Artigos |
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| · The rules of our game: neoliberal privatization of education in Chile Leiva, Jorge Alarcón
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| · “From intellectual to expert” in the Argentinian education field in the 1960s. The case of the Center for Research in Educational Sciences Mendez, Jorgelina
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| · Private management of public schools of Basic Education: a new market under the auspices of the State Gawryszewski, Bruno; Motta, Vânia Cardoso da; Putzke, Camila Kipper
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| · Institutionalization of elementary school in the Province of Paraná (2000-2015) Anjos, Juarez José Tuchinski dos
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| · Knowledge production in education: Post-structuralism as epistemological potency Tedeschi, Sirley Lizott; Pavan, Ruth
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| · Curricular policy studies: a review of problems and epistemological approaches of research (2010-2015) Rosa, Sanny S. da; Ponce, Branca Jurema
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| · Possible paths in real contexts: the Multifunctional Resource Rooms Implementation Program from the perspective of policy translation analysis Segabinazzi, Marília; Lunardi-Mendes, Geovana Mendonça
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| · What deaf students from the Federal University of Santa Maria say about their conditions of study in higher education Rocha, Luiz Renato Martins da; Santos, Lara Ferreira dos
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| · Teaching job and contemporary rural issues: identity and difference in rural schools Mota, Charles Maycon de Almeida; Silva, Fabrício Oliveira da; Rios, Jane Adriana Vasconcelos Pacheco
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| · Libras’s discipline on teacher training: challenges for the creation of bilingual educational spaces Louzada, Juliana Cavalcante de Andrade; Martins, Sandra Eli Sartoreto de Oliveira; Giroto, Claudia Regina Mosca
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| · Skills and features of professionalism through Maths teachers’ social representations Espindola, Elisângela Bastos de Melo; Maia, Lícia de Souza Leão
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| · Evaluation of Higher Education in Brazil: discourses, practices and disputes Gomes, Alfredo Macedo; Silva, Assis Leão da; Arruda, Ana Lúcia Borba de
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| · Social justice in education: underpinnings and practical consequences Lima, Iana Gomes de; Gandin, Luís Armando
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| · Temporary teacher: a permanent passenger in Brazilian Basic Education Seki, Allan Kenji; Souza, Artur Gomes de; Gomes, Filipe Anselmo; Evangelista, Olinda
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| · Verbal mediation for students with intellectual disabilities in the multifunctional resource room: reflections and (pro)positions Bezerra, Giovani Ferreira
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| · Teacher training: relation between alienation and reflective praxis Favoreto, Aparecida; Figueiredo, Ireni Marilene Zago; Zanardini, Isaura Monica Souza
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| · Social representations of science and gender in Science teaching Heerdt, Bettina; Batista, Irinéa de Lourdes
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| · Parents’ Social Representations of institutions of child and adolescent after school care Oliveira, Vânia de; Serpe, Bernadete Machado; Rosso, Ademir José
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Resenha |
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| · BALL, Stephen J.; MAGUIRE, Meg; BRAUN, Annette. Como as escolas fazem as políticas: atuação em escolas secundárias. Tradução de Janete Bridon. Ponta Grossa: Editora UEPG, 2016. 220 p. Uma nova abordagem ao estudo das políticas educacionais Marcondes, Maria Inês; Freund, Cristina; Leite, Vania Finholdt
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Tradução |
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| · Antonio Gramsci: escritos sobre educação e política (1916-1919) Schlesener, Anita Helena
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Documento |
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| · CÓDIGO DE ÉTICA. American Educational Research Association – AERA (Associação Americana de Pesquisa Educacional) Aprovado pelo Conselho da AERA Fevereiro de 2011 Medeiros, Elita de; Mainardes, Jefferson
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| · Comentários sobre o Código de Ética da AERA Mainardes, Jefferson
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