Editorial |
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| · Gestão democrática do ensino público: as regras do jogo no campo educacional SCHNEIDER, MARILDA PASQUAL; FLACH, SIMONE; MOCARZEL, MARCELO; MOEHLECKE, SABRINA
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Dossiê |
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| · Disputes over the right to education and public education in Latin America: policies, institutions and subjects in neoliberal governmentality MARTÍNEZ, MARÍA ELENA; SEOANE, VIVIANA ISABEL
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| · Democratizacion of public teaching management in municipal education systems in Maranhão DUBLANTE, CARLOS ANDRÉ SOUSA; CARDOZO, MARIA JOSÉ PIRES BARROS
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| · Democratic manegement of public education in Piauí municipalites: principles, spaces and mechanisms of participation RIBEIRO, RAIMUNDA MARIA DA CUNHA
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| · Democracy and democratic management in municipal education systems: the reality of the state of Paraná FLACH, SIMONE DE FÁTIMA
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| · Management of education in municipal systems of teaching in Tocantins: tensioning between democratic principle and method LAGARES, ROSILENE; BRITO, KATIA CRISTINA FERREIRA CUSTÓDIO; SILVA, MEIRE LÚCIA ANDRADE DA
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| · The notion of democratic management and its local appropriation: a study on the legislation of municipalities of RS ESQUINSANI, ROSIMAR SERENA SIQUEIRA; DAMETTO, JARBAS; LAUER, MUNIR JOSÉ
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| · School management challenges in the São Paulo public school: the ingressing school principal perception MELO, LÚCIO LEITE DE; MIRANDA, NONATO ASSIS DE
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| · Principles and mechanisms of participation and decision in the municipal education systems of Santa Catarina: a reading of the institutional artefacts of democratization of educational management NARDI, ELTON LUIZ; SCHNEIDER, MARILDA PASQUAL; SANTOS, ALINE BETTIOLO DOS; REBELATTO, DURLEI MARIA BERNARDON
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| · Democratic management of public education in Rio das Ostras (RJ): advances and setbacks ALCÂNTARA, ALZIRA BATALHA; PFEIL, MARCIA LISBOA
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| · Risieri Frondizi y Alberto Taquini (h): trajectories and dedicated expertise to transform the Argentine University in the middle of 20th century WAGNER, DANIELA MERCEDES; CARBONARI, MARIA ROSA
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Artigos |
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| · Education and participation: na investigation of brazilian theoretical perspectives ASSIS, TAUÃ CARVALHO DE; GOHN, MARIA DA GLÓRIA
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| · Trends of precariousness in private higher education in Brazil BIELSCHOWSKY, CARLOS EDUARDO
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| · Democratic management of education, political participation and election of principals: analyzing the experience of school occupations in Rio de Janeiro OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL BASTOS COSTA DE; LOUZADA, VIRGÍNIA CECÍLIA DA ROCHA; SANTOS, PAULO DAVID DE JESUS TOSTES DOS
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| · A systemic-discursive perspective on commodification and higher education management strategy LAUS-GOMES, VICTOR; ANDREONI, RENATA
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| · Reuni and its impacts on Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES): an analysis of professor’s admissions from 2007 to 2017 SALLES, ROBERTO DE SOUZA; FAERNSTEIN, EDUARDO; DAL POZ, MARIO ROBERTO; SANTOS, PABLO SILVA MACHADO BISPO DOS
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| · Public policies in environmental education and climate change QUINTANA, CRISTIANE GULARTE; KITZMANN, DIONE IARA SILVEIRA
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Seção Especial |
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| · PROEDES - Program of Studies and Documentation Education and Society: origins and development FÁVERO, MARIA DE LOURDES
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