Editorial |
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| · Editorial Gatti Júnior, Décio
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Artigo Especial |
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| · Scientific editing and encouraging research in the field of education: the path of the periodical Cadernos de História da Educação (2002-2021) Gatti Júnior, Décio; Araujo, José Carlos Souza; Gonçalves Neto, Wenceslau; Carvalho, Carlos Henrique de; Inácio Filho, Geraldo
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Dossiê - Traços que deixam traços: arquivos pessoais no tempo presente |
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| · Traces that leave traces: personal archives and present time Cunha, Maria Teresa Santos; Almeida, Doris Bittencourt
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| · Other voices, other archives. The written memory of the subaltern classes Gómez, Antonio Castillo
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| · The first female communion between two sides of the ocean (Brazil and Spain): archived images of education and religion Domínguez, Pablo Álvarez; Vasconcelos, Maria Celi Chaves
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| · Teachers’ personal archives: what do they keep and what do they tell us? Xavier, Libânia Nacif; Robert, Mychelle Nelly Maia
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| · The curatorial experience in the IHGRGS' Sandra Jatahy Pesavento collection: identifying traits of the teacher in the intellectual's personal archive Santos, Nádia Maria Weber; Veiga, Alexandre
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| · A suitcase, an archive: ordinary writing in notebooks used outside school settings Thies, Vania Grim
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| · Amelia Andreassi’s professional writings: the ego-documents of an Italian teacher of the twentieth century Barausse, Alberto; Andreassi, Rossella
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| · Personal archives on the present time radar: dimensions and possibilities in academic studies Cunha, Maria Teresa Santos; Almeida, Doris Bittencourt
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Tradução |
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| · Reinventing cohesion to ensure the legitimacy of his education reform proposals: the example of the International League for New Education (LIEN) Gutierrez, Laurent
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Artigos |
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| · The constitution of teaching reading as an object of academic research in Brazil Silva, Ana Cristina Champoudry Nascimento da; Pietri, Emerson de
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| · From ‘education as salvation’ to the ‘crisis of the school’: notes on the history of the school institution Caldeira, Ana Paula Sampaio
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| · Francisco Alves da Silva Castilho: a teacher in the invention of the 19th century Brazilian School Borges, Angélica; Teixeira, Giselle Baptista
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| · The constitution of the primary teacher in the republican Bahia: dialogue with the legislation (1890-1919) Miguel, Antonieta; Menezes, Jaci Maria de Ferraz; Santana, Elizabete Conceição
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| · Funding for women’s education: the case of Escola Profissional Feminina in Belo Horizonte city (1919-30) Ribeiro, Betânia de Oliveira Laterza; Silva, Elizabeth Farias da; Medeiros, Lucia Helena de Oliveira
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| · Educational settings in the municipality of Uberaba, Minas Gerais: decentralization and organization of primary public education (1895-1912) Carvalho, Bruno Bernardes; Carvalho, Carlos Henrique de
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| · Journal Movimento from UNE as an object and source for studies about the history of brazilian education Torres, Carla Michele Ramos; Nascimento, Maria Isabel Moura
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| · History and Education: Dominican-Anastasian school institutions in Goiás Bressanin, Cesar Evangelista Fernandes; Almeida, Maria Zeneide Carneiro Magalhães de
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| · Coeducational school in the early years of Republic: from Isolated Schools to School Groups (Pará/Brasil, 1890-1901) Melo, Clarice Nascimento de
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| · The method of equality: Jacotot and the experience of universal teaching method in the context of French Revolution Cruz, Crislaine Santana; Bretas, Silvana Aparecida
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| · Some subsidies for understanding Spanish education for the deaf: historical and legal evidence Schiavon, Daiane Natalia; Hayashi, Maria Cristina Piumbato Innocentini
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| · Health of body and soul as a school mission: hygienism, ultramontanism and teaching of children, adolescent girls, and young women in Brazil, from Serro, Minas Gerais (1904-1921) Briskievicz, Danilo Arnaldo
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| · Memories of rural school managers during the Brazilian Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) Pasinato, Darciel
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| · Paedology as a polygraph of pedagogy (psycho-pedagogical assumptions) in Faria de Vasconcelos (1880-1939) Martins, Ernesto Candeias
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| · Programs for rural education in the north of the province of Entre Ríos (Argentina, 1978-2018) Petitti, Eva Mara; Schmuck, María Emilia
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| · A History of Infant Pedagogy in Europe from the Fourteenth to the Early Twentieth Century Scaglia, Evelina
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| · The letters and the nation: Olavo Bilac and his chronicles about education (1900-1906) Barchi, Felipe Yera; Cunha, Fabiana Lopes da
