Carta da Editora |
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| · Carta da editora Oliveira, Ozerina Victor de
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Cultura Escolar e Formação de Professores |
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| · The narrative and stories of life in teachers' formation: theoretical and methodological ways in portuguese-brazilian publications Henriques, Eda Maria Oliveira; Neves, Aníbal Rui de Carvalho Antunes das
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| · The teacher´s judgment in class councils in schools of the city of Rio de Janeiro Earp, Maria de Lourdes Sá; Prado, Ana Pires do
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Educação e Psicologia |
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| · School inclusion: a proposal for a intervention research Assis, Raquel Martins; Santiago, Ana Lydia Bezerra
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| · The work and the school meanings in the teachers speech Bevilaqua, Caroline Foletto; Ferreira, Liliana Soares; Manckel, Maria Cecília Martins
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Educação, Poder e Cidadania |
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| · Professional education from the experience in the barracões of the samba schools of Rio de Janeiro Fedre, Júlio Penna; Vitorino, Artur José Renda
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| · Generation a drift: young people nem nem and the superfluity of the labour force in capital-imperalism Silva, Mariléia Maria da
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Educação Ambiental |
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| · The place and difficult role of dialogue in environmental education public policies Andrade, Daniel Fonseca de; Sorrentino, Marcos
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História da Educação |
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| · The marginalization of Colombian rurality by the historical study of rural school by the 20 century Sá, Elizabeth Figueiredo; Urrea Quintero, Sara Evelin
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| · From gateway of the outback to a city of learning: the institutionalization of education in Piracicaba during the 19th century Honorato, Tony; Monarcha, Carlos
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Educação em Ciências e Matemática |
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| · Profmat: a basic education teacher training course? Vicente, João Pedro Aparecido; Resende, Marilene Ribeiro
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Notas de Leitura, Resumos e Resenhas |
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| · Family, school and youth: shared views Brazil-Portugal Bandera, Nicolau Dela
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Informes da Pós-Graduação e da Pesquisa |
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| · The 37th National Meeting of ANPEd and the evaluation of Brazilian graduate courses Ferreira, Márcia Santos; Palma, Rute Cristina Domingos da
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