Editorial |
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| · Editorial Seneda, Marcos César
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Artigos |
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| · Quanti-qualitative approach: quantitative-qualitative dicotamyary survey in research in education Souza, Kellcia Rezende; Kerbauy, Maria Teresa Miceli
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| · Alienation, estrangement and human universality in the marxian’s critical of political economy 1857-1867 Alves, Antônio José Lopes
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| · Antonio Negri and the (bio)politics monster: genealogy og the multitude concept Valerio, Raphael Guazzelli
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| · An extreme case: the educational project of Plato, writer of philosophy: the centrality of education for Athenian society Migliori, Maurizio
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| · The displacement of the schematism of the subject’s understanding by cultural industry who its presentes as the first servisse provided to the client Lage Filho, Abel Camilo de Oliveira
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| · The dualism and the problem of evil in Rosseau Bezerra, Gustavo Cunha
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| · The education as care and as full flourishing of the human being Reflections on paideia in Aristotle Fermani, Arianna
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| · An essay about EIS AICE: proposition and strategy to research in education Corazza, Sandra Mara
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| · Between the intuition and the utterance: Descartes and the philosophical argumentation Zanette, Edgard Vinícius Cacho
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| · The essentiality of self-efficacy in self-regulated learning Lourenço, Abílio Afonso; Paiva, Maria Olímpia Almeida
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| · Social exclusion: outline of a Marxist critique Rossi, Rafael
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| · Philosophy and education philosophy in recursive link Martinazzo, Celso José
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| · Philosophies of difference and teacher training experimentation with escrileitura’s workshop Schnorr, Samuel Molina; Rodrigues, Carla Gonçalves; Schwantz, Josimara Wikboldt
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| · Creative heterogenesis: what can images in contemporary didactics? Carvalho, Alexandre Filordi de; Leite, César Donizetti Pereira
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| · The childhoods of Benjamin, a chance to experience the modern Sanches, Eduardo Oliveira
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| · Jacques Derrida and the condition of (im) possibility of the gift Santana, Wellington Jose
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| · Nietzsche and Buddhism: illusion, death of God, killing of the Buddha, void and emptiness Borges, Paulo
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| · The pleasure (hedoné) as end (télos) of the action and as a source of disturbance in mind for Epicurus Santos, Rogério Lopes
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| · Rapport au savoir in the psychoanalytic perspective Bocca, Francisco Verardi; Oliveira, Odisséa Boaventura de
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| · About the place of argumentation in philosophy as discipline Velasco, Patrícia Del Nero
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| · The Arena Theatre of São Paulo: reflections about politics art and formation Said, Ana Maria
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| · Loving the will to change the world: reflections on teaching practice Arruda, Marina Patrício; Rosa, Geraldo Antônio da
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Resenhas |
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| · É possível uma ciência da educação? Aproximações de uma epistemologia da ciência da educação Iulianelli, Jorge Atilio Silva
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