Dossier Ethical Implications of Practicing Philosophy with Children and Adults: Irony, Misogyny and Narcissism on Debate |
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| · The facilitator as self-liberator and enabler: ethical responsibility in communities of philosophical inquiry Kizel, Arie
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| · I am keeping my cultural hat on: exploring a ‘culture-enabling’ philosophy for/with children practice Elicor, Peter Paul
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| · What does the invitation to philosophize invite? Gomes, Vanise Dutra; Vieira, Paula Alexandra
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| · Right under our noses: the postponement of children’s political equality and the now Haynes, Joanna; Murris, Karin
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| · Place-based philosophical education: reconstructing ‘place’, reconstructing ethics Thornton, Simone; Graham, Mary; Burgh, Gilbert
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| · irony and caring thinking in philosophy for children garcía-moriyón, félix
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| · on childbirths and births: ethical-political derivations of the figure of the "teacher-midwife" in philosophy with/for children macías, julián
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| · some ethical implications of practicing philosophy with children and adults kennedy, david; Kohan, walter omar
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Dossier "Infâncias e necropolítica: outros possíveis" |
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| · Childhood and the (un)speakable: ubuesco power, resistance, and the possibility of justice Melo, Eduardo Rezende; Schilling, Flavia
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| · Give infancy to childhood. Notes for a politics and poetics of time. Skliar, Carlos; Brailovsky, Daniel
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| · Governmentality, necropolitics, black childhood and education of the face Silva, Divino José da; Almeida, Jonas Rangel de; Pagni, Pedro Angelo
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| · The erê and the becoming-black child: others feasible on necropolitics times. Carvalho, Alexandre Filordi de; Souza, Ellen de Lima
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| · from disciplinary power to biopower to necropolitics: the black child in search of a decolonized childhood Gomes, Nilma Lino; Teodoro, Cristina
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| · survival of deaf childhood in a society centered in the oral language: the covid-19 case and the viralization of libras martins, vanessa regina de oliveira
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| · the brownies’ book: du bois and the construction of a literary reference for black children's identity Silvério, valter roberto
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| · to think other possibilities between childhoods and necropolitics Souza, ellen lima; carvalho, alexandre filordi
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| · bulletproof? cariocas’ necrochildhoods, state violence and street’s philosophies reis, diego dos santos
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Artigos |
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| · Is there a form of citizenship specific to philosophy for children? Leseigneur, Clarisse
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| · Forum theatre meets philosophy for/with children: physically exploring challenging situations in the community of philosophical inquiry Dewitt, Zach; Kingan, Emi
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| · Music, autism and differences: representation as violence in levinas and deleuze Oliveira, Stephan Malta; Damasceno, Luisa Azevedo; Hofmann, Nathalie Emmanuelle; Damasceno, Letícia Azevedo; Schaefer, Cecília Albuquerque Reynaud; Silveira, Alba Cristina Martins Da
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| · Children's cartography: methodological approaches followed by experiences with children and adolescents from portugal and brazil Almeida, Tiago; Costa, Luciano Bedin da
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| · ‘Seeing’ with/in the world: becoming-little Giorza, Theresa; Murris, Karin
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| · Fink’s notion of play in the context of philosophical inquiry with children. Petropoulos, Georgios
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| · From chrónos to aión - where do the times of childhood live? Araújo, Janice Débora de Alencar Batista; Costa, Rebeka Rodrigues Alves da; Frota, Ana Maria Monte Coelho
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| · Becoming brazilian teacher in pandemic times Barbosa, Meirilene dos Santos Araújo; Garcia, Laís Helena; Frota, Ana Maria Monte Coelho
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| · fabulate ergo sum: creation, curriculum and care for life roseiro, steferson zanoni
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| · Authenticity as an inarticulate ideal in the contemporary discourse of good childhoods Miranda, Luiz do Valle
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| · writing like a child: childhood as "shelter and refuge" omar kohan, walter; costa carvalho, magda
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| · philosophical dialogues on hans christian andersen’s fairy teles: a case study of p4c manuals Muckadell, Caroline Schaffalitzky de; Bom, Anne Klara
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| · what do history manuals say about childhood? analysis of chilean school textbooks Sepúlveda, humberto álvarez
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| · spinoza on children and childhood Ayalon, noa lahav
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| · learning mathematics from philosophy for/with children Hernández, yuli piracoca; díaz, liliana andrea mariño
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| · children’s experiences of online philosophical dialogues muckadell, caroline schaffalitzky de; Jensen, søren sindberg; schou-juul, frederik
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| · the story circle as a practice of democratic, critical inquiry Fletcher, natalie m.; Gregory, maughn rollins; shea, peter; sykes, ariel
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| · what can we do in the encounter with childhood? an invitation to a heterotopic look borges, letícia de lima; menezes, eliana da costa pereira de
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| · power from foucault's perspective and the practice of philosophy with children at school. salas, ana corina
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| · the role of doubt in collaborative philosophical inquiry with children fynes-clinton, elizabeth jean; renshaw, peter
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Pesquisas/Experiências |
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| · Nomen omen. A pedagogic narrative about a community of inquiry in teacher´s training context. Rodriguez, Gonzalo Santiago
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| · An island called serendipity: ethical and pedagogical definitions in the philosophizing with children project. Andrade, Sergio
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Resenhas |
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| · Matthews, Gareth B. The child’s philosopher. Maughn Rollins Gregory & Megan Jane Laverty, eds. London & New York: Routledge, 2022. kennedy, david
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| · everyone’s a critic: the liminal space between theory and children’s literature in kenneth kidd’s theory for beginners piede, samantha elizabeth
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