Apresentação |
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| · Seção Temática: Políticas conservadoras na Educação Básica: um debate necessário Lima, Iana Gomes de; Hypolito, Álvaro Moreira; Silva, Simone Gonçalves da
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| · Seção temática: Adiando o fim da escola: perspectivas internacionais sobre Educação em tempos de pandemia Mendes, Geovana Mendonça Lunardi; Pletsch, Marcia Denise; Lockmann, Kamila
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Dossiê: Homeschooling: controvérsias e perspectivas |
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| · Apresentação Picoli, Bruno Antonio; Cheron, Cibele; Guilherme, Alexandre; Penna, Fernando de Araujo
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| · Homeschooling and the unavoidable risks of education: reflections on the possibilities of schoolless education in the plural world from Arendt, Biesta and Savater Picoli, Bruno Antonio
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| · Homeschooling as an alternative to be questioned: problem and proposals Vasconcelos, Maria Celi Chaves; Boto, Carlota
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| · Family and school in republican societies: healthy dissonance Schütz, Jenerton Arlan; Fensterseifer, Paulo Evaldo; Cossetin, Vânia Lisa Fischer
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| · The discourses of the Brazilian Homeschool Association Casanova, Letícia Veiga; Ferreira, Valéria Silva
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| · Basic Education called into question: Homeschooling and Religious Fundamentalism in Neoconservatism times Cecchetti, Elcio; Tedesco, Anderson Luiz
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| · The option for home teaching: a case study Fuhr, Ingrid Lilian; Alejarra, Luis Eduardo Oliveira
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| · The journey to Cuernavaca, Mexico, by John Holt and his relevance for the history of Global Movement of Homeschooling Uceda, Patricia Quiroga; Zaldívar, Jon Igelmo
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| · Homeschooling and controversies: from identity to plurality - the drama of socialization Ribeiro, Adalberto Carvalho
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| · Education and homeschooling: controversies Casagrande, Cledes Antonio; Hermann, Nadja
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| · Unschooling: a case study on cultural mediation pathways Souza, Helen Rose Leite Rodrigues de; Carvalho, Carla
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| · Dialogue and learning with Information and Communication Technologies in homeschooling Brito, Renato de Oliveira; Síveres, Luiz; Mercado, Luís Paulo Leopoldo; Neves Júnior, Idalberto José das
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| · Homeschooling, difference and knowledge construction: contributions to the debate Becker, Caroline; Grando, Katlen Bohm; Hattge, Morgana Domênica
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| · Paradoxes and tensions in the construction of the public space of education: educational alternatives for parental choice and unschooling in parental collectives in Rio de Janeiro Chamusca, Caroline Montezi de Castro; Gonçalves, Teresa N. R.
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| · Homeschooling: the reverse of schooling and teacher professionalization in Brazil Rosa, Ana Claudia Ferreira; Camargo, Arlete Maria Monte de
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| · The defense for “freedom of choice” strengthening a business network: Brazilian homeschooling Araujo, Stephane Silva de; Leite, Maria Cecilia Lorea
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| · Reflections about Brasil’s Home Education proposal: the Bill no. 2401/2019 Wendler, Juliane Morais; Flach, Simone de Fátima
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Artigos |
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| · A Mathematics teacher professional activity initiation identity pathways Ciríaco, Klinger Teodoro; Morelatti, Maria Raquel Miotto
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| · The issue of PROUCA in Education and recent evidence in Doctoral dissertations Habowski, Adilson Cristiano; Conte, Elaine; Kobolt, Maria Edilene de Paula
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| · Senses education: an approach about drawing teaching prescriptions between 1870 and 1907 Vaz, Adriana
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| · Conception on Guidance and Mobility (G&M) of a deafblind person: Life History Method Santos, Rafael Ernesto Arruda; Rangni, Rosemeire de Araújo
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| · Social movements in digital culture and human formation Carrer, Juliano; Giacomazzo, Graziela Fatima
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| · Developmental Dyscalculia: a mapping of pedagogical and psychopedagogical interventions Brum, Everlise Sanches; Lara, Isabel Cristina Machado de
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| · A procedure of school inclusion of a blind child Freitas, Maria Luiza Pontes de França; Gil, Maria Stella Coutinho de Alcantara
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| · Educational potentials of the Wattpad: problematizing the concept of chronotope Costa, Marcos Rogério Martins; Coelho, Patrícia Margarida Farias; Tavares, Sergio Marcus Nogueira
