Artigos |
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| · Collaborative learning, why? Pereira, Gorete
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| · Human intelligence and daily school Nista-Piccolo, Vilma Lení; Silva, Yara Machado da; Mello, Flora Loureiro de
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| · Playing in the classroom in the Early Childhood Education? Reflections on the organization of spaces for early childhood experiences Nicolielo, Maria Elisa; Sommerhalder, Aline; Alves, Fernando Donizete
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| · Indigenous schooling & protagonism: arguments about the shape of "artificer teachers" Bonin, Iara Tatiana
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| · The Education for Young People and Adults (EJA) teacher and the freirean educational knowledge Carvalho, Ademar de Lima
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| · Interdisciplinarity in teacher's training: a look from the movements of scientific production Luz, Aline Souza da; Pinto, Maria das Graças C. da S. M. Gonçalves
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| · Changes in the concept of literacy and the formation crisis Czyzewski, Analice; Galuch, Maria Terezinha Bellanda
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| · Decennial education plans: systematization of monitoring and evaluation in the state and municipal scenarios Scaff, Elisangela Alves da Silva; Oliveira, Marli dos Santos de
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| · Youth schooling as an economic investment: analysis of contemporary curricular policies Silva, Roberto Rafael Dias da
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| · From instruction to education: contributions to the understanding of audiovisual as an educational technology Santos, Vanessa Matos dos
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| · The teaching videos in the context of online education in the cyberculture era: challenges and possibilities Borgato, Joaquim Sérgio; Paniago, Maria Cristina Lima
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| · The medicalization of school life: incoherencies in the conceptualization of TDAH Coutinho, Mayara Karolina Alvarenga Recaldes Gomes; Araujo, Doracina Aparecida de Castro
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| · Parenting practices and behavior analysis: the state of knowledge of theses and dissertations from 2010 to 2015 Rocha, Taís Milena Abreu; Gurgel, Paulo Roberto Holanda
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