Editorial |
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Homenagem |
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| · Popular education and higher education in Paulo Freire Beisiegel, Celso de Rui
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| · Celso de Rui Beisiegel: o legado de um intelectual em defesa da educação popular pública Sposito, Marilia Pontes
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Entrevista |
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| · Gender and history of education: itineraries of Rebecca Rogers Vidal, Diana; Rabelo, Rafaela
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| · Religion and education: a challenge to teachers’ work – interview with Françoise Lantheaume Setton, Maria da Graça Jacintho; Valente, Gabriela Abuhab
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| · The insertion of gender in early childhood education: the experience of Portugal - interview with Maria João Cardona Vianna, Cláudia; Alvarenga, Carolina Faria
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Seção Temática: Educação Superior |
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| · Impact of the Third Age Open University on the Quality of Life of the Elderly Inouye, Keika; Orlandi, Fabiana de Souza; Pavarini, Sofia Cristina Lost; Pedrazzani, Elisete Silva
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| · Academic Fraud by University Students in Colombia: How Chronic is the Illness? Martinez, Lina; Enrique Ramírez, R.
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| · Time management in university students with different levels of academic performance Umerenkova, Angélica Garzón; Flores, Javier Gil
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| · Internationalization of graduate education in Brazil: rationale and mechanisms Ramos, Milena Yumi
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| · The ideal four-month period: time control device in the curriculum of UFABC Xavier, Allan Moreira; Steil, Leonardo José
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| · Inclusion policies in higher education: evaluation of student performance based on the Enade from 2012 to 2014 Wainer, Jacques; Melguizo, Tatiana
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| · Approaches to college dropout in Chile Carvajal, Rosa Arancibia; Cervantes, Carmen Trigueros
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| · School dropout in graduate distance education: evidence from a study in the interior of Brazil Oliveira, Pedro Rodrigues de; Oesterreich, Silvia Aparecida; Almeida, Vera Luci de
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| · What is historically significant? Historical thinking through the narratives of college students Egea Vivancos, Alejandro; Arias Ferrer, Laura
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| · Educational goals in a professional master degree in Public Health: assessment according Bloom’s Taxonomy Mamede, Walner; Abbad, Gardênia S.
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| · Strengths and weaknesses of the Environmental Management course at the University of Brasília Almeida, Alexandre Nascimento de
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| · Rhizomatic Higher Education: curricular flexibility proposed by UFABC Xavier, Allan Moreira; Steil, Leonardo José
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| · E-ducate the eye and the gaze: audiovisual narratives, school context and supervised curricular internships Cazetta, Valéria; Dominguez, Celi Rodrigues Chaves; Pioker-Hara, Fabiana Curtopassi; Cubero, Josely
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| · Faculty work on Federal Institutes in the context of higher education expansion Silva, Paula Francisca da; Melo, Savana Diniz Gomes
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| · The Bologna Process and curricular changes at higher education: what are skills for? Araújo, Christine Veloso Barbosa; Silva, Viviane Nascimento; Durães, Sarah Jane
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| · Sexuality in undergraduate courses and the interface with teacher education policies Rizza, Juliana Lapa; Ribeiro, Paula Regina Costa; Mota, Maria Renata Alonso
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| · Against racial silence in university data: challenges and proposals about the Federal Law of Quotas Senkevics, Adriano Souza
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| · Perception of future Portuguese teachers about female underrepresentation in scientific- -technological areas and careers Fernandes, Isabel M. B.; Cardim, Sofia
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| · University pedagogies: the influence of different areas of knowledge on teaching performance Scremin, Greice; Isaia, Silvia Maria de Aguiar
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| · Limits to the affiliation to academic life of lower classes of students in the context of university expansion Figueiredo, Alice Cristina
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| · The haughtiness of mathematical ignorance: Superbia Ignorantiam Mathematicae Attie, João Paulo; Moura, Manoel Oriosvaldo de
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| · ICT in Education: personal learning environments in perspectives and practices of young people Ferreira, Giselle Martins dos Santos; Castiglione, Rafael Guilherme Mourão
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| · Some factors associated with academic performance in mathematics and their projections on teacher training Cerda, Gamal; Pérez, Carlos; Aguilar, Manuel; Aragón, Estíbaliz
