Articles · Knowledge of literacy teachers: principles and domains for teacher self-assessment Powaczuk, Ana Carla Hollweg ; Colvero, Ana Paula Barbosa · Public-private partnerships in public education: a study in two northeastern states Souza, Allan Solano ; Moreira, Hilcélia Aparecida Gomes ; Silva, Maria Margarett da ; Terto, Daniela Cunha · Improving reading skills and training: a study at the University of Khanh Hoa Phuong, Vo Tu ; Nguyen, Nguyen Dang · A sui generis educational process: the pedagogy for love in a Brazilianized idyll Santana, Marco Antonio de · The school as a privileged place for teaching learning Oliveira, Jordane Lima Dias ; Lima, Augusto José Savedra ; Azevedo, Rosa Oliveira Marins · Intercultural educa[n]tion: songs based on tales as a means of intercultural education Muñoz, Juan Rafael Muñoz ; González-Martín, Javier · Teaching learning in the pandemic: the UESB On-line Mentoring Program Ferreira, Lúcia Gracia ; Santos, Idêivia Silva ; Silva, Mariza Santos da ; Silva, Beatriz de Carvalho Farias Lima da ; Ferraz, Roselane Duarte ; Ferraz, Rita de Cássia Souza Nascimento · Connecting through the heart: narrated experiences about reading and writing in times of pandemic Loech, Gabriela ; Passeggi, Maria da Conceição · Life at a crossroads: high school students between the desire and the need to project the future Correa, Licínia Maria ; Cunha, Maria Amália de Almeida · The precariousness of teaching in the Covid-19 pandemic: impacts on the inclusion of visually impaired university students Silva, Maria Quitéria da ; Fumes, Neiza de Lourdes Frederico · Epistemological foundations of the Santa Catarina Movement for Education: unveiling the assumptions of formation for the 21st century Spricigo, Fabrício ; Martins Filho, Lourival José · Continuing education of teachers in intercultural education: a case study in educational anthropology Sato, Cristina Misturini ; Pellón, Eloy Gómez · Initial training and professional insertion of the Pedagogy Course graduates Zulcowski, Tamara Vanessa ; Portelinha, Ângela Maria Silveira · Learning strategies in pre-service teacher education: a systematic literature review Franciscão, Daniel ; Boruchovitch, Evely · Pedagogical leadership of school managers and teacher's professional development: a systematic review Roberto, Alex Moreira · The continuing training of teachers in a rural school in Parintins/AM Souza, Érica de Souza e ; Borges, Heloisa da Silva ; Nascimento, Gabriel Rodrigues do · The role of online debate in building future specialists’ (philologists’) professional competencies Sydorenko, Olha ; Voshkolup, Hanna ; Kupina, Іryna ; Kovalenko, Borys ; Kovalenko, Nataliia · A review of Brazilian scientific production on teaching work (2008-2023) Assis, Valdegil Daniel de ; Neves, Vanusa Nascimento Sabino ; Aragão, Wilson Honorato · Implementação da estratégia de mapeamento mental visual para melhorar a competência linguística dos alunos Derbak, Olha ; Pak, Antonina ; Holubieva, Iryna ; Cherniavska, Svitlana ; Pysarska, Nataliia · Decisions of a federal university regarding the undergraduate training during the COVID-19 pandemic Ferreira, Rejane Eleuterio ; Souza, Daniella da Silva de ; Santos, Ana Luisa Rodrigues ; Santos, Rafaela Liz de Castro dos · Technology gap in Teacher Education: an analysis from the perspective of reflective thinking Khül, Marcelo Guilherme ; Pontarolo, Edilson · A mapping of Supervised Practicum in Biological Science: Brazilian scientific panorama Martins, Ismênia Gurgel ; Leite, Raquel Crosara Maia · Playing in inclusive early childhood education in pedagogical practices for children with disabilities Nascimento, Deisiane Aviz ; Sousa, Neide M. F. R. de · Teacher training and mediated media-education using the game Comenius Pocket Munizi, Edenilton da Silva ; Cruz, Dulce Márcia · Constitution of being a teacher and cyberformation in university teaching: discursive practices and ontology of the present Vieira Neto, Octavio Silvério de Souza ; Bruno, Adriana Rocha · Written language in an Early Childhood Education