Apresentação |
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| · Apresentação Moretti, Cheron Zanini; Viegas, Moacir Fernando
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| · Apresentação do dossiê Pitano, Sandro de Castro; Saul, Alexandre
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| · The aesthetics of the pedagogy of hope: contributions to teacher training Berkenbrock-Rosito, Margaréte May
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| · “The intellectual as transgressor”: Richard Shaull and the latin american educational thought Streck, Danilo Romeu
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| · Paulo Freire and the pedagogical use of visual image in literacy of youth and adults Carlos, Erenildo João; Alcantara, Raquel Rocha Villar de
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| · La partcipación como elemento clave en las escuelas democráticas García-Carpintero, Arecia Aguirre; Schugurensky, Daniel
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| · Paulo Freire a classic of education: epistemic, political and pedagogical contributions Marcon, Telmo; Dourado, Ivan Penteado
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| · Reading to be: reading in Freire's perspective Lacerda Junior, José Cavalcante; Higuchi, Maria Inês Gasparetto
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| · Teaching and research at PUC-SP notch 20 years of presence/ absence of Paulo Freire Saul, Ana Maria
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| · Paulo Freire and Antonio Gramsci: contributions to thinking teacher education as a context of building counterhegemonic teaching praxis Saul, Alexandre; Voltas, Fernanda Quatorze
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| · Da necessidade/atualidade da pedagogia crítica: contributos de Paulo Freire Franco, Maria Amélia do Rosário Santoro
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| · The dialectical materialism of Paulo Freire’s critical pedagogy Au, Wayne
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Artigos do Fluxo |
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| · The relationship of countryside education with the agrarian paradigms Schönardie, Paulo Alfredo
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| · Between looks to infinity and mathematical thinking: education, visual and research Schuck, Cássia Aline; Flores, Cláudia Regina
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| · Women and the educational heritage of illiteracy Moraes, Marileia Gollo de; Schwengber, Maria Simone Vione
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| · Innovation and digital technologies integration in university teaching: concepts and relation Prata-Linhares, Martha; Arruda, Rogério Dias de
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Relatos e Experiências |
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| · Freirian supports to the continued formation of teachers, report of an experience Slongo, Iône Inês Pinsson; Paim, Elison Antonio; Paulino, Monalisa
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Resenhas |
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| · Educação popular e docência Guimarães, Antonio Ademar; Daudt, Paloma de Freitas; Kern, Luise Toleto
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Entrevista |
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| · Um revolucionário amoroso, tolerante, bem humorado e radicalmente democrático: saudades de Paulo Freire Arelaro, Lisete Regina Gomes; Pitano, Sandro de Castro; Saul, Alexandre
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