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| · Literature in the education of future scientists: a lesson of Frankenstein Reginato, Valdir; Gallian, Dante Marcello Claramonte; Marra, Suzie
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| · Prevention of school violence: a literature review Silva, Flaviany Ribeiro da; Assis, Simone Gonçalves; Silva, Flaviany Ribeiro da; Assis, Simone Gonçalves
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| · Pupils’ representations about the curricular integration of ICT in primary school education Cruz, Elisabete
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| · The place of philosophy teaching in the technical education of Instituto Federal do Paraná Vandresen, Daniel Salésio; Gelamo, Rodrigo Pelloso
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| · Pedagogical Practices in an Educational Territory of Priority Intervention Bastos, Fernanda; Costa-Lobo, Cristina; Pereira, Carla Santos
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| · Secondary Specialist Arts Education: Perceptions of Youths in Northern Portugal Freires, Thiago; Pereira, Fátima
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| · Social-educational programs and the regulation of teachers’ work in secondary education Meo, Analía Inés; Milstein, Diana; Meo, Analía Inés; Milstein, Diana
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| · Ideological control in the transient secondary programs in history and social sciences (1974-1981) Aguayo, Sebastián Neut
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| · Relationality and cultural construction in early education: dialogue between peers under 18 months Troncoso, Eugenia Pizarro; Arévalo, Sergio Toro
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| · Remuneration of Basic Education Teachers in the Public and Private Sectors at Municipal Level Fernandes, Maria Dilnéia Espíndola; Benini, Élcio Gustavo; Dias, Bruna Mendes; Sauer, Leandro
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| · The sorcerous-penned writer: João Köpke (1852-1926) Ferreira, Norma Sandra de Almeida
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| · Walking Walking ethnography and interviews in the analysis of aesthetic experiences in the Cerrado Iared, Valéria Ghisloti; Oliveira, Haydée Torres de
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| · School management and pedagogical leadership: a content analysis of the schools principals discourse in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Spain) Ritacco Real, Maximiliano; Amores Fernández, Francisco Javier
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| · How the discourse of new professors is made up in the classroom Lobato, Anderson Cezar; Quadros, Ana Luiza de
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| · Art teaching and development of visual reading: use of textile printing in high school Okasaki, Aymê; Kanamaru, Antonio Takao
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| · Isocrates, teacher of philosophía Pagotto-Euzebio, Marcos Sidnei
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| · Beginning of Boys Town in Spain: The Ciudad de los Muchachos of Vallecas (Madrid) Pericacho Gómez, Francisco Javier; Andrés-Candelas, Mario
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| · Mathematics in the pedagogical journal Unsere Schule Kuhn, Malcus Cassiano; Bayer, Arno
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| · Isaias Alves and the approximations between educational psychology and mathematics education Rabelo, Rafaela Silva
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| · Monoculturalism in pedagogical practices along basic teacher education in La Araucanía, Chile Katerin, Arias-Ortega; Segundo, Quintriqueo M.; Vanessa, Valdebenito Z.
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| · “Those who teach also learn” : training primary school teachers through practice in the province of Paraná , França, Franciele Ferreira; Souza, Gizele de
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| · What do the instruments of classroom observation reveal to us about mathematic classes in schools with improved trajectory? Martínez, Ma. Victoria; Godoy, Felipe; Treviño, Ernesto; Varas, Leonor; Fajardo, Gabriela
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| · Social representations on the permanence in teaching: what do elementary/middle school teachers say? Nascimento, Ivany Pinto; Rodrigues, Sônia Eli Cabral
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| · The ontological dimension: a possible way for the realization of interdisciplinarity Pádua, Marcus Alexandre de; Triani, Felipe da Silva; Cavalcanti, Eliane Cristina Tenório; Novikoff, Cristina
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| · Case study: tensions and challenges in the elaboration of school regulations in Chile Kroyer, Oscar Nail; Guzmán, Jorge Valdivia; Aguayo, Jorge Gajardo; Almanzor, Carmen Viejo; Salinas, Ricardo Salas; Torres, Gabriel Romero
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| · School hierarchies: performance and popularity Crochík, José Leon; Dias, Marian Ávila de Lima; Freller, Cintia Copit; Correa, Alex Sandro; Correia, Rodrigo Nuno Peiró
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| · Democracy, intelligence and (sound) education in the perspective of John Dewey Fernandes, José Pedro Matos; Araújo, Alberto Filipe; García del Dujo, Ángel