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| · Gender, sexuality and education: educational policies scenario on the young and adolescents sexual and reproductive rights Brabo, Tânia Suely Antonelli Marcelino; Silva, Matheus Estevão Ferreira da; Maciel, Talita Santana
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| · Inclusion of children with disability in regular education: families’ view of school inclusion Marques, Circe Mara; Caron, Lurdes; Cruz, Adriane Alves da
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| · Youth and social support: a look at the social networks of students from Pará Nunes, Tatiene Germano Reis; Pontes, Fernando Augusto Ramos; Silva, Lúcia Isabel da Conceição
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| · The immigrant in Brazilian education politics: an absent subject Oliveira, Dalila Andrade
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| · Research on Physical Education in the school context and of teacher education in the Graduate Program in Education at the State University of Ponta Grossa (1994-2010) Madrid, Silvia Christina de Oliveira
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| · Initial teacher education: Pedagogy courses at the public universities of Paraná Tozetto, Susana Soares; Martinez, Flavia Wegrzyn Magrinelli; Kailer, Priscila Gabriele da Luz
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| · Modeling practices in Basic Education teacher training: the search for a new rationality Burak, Dionísio; Zontini, Laynara dos Reis Santos
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| · Equality of rights or heteronormativity? Teachers in the face of homosexuality Bassalo, Lucélia de Moraes Braga; Weller, Wivian
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| · Arrangements of Education Development (ADEs) as a private sector strategy for public education Carvalho, Elma Júlia Gonçalves de; Peroni, Vera Maria Vidal
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| · The methodological tool of the validity claims: a contribution to data analyzing in critical educational studies Gandin, Luís Armando; Golbspan, Ricardo Boklis
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| · High school reform in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil): alignments and resistances Chagas, Ângela Both; Luce, Maria Beatriz
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| · Storytelling and development of the adult storyteller Abate, Elizabete Aparecida Bragatto; Stoltz, Tania
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| · The elaboration of Municipal Plans from the perspective of institutional analysis and policy cycle approach Nascimento, Tatiane Oliveira Santos; Oliveira, Maria Eliza Nogueira; Giorgi, Cristiano Amaral Garboggini di
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| · Teaching degrees in Field Education of the Northeast Region: curricular study on teacher training by areas of knowledge Medeiros, Emerson Augusto de; Amorim, Jamira Lopes de; Carvalho, Sandra Maria Gadelha de
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| · Research in Education Policy: analysis of the theoretical-epistemological aspects in Doctoral dissertations (2010-2012) Tonieto, Carina; Fávero, Altair Alberto
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| · The academic production on Education Policy from comparative perspectives in Argentina: An analysis of articles published between 2001 and 2015 Gorostiaga, Jorge M.; Ferrere, Lucía
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| · Rethinking the concept of autonomy for the sociology of symbolic goods Sapiro, Gisèle
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| · Collective resilience to global challenge: a collective wellbeing agenda to transform towards sustained equitable education Ebersohn, Liesel
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| · Didactics put to the test by Covid-19 in Italy: a study on Primary School Ranieri, Maria; Gaggioli, Cristina; Borges, Martha Kaschny
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| · School times in a time of pandemic and necropolitics Kohan, Walter Omar
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| · Educational transformations in pandemic times: from social confinement to curriculum isolation Morgado, José Carlos; Sousa, Joana; Pacheco, José Augusto
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| · Schooling of children and adolescents from Pantanal (Brazil) in times of COVID-19 Nozu, Washington Cesar Shoiti; Kassar, Mônica de Carvalho Magalhães
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| · Education crisis: neoliberal constructivism. Notes in pandemic contexts Rubio-Gaviria, David
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| · A nation under risk (to learn): analysis of neoconservative thinking on education and the experience in Ronald Reagan’s presidency (1981-1989) Moll Neto, Roberto; Damasceno, Rafael Pinheiro Caetano
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| · The pandemic that widens inequalities: Covid-19 and the education system in Quebec/Canada Russo, Kelly; Magnan, Marie-Odile; Soares, Roberta
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| · Digital didactic materials and coronavirus during confinement in the Spanish context Rodríguez, Jesús Rodríguez; Gómez, Silvia López; Suelves, Diana Marín; Rodríguez, María Montserrat Castro
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| · Imagining a Post-COVID-19 Global Citizenship Education Estelles, Marta; Fischman, Gustavo E.
