Artigos |
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| · Inclusive School - an approach from the professional teachers situation in Portugal Rosa, Marco Corriente
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| · Educational policies and organizational identities: ambiguities and hybridity Faria, Susana
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| · Images of infant teaching: discussing narratives of nursery school teachers Carvalho, Rodrigo Saballa de; Radomski, Lidianne Laizi
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| · Phonological awareness and "Ler e Escrever" Program Véspoli, Ana Carolina Torres; Tassoni, Elvira Cristina Martins
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| · (Re) thinking the social school function nowadays Oliveira, Marli dos Santos de; Reis, Maria das Graças Fernandes de Amorim dos
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| · Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology: legal aspects and meaning of your genesis and expansion Carmo, Jefferson Carriello do; Tominaga, Mirta Rie de Oliveira
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| · The cultural production of teaching in professional and technological education Freitas, Josí Aparecida de; Oliveira, Cláudio José de
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| · Case study as teaching strategy for Professional and Technological Education Vieira, Josimar de Aparecido; Vieira, Marilandi Maria Mascarello; Pasqualli, Roberta
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| · Teacher training and the Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID): presentations regarding progress and contradictions of a program Falcão, Giovana Maria Belém; Farias, Isabel Maria Sabino de
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| · From initial training: humanization of the formative processes Chaluh, Laura Noemi
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| · Thematic Structuring of the State Plans For Education 2001-2010: deficiencies and feebleness Menezes, Janaina Specht da Silva; Souza, Donaldo Bello de
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| · From the National Education Plan to the State Education (2014-2024) Plan of Mato Grosso do Sul (2014-2024): democratic management issue Oliveira, Regina Tereza Cestari de
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| · High abilities/giftedness and family: survey and analysis of academic productions Ferreira, Daniela Márcia; Rangni, Rosemeire de Araújo
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