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| · The research on young people in Brazil: setting new challenges from quantitative data Sposito, Marilia Pontes; Souza, Raquel; Silva, Fernanda Arantes e
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| · Scientific literacy, child and non-formal education settings: possible dialogues Marques, Amanda Cristina Teagno Lopes; Marandino, Martha
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Artigos |
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| · Students’ achievement and opinions on the implementation of e-learning for phonetics and phonology lectures at Airlangga University Kwary, Deny A.; Fauzie, Sarah
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| · Art, school and museum: the analysis of an experience in art education at the university Museum of Art - MUnA Araújo, Gustavo Cunha de
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| · Interlocutions of researches in technologies in education1* Conte, Elaine; Ourique, Maiane Liana Hatschbach
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| · Ecuadorian kindergartners’ numerical development: contribution of SES, quality of early mathematics education, and school type Bojorque, Gina; Torbeyns, Joke; Nijlen, Daniël Van; Verschaffel, Lieven
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| · “Re-learn how to see the world”: cinema as education of the way of looking Lima Neto, Avelino Aldo de; Nóbrega, Terezinha Petrucia da
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| · History learning based on the construction of narratives about the past Cainelli, Marlene; Barca, Isabel
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| · The Group as a Device*: the ecosophic micro-intervention in educational pro-cesses within environmental education Amaral, Augusto Luis Medeiros; Gentini, Alfredo Guillermo Martin; Amaral, Raquel Avila
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| · Up-to-dateness of the pedagogical renewal in Community of Madrid: a study based on representative schools Gómez, Francisco Javier Pericacho; Andrés-Candelas, Mario
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| · Me Inc.: The desired identity in initial training in Physical Education Nunes, Mário Luiz Ferrari; Neira, Marcos Garcia
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| · Cinema, education, and contemporary imaginaries: hermeneutic studies on dystopia, nihilism, and affirmation in the films O som ao redor, The Turin Horse and Winter sleep Almeida, Rogério de
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| · Tutorial work and its impact in professor´s research scientific formation Mirabal, Diane González; Caballero, Gustavo Esteban Achiong
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| · Schools, cities and their heritage: school dynamics of cultural patrimonialisation Silva, Rodrigo Manoel Dias da
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| · Reading acquisition in beginner readers: Typical errors in European Portuguese Simões, Edlia; Martins, Margarida Alves
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| · Education, cultural racism and national security: the intercultural school in contexts of violence Lepe-Carrión, Patricio
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| · Levels of consciousness of teachers in their guidance function: a typology framed in fuzzy logic Aguilés, Alícia Villar; Gago, Sonsoles San Román; Dobon, Francesc J. Hernàndez i
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| · Written production in education: reflections on signatures Mihal, Ivana
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| · Gamification in education: an overview on the state of the art Ortiz-Colón, Ana-M.; Jordán, Juan; Agredal, Míriam
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| · Using an ICT tool for teaching English in a rural context Lizasoain C, Andrea; Ortiz de Zárate F, Amalia; Becchi Mansilla, Claudia
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| · (In)discipline and violence in schools: a case study Silva Neto, Cláudio Marques da; Barretto, Elba Siqueira de Sá
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| · Developing the prospective mathematics teachers’ didactical suitability analysis competence Giacomone, Belén; Godino, Juan D.; Beltrán-Pellicer, Pablo
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| · Database for qualitative research: an analysis of The Little Lutheran magazine Weiduschadt, Patrícia; Fischer, Beatriz Teresinha Daudt
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| · Not a true copy. Processes of stigmatization in the photographic narrative of media coverage Kaplan, Carina V.; Saez, Virginia
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| · Educational inequalities and literacy Silva, Marcos Antonio Batista da; Azevedo, Cleomar
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| · Social stereotypes in the voice of children: an analysis of school books of the Portuguese Basic Education Castro, Teresa da Conceição Mendes de; Ramos, Rui Manuel do Nascimento Lima
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| · The Pedagogy of Alternation present in the Political--Pedagogical Projects of the Agricultural Family Schools of Tocantins Vizolli, Idemar; Aires, Helena Quirino Porto; Barreto, Mylena Gonçalves
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| · Challenges and limits to including high-school scientific initiation grantees in the academic field Oliveira, Adriano de; Bianchetti, Lucídio
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| · Knowledge specialization in school: state intervention in specific fields of knowledge Acevedo, Cecilia
