Editorial |
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| · Leituras, democracia e liberdade Marques, Davina; Briani, Maria Cristina
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Artigos |
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| · Writing and Reading about identity, difference and loneliness Skliar, Carlos
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| · Notes to think of reading... The learning of Zarathustra's creative will Brito, Maria dos Remédios de
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| · Interpretation gestures in favor of a multiple reading Franco, Wagner Ernesto Jonas
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| · Reading and its alimentary metaphors Kempinska, Olga Donata Guerizoli
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| · Comic strips in teaching situations and reaching for the reader Buin, Edilaine; Meneguini, Bianca Estefani
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| · Turn the page! Reading mediation and the process of creation of a picture book Araujo, Hanna Talita Gonçalves Pereira de
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| · The dichotomies of reading on basic education: thinking about the "literary text" and the "non-literary text" Sá, Ana Paula dos Santos de
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| · Meninos órfãos vindos do Reino para a América Portuguesa: mestiçagem cultural Hernandes, Paulo Romualdo
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Ensaio |
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| · Lives among books: Plínio Doyle and José Mindlin Santos, Cássia dos
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Resenha |
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| · Visiting history through human artifacts Silva, Ezequiel Theodoro da
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