Artigos |
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| · La persona. I presupposti imprescindibili dell’etica personalistica: imperativita’, obbligazione, liberazione. Bosio, Gianfranco
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| · Procustian reactive microphysics and educational trans-dialogism Silva, Filipe Lima; Duarte, Claudia Glavam
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| · Science that “does not think” and the challenging-forth of nature in Heidegger Nascimento, Antônio José
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| · Afro-brazilian philosophy as a formative contribution to the teaching of philosophy Paula Junior, Antonio Filogenio de
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| · Notes about the masculinity in Johann Friedrich Herbart’s pedagogical ideas Notas sobre la masculinidad en el pensamiento pedagógico de Johann Friedrich Herbart Silva, Alexandre Rodrigo Nishiwaki da; Conti, Celso
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| · Thinking race: Education as a practice of freedom to overcome racism Ketzer, Patricia; Rocha, Róbson Peres da
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| · The shadows the pandemic invisibility projects: what alternatives to the future? Zuin, Vânia Gomes; Gomes, Caroindes Julia Corrêa
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| · Potter’s global bioethics interfaces with Edgar Morin’s complexity theory in view of new knowledge for future education Renk, Valquiria Elita; Sganzerla, Anor; Pessuro, Graciano Pedro
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| · Is it possible to eliminate transference in teaching? Manzi, Ronaldo Filho
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| · The spectacularization of oneself in social media: The spectator-reader and the pedagogies of visibility Neves, Barbara Coelho; Damasceno, Handherson Leyltton Costa
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| · Research: three formative dimensions Boufleuer, José Pedro; Cossetin, Vânia Lisa Fischer; Johann, Maria Regina
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| · Education for humanization in the. perspective of the ethics of otherness Tolovi, Carlos Alberto; Alves, Francione Charapa; Figueiredo, João Batista de Albuquerque
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| · Teacher trainers and their conceptions on the teacher role: an analysis based on Giroux, Freire and Gur-Ze’ev Poziomyck, Arthur da Silva; Guilherme, Alexandre Anselmo
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| · Perceptions of philosophy teachers on the specificity of the philosophy discipline Gabriel, Fabio Antonio; Pereira, Ana Lúcia
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| · Philosophy as pedagogy of the sacred: a decolonial approach Alexandre, Bruno Santos
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| · Philosophical approach to the policy/management of teacher education from the substantive/ethical-political perspective Carvalho, Roberto Francisco de; Lagares, Rosilene; Carvalho, Doracy Dias Aguiar de
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| · The representation in the sphere of the theater according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau Façanha, Luciano da Silva; Silva, Irlene Veruska Batista da
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| · The teaching of philosophy in basic education: possibilities of resistance Castaman, Ana Sara; Magarinus, Rodrigo
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| · The reputed opinions (endoxa) in the actual context Sangalli, Idalgo J.
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| · Communitarianism: a theoretical approach and a case study Bresolin, Keberson; Sanches, Vitor Elias
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| · Diversity, democracy and justice: political-cultural minorities and the public basic education Danner, Leno Francisco; Dorrico, Julie; Danner, Fernando
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| · Body cognitions: the sense of smell and the experience of flavor Cognições corporais: o sentido do olfato e a experiência do sabor Cavalieri, Rosalia
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| · From the moralist christian to the nihilist buddhist: reflections on contemporary morals based on Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals Portugal, Daniel Bittencourt; Beccari, Marcos Namba
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| · Literature and its modes of reading: the literary mediation for high school students Pinheiro, Alexandra Santos; Oliveira, João Vitor
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| · The photographic discourse between the doxa and the paradox Serén, Maria do Carmo
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| · A place for literary reading in university libraries Sanches, Tatiana
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| · Reading and biographical singularity: the case of the portuguese publisher Vitor Silva Tavares Cameira, Emanuel Chaves
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| · Letramento literário dentro e fora da escola: a recepção de O olho de vidro do meu avô, de Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós Corrêa, Hércules Tolêdo; Magalhães, Rosângela Márcia
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| · Literary reading as social practice in contemporaneity: beyond school space Souza, Renata Junqueira de; Iguma, Andréia de Oliveira Alencar; Lima, Grazielli Alves de
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| · Readings and travels through affective and musical memories: subjective experiences Carvalho, Silvio Roberto Silva
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| · Coração: a secular reading and its presence in Brazil Rela, Eliana; Panozzo, Neiva Senaide Petry; Cescon, Juliane Petry Panozzo
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| · Reading modes and practices, digital challenges Magalhães, Justino
