Editorial |
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| Gandin, Luís Armando; Icle, Gilberto; Rickes, Simone Moschen |
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Apresentação |
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| · Trajetórias de educação e de trabalho na vida de jovens e adultos Franzoi, Naira Lisboa; Machado, Maria Margarida
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EJA e Educação Profissional |
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| · Work and education: a chronical about an ambiguous political and epistemological relation Correia, José Alberto
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| · Is experience formative? Schwartz, Yves
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| · Work and subjects of language problems Cunha, Daisy Moreira
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| · Pedagogical and policy implications of Youth and Adults integrated with professional education Ramos, Marise Nogueira
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| · Between the social inclusion and the curriculum integration: PROEJA´s political and epistemological dilemmas Ferreira, Eliza Bartolozzi; Oliveira, Edna Castro
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| · The PROEJA in construction: facing the political and pedagogical challenges Lima Filho, Domingos Leite
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| · Teaching science with technology: a methodological approach in the PROEJA Reis, Ernesto Macedo; Linhares, Marília Paixão
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| · Educação Integrada e PROEJA: diálogos possíveis Castro, MadAna Desirée Ribeiro de; Machado, Maria Margarida; Vitorette, Jacqueline Maria Barbosa
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| · School, knowledge and work: the research on PROEJA at Rio Grande do Sul Franzoi, Naira Lisboa; Hypólito, Álvaro Moreira; Fischer, Maria Clara; Del Pino, Mauro; Santos, Simone Valdete dos
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| · YAE, work and education in professional education: possibilities and limits Furtado, Eliane Dayse Pontes; Lima, Kátia Regina Rodrigues
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Artigos |
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| · The constitution of teacher identization in the municipal net of education of Porto Alegre Silva, Lisandra Oliveira e; Molina Neto, Vicente
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| · Literature and sexuality: visibility and silence in teachers appropriations Silva, Andrea Costa da; Siqueira, Vera Helena Ferraz de; Lacerda, Nilma Gonçalves
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| · O adolescente e suas escolhas Szajdenfisz, Bela Malvina; Sadala, Maria da Gloria
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| · The subject in psychoanalysis and in education: basis for a therapeutic education Kupfer, Maria Cristina
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| · Science curricula design: analysis of authors’ ideological and pedagogical principles Ferreira, Sílvia; Morais, Ana Maria; Neves, Isabel Pestana
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| · Educational management: interventions in participation and democratic action Martins, André Antunes
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