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| · Pedagogy as a lócus of professional training of educators: epistemological and curricular challenges Pimenta, Selma Garrido; Pinto, Umberto de Andrade; Severo, José Leonardo Rolim de Lima
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| · Quarantine lessons: limits and possibilities of teaching performance in times of social isolation Ferreira, Luciana Haddad; Barbosa, Andreza
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| · Pandemic break: education and life Zordan, Paola; Almeida, Verônica Domingues
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| · Remote education to deaf students in pandemic times Shimazaki, Elsa Midori; Menegassi, Renilson José; Fellini, Dinéia Ghizzo Neto
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| · Between the modernizing compulsion and the pedagogical melancholy: youth education in times of pandemic in Brazil Silva, Roberto Rafael Dias da
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| · Representations of teachers in the newspaper Diário dos Campos (1932-1950): working conditions and remuneration Floriano, Jaine dos Santos; Cordova, Maria Julieta Weber
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| · The judicialization of school coexistence within the framework of the Chilean Education Quality Assurance System: The case of school complaints López, Verónica; Ortiz, Sebastián; Alburquerque, Fernanda
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| · Fascist neoliberal governmentality and the right to schooling Lockmann, Kamila
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| · Conservative policies and (de)intellectualization of teaching Nörnberg, Marta
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| · The advancement of conservative policies and the militarization process of education Santos, Graziella Souza dos
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| · Conservative policies and managerialism Peroni, Vera Maria Vidal; Lima, Paula Valim de
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| · Tensions revealed in teachers’ work in Basic Education guided by neoliberal education policies Sousa, Luciana Pereira de; Tomaz, Vanessa Sena
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| · Teaching work, gender and neoliberal and neoconservative policies: a critical reading of the Common National Base for teacher training of Basic Education Dal’Igna, Maria Cláudia; Scherer, Renata Porcher; Silva, Miriã Zimmermann da
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| · Conservative policies in the school context and teacher autonomy Oliveira, Dalila Andrade
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| · Neoliberalism, globalization and neoconservatism: scenarios and offensives against the public Brazilian Basic Education Palú, Janete; Petry, Oto João
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| · Non-partisan school: analysis of a conservative network in education Lima, Iana Gomes de; Hypolito, Álvaro Moreira
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| · The literary education guideline in the National Literacy Policy: counterpoints Ramalhete, Mariana Passos
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| · Advance of conservative policies in the Brazilian High School: the revitalization of historical duality in young people education as policy Silva, Filomena Lucia Gossler Rodrigues da; Possamai, Tamiris; Martini, Tatiane Aparecida
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| · Inclusion of migrant students: a challenge for school management Alarcón-Leiva, Jorge; Gotelli-Alvial, Catalina; Díaz-Yáñez, Myriam
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| · Homeschooling or education besieged in the intèrieur: notes from Walter Benjamin Ventura, Lidnei
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| · Case study on a deschooling process marked by failure between school and family Portugal, Clarissa Pimentel; Almeida, Inês Maria Marques Zanforlin Pires de
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| · Towards a radical praxis in the struggle for democracy: contemporary challenges for the political and critical education on 21st Century Giroux, Henry A.; Figueiredo, Gustavo O.
