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| · Curriculum, identity and ethnic-racial relations: the school mediating the borders of in/exclusion Ávila, Cristiane Bartz de; Hypolito, Álvaro Moreira
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| · The literature review in doctoral theses: conduction analysis and writing Castro, Eliziane Rocha; Nunes, João Batista Carvalho; Nascimento, Francisco Jeovane do; Rabelo, Francy Sousa
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| · Better age, or naturalization of old age and production of prejudices? Vieira, Renata de Almeida; Maciel, Lizete Shizue Bomura
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| · Historical and political aspects of the Bologna Process: expansion of internationalization policies in Higher Education Brandalise, Giselly Cristini Mondardo; Heinzle, Márcia Regina Selpa
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| · Governance and performance of catholic universities in the light of University Ranking Folha (RUF) Wandercil, Marco; Calderón, Adolfo-Ignacio
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| · Deaf literature in the Amazon region: the educational environment as a space for the construction of identity from aesthetic experience Mori, Nerli Nonato Ribeiro; Pissinatti, Larissa Gotti
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| · Lifelong education: dialogues between Brazil and Spain Jezine, Edineide; Llavador, José Beltrán; Prestes, Emilia Maria da Trindade
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| · The executive assistant in the management of internationalization of Brazilian higher education Leal, Fernanda Geremias; Paes, Raul Oliveira; Moraes, Mário César Barreto
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| · Discipline of Teaching English as an International Language - D-TEIL: perspectives for language teacher education Moura, Gustavo; Morgan, Brian
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| · Higher technology courses in the context of internationalization and the expansion of vocational and technological education in the State of São Paulo Batista, Sueli Soares dos Santos; Freire, Emerson; Delgado, Darlan Marcelo
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| · Internationalization and its effects on postgraduate quality management in Education Carvalho, Eliane Souza de; Real, Giselle Cristina Martins
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| · Convulsivo Sinódico Project − exercise of aesthetic experience and responsibility with the other Batista, Sônia Aparecida Ijano; Boschetti, Vania Regina
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| · Students with intellectual disabilities learning fractions: intentional pedagogical actions based on concepts of Vygotsky’s defectology Selau, Bento; Rodrigues, Sastria de Paula; Costas, Fabiane; Cordeiro, Aliciene
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| · The limits of a white eurocentric curriculum and the expectations of a critical and anti-racist training in a degree in History Silva, José Bonifácio Alves da
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| · Dona Antonieta and the meanings of a life as director of the São Roque High School: a Weberian perspective Lenk, Tarina Unzer; Sandano, Wilson
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