Artigos |
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| · One decade of prova brasil: evolution of student performance and grade promotion ALVES, Maria Teresa Gonzaga; FERRÃO, Maria Eugénias1
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| · An analysis of solo taxonomy: applications in educational evaluation MOL, Solange Maria; MATOS, Daniel Abud Seabra
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| · Educational opportunities in Brazil: what Saeb data say VIEIRA, Ivan Souza
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| · Chemistry questions in the new Enem with potential for socio-scientific approach STADLER, João Paulo; HUSSEIN, Fabiana Roberta Gonçalves e Silva; MARQUES, Carlos Alberto
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| · Why evaluate? Training educator evaluators ALBUQUERQUE, Helena Machado De Paula
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| · Metacognitive strategies: analysis of their impact on writing reviews COBOS, Elaine Cristina Vieira; DAVIS, Claudia Leme Ferreira
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| · Evaluation of learning in labor education: concepts of Angolan teachers SIMÃO, Domingos; COSTA, Nilza; LOPES, Betina; AGOSTINHO, Simão
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| · Efficiency of post-graduate programs: evolutionary study in the area of Engineering III VASCONCELOS, Maria Eugenia Santana Soares; SANTOS, Roberta Alvarenga Dos; HORA, Henrique Rego Monteiro da
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| · Efficiency of public and private higher education institutions in business administration MARQUES, Felipe César; CAMARA, Marcia Regina Gabardo Da; CARVALHO, Sergio Carlos De
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| · Brazil in the Arcu-Sul system from the perspective of Brazilian actors CARVALHO, Nathan Ono De; POLIDORI, Marlis Morosini; RIBEIRO, Jerri Luiz
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| · Comparing regulatory and non-regulatory indices of early childhood education and care (ECEC) quality in the Australian early childhood sector SIRAJ, Iram; HOWARD, Steven J.; KINGSTON, Denise; NEILSEN-HEWETT, Cathrine; MELHUISH, Edward C.; ROSNAY, Marc de
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Agradecimentos |
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| · Agradecimentos - Pareceristas
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