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| · Dialogical action for critical formation: civic pedagogy and democratic resistance against Eurocentrism Mazuroski Jr, Aristeu; Calgaro, Miguel Agustinho
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| · A historical look at popular education in Latin America Adams, Telmo
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| · José Carlos Mariátegui’s pedagogical praxis in the González Prada Popular Universities: a source for latin american Popular Education Santos, Kildo Adevair Dos
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| · The political question of Popular Education: what can a book do 40 years later? Tavares, Maria Tereza Goudard
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| · educación y actualidad brasileña: concurso de Paulo Freire en la Universidad de Recife Beltrao, Kelma Fabiola
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| · Popular education in Pan-Amazonia: silences and struggles, history and current Mota Neto, João Colares da
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| · Popular educational processes in/of food: practice of knowledge and knowledge of practice Simon, Everton Luiz; Moretti, Cheron Zanini; Ploia, Hosana Hoelz
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| · Narratives of a popular educator: the struggle and propositive resistance of women in dialogue with the history of Popular Education Souza, Tiago Zanquêta de; Novais, Gercina Santana
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| · Popular education as a pedagogical policy proposal for the education of young people and adults in Macapá/AP Custódio, Elivaldo Serrão; Guedes, Antonia de Moraes
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| · Popular education and youth and adult education within times of bonds and passages Alvarenga, Márcia Soares; Vieira, Maria Clarisse
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| · Vygotsky and Freire: weaving paths for an inclusive and emancipatory education for people with disabilities Silveira, Zélia Medeiros; Moreira, Janine
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| · Popular education and the drug field: literature approaches Silva, Ione Gomes; Cruz, Pedro José Santos Carneiro
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| · Ethics, liberation and political philosophy in the freirian legacy: a transmethodic analysis Rodríguez, Milagros Elena
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| · Paulo Freire and the oppressed in popular education Teixeira, Hanna Tamires Gomes Corrêa Leão; Oliveira, Ivanilde Apoluceno de
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| · Paulo Freire in the liberation of municipalized education in Venezuela Rodríguez, Mireya Mirabal
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| · Freire’s present thought in times of authorianism: resuming his First Words Ferreira, João Vicente Hadich; Cavaleiro, Maria Cristina
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| · Paulo Freire: photographic essay of loneliness Parody, Jairo Portillo
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| · The participation of women in the critical pedagogy of Paulo Freire: between allusion and recognition Dantas, Gisele Cristine da Silva; Antloga, Carla Sabrina Xavier; Silva, Noelma
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| · Educação do campo como movimento educacional e modalidade educativa: notas a partir de Paulo Freire Medeiros, Emerson Augusto de; Fortunato, Ivan; Araújo, Osmar Hélio Alves
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| · Essay on time in Paulo Freire and Edgar Morin: walkers in dialogue with education Gusmão, Luka Carvalho; Jesus, Alan Willian; Pinto, Tarcísio Jorge Santos
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| · The dialogue that approaches and the complexity it embraces: Paulo Freire and Edgar Morin in education Silva, Sidinei Pithan da; Rodrigues, Anelise de Oliveira
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Entrevistas |
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| · Historia de la práctica pedagógica: entrevista con Bernardo Barragán Castrillón Souza, José Edimar de
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| · Entrevista realizada por Maria Teresa Esteban Esteban, Maria Teresa
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| · Os 40 anos do Grupo de Trabalho (GT) de Educação Popular da ANPEd: entrevista com José Pereira Peixoto Filho Vasconcelos, Valéria Oliveira de
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Resenhas |
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| · LAATS, A.; SIEGEL, H. Teaching evolution in a creation nation. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016. Guzzo, Guilherme Brambatti; Dall’Alba, Gabriel
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| · FALABRETTI, Ericson, OLIVEIRA, Jelson. O Nó do Ser: para uma Ontologia do Corpo. Caxias do Sul: Educs, 2020. Grison, Éverton Marcos
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| · MENDONÇA, Adriany F. A invenção da metafísica a partir da arte: perspectivas nietzschianas. Rio de Janeiro: Ape’Ku, 2020. Mayer, Rui Carlos
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| · ROOS, Jonas. 10 Lições sobre Kierkegaard. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2021. Sousa, Thiago Luiz de
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| · Hooks, Bell. Ensinando pensamento crítico: sabedoria prática. Tradução: Bhuvi Libanio. São Paulo: Elefante, 2020. Machado, Lucas Antunes
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| · MENGA, Ferdinando G. L’emergenza del futuro. I destini del pianeta e le responsabilità del presente. Roma: Donzelli, 2021. Cescon, Everaldo
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| · ORLANDI, Eni Puccinelli. As formas do silêncio: no movimento dos sentidos. Editora da UNICAMP, 2007. Araujo, Anna Karolyne Resende Vilar
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| · PITANO, Sandro de Castro; STRECK, Danilo Romeu; MORETTI, Cheron Zanini. Paulo Freire: uma arqueologia bibliográfica. Curitiba: Appris, 2019. Scotti, Monica
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