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| · Editorial politics on translations: J. Dewey in the collection Cultura, Sociedade e Educação (Culture, Society and Education), edited by Anísio Teixeira Toledo, Maria Rita de Almeida
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| · Prediction model of first-year student desertion at Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins (UBO) Pérez, Alexis Matheu; Escobar, Claudio Ruff; Toledo, Marcelo Ruiz; Gutierrez, Luis Benites; Reyes, Germán Morong
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| · Model for self-evaluation and hetero-evaluation of teaching practice in Normal Schools Noriega, José Ángel Vera; Castro, Gissel Bueno; González, Nohemí Guadalupe Calderón; Figueroa, Francisca Leticia Medina
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| · Perception of principals about the attributions in the pedagogical management of municipal schools in Jacobina, Bahia, Brazil Leal, Ione Oliveira Jatobá; Novaes, Ivan Luiz
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| · Training of university professors and their meaning for inclusive education Bazon, Fernanda Vilhena Mafra; Furlan, Elaine Gomes Matheus; Faria, Paulo Cezar de; Lozano, Daniele; Gomes, Claudia
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| · Revisiting Knowles and Freire: Andragogy versus Pedagogy - or the Dialogic as the Essence of Socio-pedagogic Mediation Barros, Rosanna
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| · Intensive recovery in the State of São Paulo:an experience with female teachers of a public school Schermack, Lúcia Veiga; Sant’Ana, Izabella Mendes
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| · The body-mind parallelism in Spinoza: (im)pertinent notes for education Yonezawa, Fernando; Silva, Fabio Hebert da
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| · To reproduce or to transform? Analysis of the teacher’s role in maintaining/ deconstructing of stigma at school Forte, Joannes Paulus Silva; Sousa Neto, Manoel Moreira de; Pessoa, Márcio Kleber Morais; Forte, Vinicius Limaverde
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| · Obstacles to the pedagogical encounter between nursing faculty and students in different educational contexts Menegaz, Jouhanna do Carmo; Backes, Vânia Marli Schubert; Zamprogna, Katheri Maris; Lima, Margarete Maria de; Costa, Taís Pereira da
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| · Textbooks and print culture Moraes, Didier Dominique Cerqueira Dias de
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| · Pedagogical training in Mozambique: the voice of the participants Kishimoto, Tizuko Morchida; Ito, Lucy Sayuri
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| · Associativismo operário, educação e autonomia na formação da classe trabalhadora em São Paulo (1889-1930) Costa, Ana Luiza Jesus da
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| · The inclusion of students with disabilities and global developmental disorders: crossings in schools curricula Vieira, Alexandro Braga; Ramos, Ines de Oliveira; Simões, Renata Duarte
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| · Sharing, studying, seeing more broadly: teachers’ narratives about continuing education Reis, Gabriela Alves de Souza Vasconcelos dos; Ostetto, Luciana Esmeralda
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| · Teachers’ perceptions, difficulties, and actions facing drugs at the school environment Silva, Pâmela Migliorini Claudino da; Galon, Tanyse; Zerbetto, Sonia Regina; Moura, Adaene Alves Machado de; Volpato, Rosa Jacinto; Gonçalves, Angelica Martins de Souza
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| · Effective motivational strategies in pre-service teachers VALENZUELA, Jorge; MUÑOZ, Carla; MONTOYA LEVINAO, Abigail
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| · (Im)possibilities of the revitalization from the Political-Pedagogical Project of a Municipal Teaching Network in a collaborative perspective Menegat, Jardelino; Sarmento, Dirléia Fanfa; Rangel, Mary
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| · The 1920 school census in the Sao Paulo press: a civic campaign to combat illiteracy Mathieson, Louisa Campbell
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| · Challenges of researching children in teacher education: contributions from Sociology of Childhood Palos, Ana Cristina
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| · Appropriation of the school space by the pedagogical project: Escola da Ponte (Portugal) Silva, Carlos Manique da; Ribeiro, Cláudia Pinto
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| · Integral Education Program of São Paulo: problematizations about the teaching work Dias, Viviane Cristina
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| · Strategies to promote family participation in child education in Chilean schools Razeto, Alicia
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| · Academic exchange: the difficulties of adaptation and readaptation Périco, Franco Gatelli; Gonçalves, Roberto Birch
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| · Communists and practices of youth physical education in the 1930s in the city of Rio de Janeiro Góis Junior, Edivaldo; Soares, Carmen Lucia
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| · Concerns about physical education: the teaching of bodily practices in the schools of Rio de Janeiro (1836 - 1850) Melo, Victor Andrade de
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| · Professional incorporation as a subjective experience: the case of novice teachers in Quebec Moscoso, Javier Nunez; Tardif, Maurice; Borges, Cecilia
