. España: Editorial Comares, 2017. 118 p. Domínguez, María Ráez
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| · COSTA, A. A. F.; GROPPO, L. A. (Orgs.). Movimento de ocupações estudantis no Brasil. São Carlos: Pedro e João Editores, 2018. 328 p. Boutin, Aldimara Catarina Brito Delabona
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Tradução |
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| · As nuances da censura: escritos políticos de Antonio Gramsci de 1916 a 1918 Schlesener, Anita Helena
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