Artigos |
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| · Interculturalidade: uma experiência de troca de cartas entre alunos do Brasil e do Japão Bruschi, Giovana Fernanda; Menin, Izabel Cristina Durli; Pereira, Marcos Villela
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| · From neoliberal ideas to the constitution of Brazilian teaching training policies: times of ideological recession or market alienation? Barreto, Anderson Cristian; Costa, Maria Luisa; Souza, Vânia de Fátima Matias
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| · Unconscious, mind and human being: psychology and philosophy Bosio, Gianfranco
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| · The problem of normativity in Honneth’s recognition theory Camati, Odair
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| · The government of itself, the others and the souls: a brief study about disciplinary techniques Ribas, Jéssica Erd; Tomazetti, Elisete Medianeira; Oliari, Gilberto
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| · A politic of the body as a target to power technologies in Michel Foucault: analyzing discourses published in the magazine AnaMaria Garré, Bárbara Hees; Costa, Suélem
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| · Bullying from a biographical narrative: the school practices in the cerne of the question Aragão, Milena
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| · The decolonization of thought and the perspective in Science, Technology and Society Lourenço, Ana Paula Nascimento; Haliski, Antônio Marcio; Baptistella, Rogério
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| · Critics of the conception of freedom according to Pettit’s neorepublicanism Durão, Aylton Barbieri
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| · Individuality, everyday life and religious need: lukacsian notes on modern art Santos, José Deribaldo Gomes dos
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| · C. S. Lewis and a critic for education promoting the abolition of man Andrade Filho, João Batista; Costeski, Evanildo
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| · Education for thinking: an epistemological analysis of the Socratic dialectical method applied to Lipman’s philosophical pragmatics Costa, Edson Ferreira da
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| · Letramento, um termo em disputa? As contribuições do materialismo histórico-dialético para esse debate Silva, Andréa Wahlbrink Padilha da; Paludo, Conceição
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| · Education, human formation and ethics: challenges to educational policy in the context of orthodox neoliberalism in Brazil Santos, Magda Gisela Cruz dos; Gonçalves, Leonardo Dorneles; Taddei, Paulo Eduardo Dias
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| · Tensor: what’s going on in the script? Araujo, Róger Albernaz De; Santos, Tamires Guedes dos
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| · Genealogy as the expansion of criticism in Michel Foucault’s thought Valeirão, Kelin; Bandeira, Belkis Souza; Schmidt, Júlia Bandeira
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| · Juventude, gênio e romantismo em Walter Benjamin Silva, Priscila Stuart da
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| · The relevance of Otto Willmann’ pedagogical thought Tourinho, Luís Vaz de Campos Moreira; Mocarzel, Marcelo Siqueira Maia Vinagre; Menegat, Jardelino
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| · Philosophical spoils in the Common National Curriculum Base - High School: the ethical dimension Heuser, Ester Maria; Dias, Adriana Muniz
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| · Brutalizing or emancipation The relationship between teacher and student in the classroom from different frameworks Oliveira, Wanderley Cardoso; Oliveira, Samara Almeida de
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| · Recognition, consensus, realization, dignity, moral person: Some important categories for understanding ethical action and ethical life to Lima Vaz Casagrande, Leandro Baptistella; Nodari, Paulo César
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| · Inequality and Education: another unfinished revolution? Streck, Danilo Romeu
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| · Challenging oppositor disorder: power relations in governmental society Martins, Vanessa Regina de Oliveira; Morais, Mariana Peres; Conceição, Bianca Salles
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| · Education in the information society: contributions to an emancipatory practice Schwartz, Cleonara Maria; Batista, Patrícia Veronesi
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| · Evaluation of education: the use of the results of the National High School Exam (Enem) in the school context Ferreira, Sandra Lúcia; Silveira, Luiz Dalmacir da
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| · Education in human rights in the legal courses of the State of Alagoas and its reflections in the National Student Performance Examination: a case study Cordeiro, Carla Priscilla Barbosa Santos; Palmeira, Lana Lisiêr de Lima; Prado, Edna Cristina do
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| · Rural extension: method for typologies of extensionist action Piovezana, Leonel; Domingues, Juliano Vitória
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| · Supervised nursing internships and the human dimension of training in the teachers ‘design Leal, Ana Lúcia; Melo, Alexsandra Tenório
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Resenhas |
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| · NEGRI, Antonio. Deleuze e Guattari: uma filosofia para o século XXI. Trad. e org. de Jefferson Viel. São Paulo: Editora Filosófica Politeia, 2019. Silvestrin, Darlan
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| · LIPOVETSKY, Gilles. A sociedade da decepção. Entrevista coordenada por Bertrand Richard. Trad. de Armando Braio Ara. Barueri, São Paulo: Manole, 2017. Habowski, Adilson Cristiano; Conte, Elaine
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| · Howling demands: the role of emotions in approval and censorship behaviors in wolf packs1 Silveira, Matheus de Mesquita; Sulich, Joanna Maria
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| · Rape culture: moral disengagement as a tool for analysis Pontin, Fabricio; Guerim, Laura Dick; Barbosa, Camila Palhares
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| · Evolution, evolutionism and sociocultural anthropology: contributions to an unfinished debate Sordi, Caetano
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| · From Darwin to the XXIth century: a brief review of the historic-epistemologic journey of the ideas on evolution Araújo, Aldo Mellender de
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| · An epistemic analysis to elucidate the cryptic species complex Allgayer, Heloisa; Hiller, Rafael Francisco; Valiati, Victor Hugo
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| · Corporeal affinities: affective Neuroscience and empathy Cavalieri, Rosalia
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| · Current issues on body and language: embodied cognition, empirical agenda and linguistic enactivism Figueiredo, Nara Miranda de; Siman, Josie Helen
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| · Pragmatic in Marcelo Dascal: the relevance of the controversy Stefani, Jaqueline; Niederauer, Carina
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| · On behalf of the Father: the (non) laicity in public institutions and schools Santos, Denilson Marques dos; Santos, Denise Marques dos; Grando, Beleni Salete
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| · Religion and education: elements for self-transformation of the human being Trevisan, Amarildo; Luz, Gary Camargo da
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| · Politics and religion as expressions of man in the world: buberian contributions Röhr, Ferdinand; Silva, Ezir George; Lira, Ana Gregória de
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| · Religion and limits: spatiotemporality and political praxis in Ludwig Feuerbach Dacuy, Maximiliano; Lima Filho, José Edmar
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| · Religion and human condition a comparative reading between Ludwig Feuerbach and Georg Simmel Serrão, Adriana Veríssimo
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| · Hospitality in the contours of the kingdom of God Pairetti, Carlos
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| · Religion and violence: an ambivalent relationship Correia, Carlos João
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| · Silence, faith and secularity Castro, Rodrigo Pulgar
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| · Religions and the neoliberal modus operandi: faith as an à la carte product Pizzi, Jovino
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| · Kénosis and caritas as reading keys to Gianni Vattimo’s non-religious christianity Maia, Antonio Glaudenir Brasil; Oliveira, Renato Almeida de
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| · Two concepts of survival: eternity and immortality Andolfi, Ferruccio
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