institution: concepts and practices in interaction Aquino, Pedro Neto Oliveira de ; Almeida, Larissa Naiara Souza de ; Dieb, Messias Holanda · Pedagogical Residence Program and Supervised Internship: main differences in the profession insertion of future teachers Tardin, Heitor Perrud ; Ananias, Elisangela Venancio · Analysis of Brazilian academic production on the field of teacher education: reflections in the light of Norbert Elias' configurational sociology Lima, George Almeida ; Rufino, Luiz Gustavo Bonatto · Active Methodologies in Elementary Music Teaching: Game-Based Learning with Boomwhackers Rodríguez López, Mauricio · Writing-Living in connection with Basic Education: sociological memories, knowledges and doings Eras, Lígia Wilhelms ; Lima, Ângela Maria de Sousa · Class council: space-time for teacher training in a militarized school Rocha, Rhaíssa Sheri Freire de Souza ; Silva, Edileuza Fernandes · Rite as a training and pedagogical process: Education challenge in Guinea-Bissau Gomes, Décio Otto Carlos ; Bernardo, Carolina Maria Costa · The use of technology in an extension course on volleyball: participants’ evaluation Parente, Thomás Augusto ; Impolcetto, Fernanda Moreto · The teacher training process in Physical Education and the Student Assistance Policy: state of knowledge Viana, Gabriela da Silva ; Francisco, Marcos Vinicius · Giftedness and YouTube® livestream in the pandemic period: a systematic review Souza, Amanda Rodrigues de ; Oliveira, Ana Paula Santos de ; Rangni, Rosemeire de Araújo · Afro-Brazilian Literature in Early Childhood Education: challenges to teacher education Silva, Marta Regina Paulo da · The hospital as a performance space for the pedagogue Rabuske, Juliana Maria Fischer ; Horn, Cláudia Inês · The primary teacher model in Maria Salete van der Poel’s teaching career Silva, Luziel Augusto da ; Costa, Jean Carlo de Carvalho ; Ferreira, Ana Paula Romão de Souza · Memories and female trajectories within the scope of Integrated Public Education Centers (CIEPs) Faria, Lia Ciomar Macedo de ; Aguiar, Alexsandra Aparecida Silva do Prado de · Teacher's life trajectory and professional training Fátima Sampaio da Silva (1972-1994) Nogueira, Aurinete Alves ; Cunha, Fernanda Ielpo ; Fialho, Lia Machado Fiuza · Approaches to the training of women teachers at the Institute of Education in Belém (PA) and at Escola Franciscana Imaculada Conceição of Dourados (MS) (1974 - 1991) Pizatto, Adriana Mendonça ; Furtado, Alessandra Cristina ; Corrêa, Rosa Lydia Teixeira · The interdisciplinary education of librarian and educator Zila da Costa Mamede (1928-1985) Araújo, Marta Maria de ; Marques, Tércia Maria Souza de Moura ; Praxedes, Ana Luiza Medeiros Pires · The creation of the Domestic School of Nossa Senhora do Amparo for the education of women Tavares, Micheli da Cruz Cardoso ; Vasconcelos, Maria Celi Chaves · The boarding schools and the education of women in the novels of Paraense writers Alves, Laura Maria Silva Araújo ; Conceição, Lília Batista da · The training of Normalistas at the State Normal School in Campina Grande (1960-1971) Sousa, Pâmella Tamires Avelino de ; Sena, Fabiana · Women’s performance at university extension at Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT) Mattos, Sandra Jung de ; Sá, Elizabeth · Training through experience: the case of the first ialorixá of the Terreiro da Nação Xambá (PE) 1 Text corrected with Proap Capes resource through UFPE Propg Notice 06/2022 - Institutional Notice to Support Research in Human and Social Sciences in the context of the project "The relationship between women-education and the authoritarian political regime in the Northeast of Brazil (1964-1978)". CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT Notice No.18/202.
Silva, Tayanne Adrian Santana Morais da ; Barreto, Raylane Andreza Dias Navarro · Eluned Morgan and school education in Patagonia in the 19th century 1 Article resulting from a research project funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
Araújo, Sônia Maria da Silva ; Lionetti, Lucia