Editorial |
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| Oliveira, Terezinha; Galuch, Maria Terezinha Bellanda |
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História da Educação |
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| · Bishops and power relations in Isidore of Seville’s De Ecclesiasticis Officiis and Sententiarum Libri Tres Silva, Leila Rodrigues da
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| · Profession and teaching according to Max Weber Araújo, José Carlos Souza
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| · A educação na constituição republicana do estado do Paraná (1892) e seus desdobramentos Machado, Maria Cristina Gomes; Cury, Carlos Roberto Jamil
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| · Italian ethnic community schools in Rio Grande do Sul: between the rural and urban milieu (1875 - 1914) Luchese, Terciane Ângela; Kreutz, Lúcio; Xerri, Eliana Gasparini
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| · The state and the population whitening policies in schools in the early twentieth century in the state of Paraná, Brazil Renk, Valquiria Elita
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| · German schools in Santa Catarina and their transformation into teuto-brazilian schools: an historical analysis Santos, Ademir Valdir dos
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| · Basic education in Brazil and in Italy: the case of italian immigrants in the school Cascatinha (Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil Pagani, Carlo
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| · Italian schools in Minas Gerais: organization, curriculum and social relations Rodrigues, Maysa Gomes
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Filosofia da Educação |
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| · Education and Philosphy in Plutarch's Moralia: The De liberis educandis and the De Iside et Osiride, in other words, when the teacher trains the student to be a philosopher Sanzi, Ennio
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Políticas Públicas e Gestão |
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| · Experiencias tics and resources with care for students with special needs. Heredero, Eladio Sebastian; Carralero, Alba Oliva
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| · Contractualization in higher education system: a study from the new public management’s point of view Castro, Alda Maria Duarte Araújo; Pereira, Raphael Lacerda de Alencar
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| · Maintenance expenses and higher education development in the State of Paraná: a comparative study from 2003 to 2010 Reis, Luiz Fernando; Melo Junior, Aroldo Messias de
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| · The institutional program scholarship for new teachers in a university of greater São Paulo: testimonials, contradictions and some considerations Souza, Roger Marchesini de Quadros
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Ensino e Aprendizagem |
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| · Assessment of quantity and quality of lecturers for effective implementation of the Nigeria certificate in education physics curriculum Akanbi, Abdulrasaq Oladimeji; Omosewo, Esther Ore
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| · Teachers’ well-being: challenges and possibilities for increasing job satisfaction. Rebolo, Flavinês; Bueno, Belmira Oliveira
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