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| · Secondary Education in Portugal and Brazil in the Twentieth Century Gatti, Giseli Cristina do Vale; Alves, Luís Alberto Marques
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| · Maria Victoria Peralta. Her commitment to kindergarten education in Chile and Latin America Escudero, Jaime Caiceo
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| · Farming instrucution, health, hygiene and moralization of practices in the Farmer’s guide Conceição, Joaquim Tavares da; Lima, Aristela Arestides
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| · Notes about the testimony of children in the historiography of Education (Brazil, 19th and 20th centuries) Anjos, Juarez José Tuchinski dos
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| · The creation of the National Institute of Educational Cinema in the Vargas Era: debates and exchanges of ideas Pereira, Lara Rodrigues
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| · “Disseminating the lights for progress”. The expansion of the Normal School through municipal and private initiatives in São Paulo (1927-1930) Inoue, Leila Maria; Nery, Ana Clara Bortoleto
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| · Reforms of education and work in Brazil. A brief history of a crumbling education system Iwasse, Lilian Fávaro Alegrâncio; Araujo, Renan Bandeirante; Ribeiro, Amanda Cristina
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| · “Industrialize” Teachers: a cartography of film projectors in Brazil (1910 to 1930) Souza, Luani de Liz; Silva, Vera Lucia Gaspar da
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| · International recommendations (IBE - Unesco), the Organic Law of Normal Education and the training of teachers in Parana (1946-1961) Miguel, Maria Elisabeth Blanck
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| · May ‘68: contributions to the birth of the first university of technology in France Cechin, Marizete Righi; Pilatti, Luiz Alberto; Ramond, Bruno
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| · The childhood civilizing process through the body: a little bit of what History tells us Azevedo, Nair Correia Salgado de; Lima, José Milton de
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| · Amusements and education of the body in Protestantism of Benjamin Franklin (1682-1791) Amstel, Narayana Astra Van; Quitzau, Evelise Amgarten; Silva, Marcelo Moraes e
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| · Father Montoya and the spiritual conquest strategies in Guairá Missions Oliveira, Natália Cristina de; Campos, Névio de; Skalinski Junior, Oriomar
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| · The uncommon path of a popular education teacher Teixeira, Paulo Rogério de Oliveira; Barreira, Luiz Carlos
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| · The trajectory of the political ideas of Alceu Amoroso Lima: of counterrevolution to catholic modernism (1928-1938) Souza, Rodrigo Augusto de
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| · Public and Private in the LDB 4.024/1961: Historical landmarks for the financing of education Esquinsani, Rosimar Serena Siqueira
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| · Sounds of literacy in Brazil Empire: present of Castilho and Jacotot Albuquerque, Suzana Lopes de; Boto, Carlota
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| · Ginzburg in the education historian’s workshop: some methodological considerations Aguiar, Thiago Borges de; Leonardi, Paula; Peres, Fernando Antonio
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| · Body education at the João Alcântara School Group in Porteirinha/MG and its interface with the catholic Project Silva, Wilney Fernando; Quillici Neto, Armindo
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Comunicação |
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| · The technical constitution of the Tatu Digital Repository Gervasio, Simôni Costa Monteiro; Bica, Alessandro Carvalho; Rodrigues, Tobias de Medeiros
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Resenhas |
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| · History of Education in a transnational perspective Silva, Carolina Mostaro Neves da
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| · Traces and productions of students of History of Spain Marín, Cayetano Espejo
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| · Caricatures of Revista Ilustrada Toledo, Cézar de Alencar Arnaut de; Paula, Fabrícia de Cássia Grou de
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| · Walks to draw, sew and think. History of geometry teaching and its partners Búrigo, Elisabete Zardo
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| · An educator committed to the transformation of education Muñoz, Estela Socías
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| · Education and social transformation in Iván Illich, Paulo Freire and Ernesto Guevara Silva, Eva Aparecida da
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| · Knowledge and educational practices of the tupinambá children of the 17th century Silva, Gercina Ferreira da; Sousa, Marcio Barradas; Cristo, Moises Levy Pinto
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| · Diaries, letters and notebooks of poetry: personal archives and ego-documents in research and in the teaching of history Oliveira, Giuseppe Roncalli Ponce Leon de; Silva, Keila Queiroz e
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| · History of Rural Education: teacher training and work in Brazil in the 20th century Leite, Kamila Cristina Evaristo; Silva, Tiago Rodrigues da
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| · Material and immaterial traces, virtual tours Schütz, Karla Simone Willemann
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| · The view of teachers in writing the History of Education Follador, Kellen Jacobsen
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| · Paths of a Living-Archive: between archives and experiences in the History Education research Lima, Marcos Epifanio Barbosa
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