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| · Make experience by the teacher of the early grades of Elementary School in the context of the current educational policies Batista, Deniele Pereira; Lüdke, Menga
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| · The Field Education facing the Common Curricular National Basis Verdério, Alex; Barros, Adriana Junkerfeuerborn de
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| · School without Party, neoliberalism and conservatism: tracking points of intersection Katz, Elvis Patrik; Mutz, Andresa Silva da Costa
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| · A debate on outsourcing literacy: a new old curriculum model (re)born Souza, Elaine Constant Pereira de; Almeida, Maria Elisa Vieira da Cunha Cardoso de
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| · The progressive advance of conservative perspectives in Uruguayan education in the last decade López, Pablo Eduardo Martinis
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| · The school abandoned to assessments and standards, confined to managerialism Sisto, Vicente
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| · The challenges of educating through Zoom in a pandemic context: investigating the experiences and perspectives of Portuguese teachers Santos, Hugo Miguel Ramos dos
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| · Is Education in Distance learning possible? Some reflections from Levinas’s ethics of responsibility and Gur-Ze’ev’s transcendental Eros Picoli, Bruno Antonio; Guilherme, Alexandre Anselmo
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| · Early Childhood Education, government policies and mobilizations in times of pandemic Coutinho, Angela Scalabrin; Côco, Valdete
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| · Education in times of COVID-19: remote teaching and teacher exhaustion Saraiva, Karla; Traversini, Clarice; Lockmann, Kamila
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| · Special and Inclusive Education in times of pandemic: the place of school and the conditions of remote emergency education Souza, Flavia Faissal de; Dainez, Débora
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| · Full-Time Integral Education: conceptions present in teaching practice in a municipal Elementary School Campos, Joselaine Aparecida; Cruz, Gilmar de Carvalho
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| · The school in the pandemic: reflections on schooling in dislocated times Dussel, Inés
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| · Formative processes of actions and reflections in the continuing education of the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age Program in a municipality in the Northeastern region of Rio Grande do Sul Gelocha, Elizandra Aparecida Nascimento; Antunes, Helenise Sangoi; Nunes, Ana Luiza Ruschel
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| · Paulo Freire’s epistemology in pedagogues education during Supervised Curricular Internships Paula, Lucimara Cristina de
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| · Ecology of knowledge, in order to postpone the end of school Merladet, Fábio; Reis, Graça; Süssekind, Maria Luiza
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| · Between waiting and urgency: remote educational proposals for children with Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic Pletsch, Márcia Denise; Mendes, Geovana Mendonça Lunardi
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Resenhas |
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| · Críticas ao autoritarismo neoliberal e as lutas por democracia: Henry Giroux em defesa de uma práxis educativa radical Figueiredo, Gustavo de Oliveira
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| · MAINARDES, J.; STREMEL, S. (Eds.). Education Policy research: epistemological and theoretical issues. Curitiba: Brazil Publishing, 2020. 270 p. Rosa, Gregory Luis Rolim; Freitas, Patricia Lucia Vosgrau de
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| · SCHNEIDER, Marilda Pasqual; NARDI, Elton Luiz. Políticas de accountability em educação: perspectivas sobre avaliação, prestação de contas e responsabilização. C. Ijuí: Ed. da Unijuí, 2019. 120 p. Santos, Aline Bettiolo dos; Morais, Michele Luciane Blind de
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| · ADDOR, Nicolas. Qualis periódicos: a regulação da pesquisa no Brasil. Curitiba: Íthala, 2019. 218 p. Soligo, Valdecir; Estrada, Adrian Alvarez
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| · SOARES, Magda. Alfaletrar: toda criança pode aprender a ler e a escrever. São Paulo: Contexto, 2020. 352 p. Mainardes, Jefferson; Silva, Magna do Carmo; Cartaxo, Simone Regina Manosso
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Seção Temática: Adiando o fim da escola |
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| · Conservative policies in Basic Education: regulation of the Individual Pedagogical Plan for Homeschooling, implications for the National Common Curricular Base and the Brazilian Society Porto, Patrícia Rosas; Mutim, Avelar Luiz Bastos
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| · [Pandemic]bodies: action and subjectivity in art education Carvalho, Carla; Gottardi, Pedro; Souza, Helen Rose Leite Rodrigues de
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Seção temática: Prêmio Capes de Tese |
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| · Mathematical Modeling in the initial training of pedagogues: a path to redefine the teaching of Mathematics Silva, Vantielen da Silva; Burak, Dionísio
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Seção Temática: Políticas conservadoras na Educação Básica |
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| · Behind a hole there is always an eye: neoliberal rationality, fundamentalist authoritarianism, sexuality, and gender in Basic Education Seffner, Fernando
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| · The conservative education project in Uruguay at the beginning of the 21st century: privatizing progress and ministerial protection Bordoli, Eloísa; Conde, Stefanía
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| · The conservative logic of public-private relationship in education that counters democratic management and the quality of public education Nogueira, Sílvia Cristina Conde; Costa, Nayara Ferreira; Santiago, Daiana Karen Alves
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| · Happy Child Program: a historic leap into the past Campos, Rosânia
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Documento |
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| · Declaração de voto das conselheiras representantes da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa - UEPG Flach, Simone de Fátima; Camargo, Daiana
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