Artigos |
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| · The curriculum in its structural and interactional dimensions: Basil Bernstein’s perspective Morais, Ana M.; Neves, Isabel Pestana; Ferreira, Sílvia
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| · State, secondary schools and social organizations: a socio-educational scheme for the inclusion of young people in the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) Giovine, Renata; Martignoni, Liliana; Correa, Natalia
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| · Intellect, education and teacher education in the Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas Santin, Rafael Henrique; Oliveira, Terezinha
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| · Inequalities linked in the Brazilian educational system: stratifications between the upper secondary and higher levels of education Caregnato, Célia Elizabete; Miorando, Bernardo Sfredo; Raizer, Leandro; Pfitscher, Ricardo Gausmann
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| · Challenges in initial teacher education: an analysis from the experiences in the context PIBID Pereira, Ana Lucia; Monteiro, Tatiane Skeika
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| · Perceptions of the assistant teacher: limits and contributions in the learning process of disabled students Ficagna, Rosilei Gugel; Pieczkowski, Tania Mara Zancanaro
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| · Program Management for learning by Fundação Lemann in two municipal education network of Paraná Sakata, Kelly Letícia; Lima, Michelle Fernandes
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| · The constitution of the cultural capital: a study about the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of Pedagogy students Marcon, Telmo
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| · The smartphone use in Spanish language classes from the student’s perspective Pereira, Luciana de Cassia; Goulart, Elias E.
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| · Education territory in Brazilian educational policy: silences, noises and reverberations Pedro, Joanne Cristina; Stecanela, Nilda
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| · Scientific production on PROEJA in GT 18 - Education of Young and Adult People - ANPEd (2007-2017) Barros, Rosiani Salviano; Guimarães, André Rodrigues
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| · Education and the “digital phenomenon” in contemporary society Petry, Cleriston; Casagrande, Ana Lara
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| · Education for peace: analysis of the cultural conditions of development in Brazil Santos, André Felipe Costa; Sousa, Clarilza Prado de
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| · “No one let go of anyone’s hand”: network connected, we resist Oliveira, Danilo Araujo de; Ferrari, Anderson; Machado, Nathalye Nallon
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| · Flying with Peter Pan and falling into the hole with Alice: the classics of infant-juvenile literature as possibilities for reading, writing and imagining Costa, Patricia Maria Barbosa Jorge Sparvoli; Tassoni, Elvira Cristina Martins; Azevedo, Fernando
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| · Teacher training enhanced by Benjaminian remembering practices França, Cyntia Simioni
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| · State of knowledge: Professional Education in situations of restriction of freedom Lima, Willian Rayner; Gomes, Priscila de Lima; Santiago, Léia Adriana da Silva
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Resenha |
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| · FERNÁNDEZ FASTUCA, Lorena. Pedagogía de la formación doctoral. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Editorial Teseo; Universidad Abierta Interamericana, 2018. 238 p. Pires, Andréa de Paula
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Seção Temática |
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| · Creation and consolidation of the Graduate Program in Education of the Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa - UEPG (1993-2010) Campos, Névio de
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Entrevista |
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| · Edição comemorativa dos 25 anos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UEPG (1994-2019)
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