Editorial |
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| · Editorial - Revista Educação em Questão v. 61 n. 70 out. dez. 2023 Araújo, Marta Maria de
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Artigos |
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| · The management of the pandemic crisis (2020-2021): the Unified Health System and the National Education System Ferrari, Lorrainy; Araujo, Gilda Cardoso de; Cara, Daniel Tojeira
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| · In defense of teaching: the common and existential openness amidst digital algorithms Coppi, Luiz Antonio Callegari
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| · Community school practices: a key to construct a curriculum for cultural diversity in Colombia Montes-Pérez, Surjey del Carmen; Rosado-Mendinueta, Nayibe
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| · The child and the right to participate: challenges for Early Childhood Education Brostolin, Marta Regina
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| · Technologies in the classroom and their relationship with teaching practice: representations of English language teachers Santos, Allessandra Elisabeth dos; Sorte, Paulo Boa
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| · Fiction apprentices: about reading and writing stories at school Fernandes, Gildene Lima de Souza; Freitas, Alessandra Cardozo de
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| · School parties in Brasília: the perspective of journalist Yvonne Jean (1962-1968) Anjos, Juarez José Tuchinski dos; Ribeiro, Betânia de Oliveira Laterza; Sá, Elizabeth Figueiredo de
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| · Intercultural dialogue based on an Erasmus Plus Project: student-centered learning Reis, Márcia Lopes; Celeste Filho, Macioniro; Ventura, Victor Bastos
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| · Research with everyday Education: problematizations and inventions of worlds Ferraço, Carlos Eduardo
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Resenha |
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| · Never ending nightmare: the neoliberal assault on democracy Agostini, Camila Chiodi; Fávero, Altair Alberto
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Parecerista Ad-Hoc |
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| · Pareceristas Ad-Hoc 2023
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