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| · Operating with Bourdieu’s concepts: research productivity and academic hierarchies in education Cock, Juliana Cristina Araujo do Nascimento; Antunes, Ana Luisa; Rodrigues, Rosane Pinto; Santos, Débora da Silva Lopes; Araujo, João Paulo Ferraro Turano de
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| · School and didactic event in Gabriela Mistral`s pedagogical thought: 1904-1925 Araya, Adrián Rodrigo Baeza
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| · Activities and dynamics with tablets in an Elementary School in Spain SÁNCHEZ-MARTÍNEZ, Cristina; RICOY, María-Carmen; FELIZ-MURIAS, Tiberio
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| · Parent-child groups at day care centers as a strategy for promotion of early childhood mental health Pesaro, Maria Eugênia; Merletti, Cristina Keiko Inafuku de; Pellicciari, Fabiana Sampaio; Moratti, Patrícia; Pimentel, Cecilia Leach; Barreto, Cristiane Palmeira de Oliveira
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| · Identification and validation of coaching skill components among faculty members of universities Mohammadisadr, Mohammad; Siadat, Seyed Ali; Hoveida, Reza
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| · Using Academic Performance to Predict College Students Dropout: a case study Sousa, António Carlos Corte-Real de; Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Bragança de; Borges, José Luís Cabral Moura
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| · Cultural diversity and gender relations in an indigenous school in Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil) Gonçalves, Josiane Peres; Oliveira, Edicleia Lima de
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| · Personnel expenses and performance in mathematics: an analysis based on the municipal schools of SBC Galvão, Fernando Vizotto
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| · “Young” Vygotsky: unpublished works about art and the role of artistic creation in child development Marques, Priscila Nascimento
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| · Systematic mapping of literature on teacher evaluation (2013-2017) Corona, Claudia Navarro; Montoya, María Soledad Ramírez
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| · Prospective mathematics teachers’ knowledge and competence analysing proportionality tasks Burgos, María; Beltrán-Pellicer, Pablo; Giacomone, Belén; Godino, Juan D.
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| · On the hermeneutics of school: the anatomy of a changing politics Caetano, Pedro Jorge
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| · Pedagogical practice in deaf education: the intertwining of different approaches in the educational context Vieira, Claudia Regina; Molina, Karina Soledad Maldonado
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| · The non-derivability points of a function and their importance in the understanding of the derivative concept Fuentealba, Claudio; Badillo, Edelmira; Sánchez-Matamoros, Gloria
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| · An unconventional reading of Johann Friedrich Herbart: Pedagogical self-government and the active position of the learner Dalbosco, Claudio A.
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| · Disparities at the entrance door: gender gaps in elementary school Martínez, Lina; Serna, Natalia
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| · Educational agents and multiculturalism in the classroom Fuentes, Antonio Rodríguez; Fernández, Alejandro Daniel Fernández
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| · Educational practices and amusements amid nature: physical culture in Curitiba (1886-1914) Silva, Marcelo Moraes e; Quitzau, Evelise Amgarten; Soares, Carmen Lucia
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| · Effects of socialization on scout youth participation behaviors Rodrigues, Mariana; Menezes, Isabel; Ferreira, Pedro D.
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| · Research in Internet-based teaching and learning contexts: an ecology of knowledge skills Pinheiro, Petrilson A.
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| · Engagement, academic achievement and written composition Festas, Maria Isabel; Prata, Maria José; Oliveira, Albertina Lima de; Veiga, Feliciano
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Tradução |
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| · Compensatory processes in the development of the retarded child Vigotski, Lev Semionovich
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Entrevista |
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| · António Nóvoa: uma vida para a educação Boto, Carlota
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Colaboradores |
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| · Relação de pareceristas ad hoc (2017-2018)
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Errata |
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| · Errata: Um caso de contratendência: baixa evasão na licenciatura em química explicada pelas disposições e integrações
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| · Errata: Política editorial de traduções: John Dewey na Coleção Cultura, Cociedade e Educação, dirigida por Anísio Teixeira
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| · Errata: Estrategias motivacionales efectivas en profesores en formación
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