Articles |
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| · A look at the Mapuche teacher-student relationship in intercultural education in La Araucanía, Chile Arias-Ortega, Katerin; Castro, Valentina; Zuccone, Ángela
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| · Attitudes of students of the Faculty of Education (Kosovo) about pedagogical practice in their preparation for service Avdiu-Kryeziu, Shqipe; Kryeziu, Veli
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| · Proposals for teaching in Special Education: contributions from the Brazilian academic field Casagrande, Rosana de Castro; Oliveira, Jáima Pinheiro de
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| · University teachers of STS subjects: students' perceptions of their teaching improvement Pérez-Robles, Antonio; Delord, Gabriela; Pérez-Rodríguez, Noelia; Al-Lal, Soraya Hamed
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| · Formative assessment, use of ICT and curricular articulation in the philosophy pedagogy career and philosophy courses in the middle or secondary school system in Chile Lombardo-Bertolini, Patricio; Pizarro-Herrmann, Álvaro; Herrera-Urízar, Gustavo; Cisternas-Negrete, Souly
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| · Learning Based on Modeling assisted with Artificial Intelligence in Natural Sciences: neurodidactic intervention proposal Flores, Ricardo Alberto Reza; Peña, Marco Antonio Guemez
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| · The appropriation of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory in research dealing with public education policies in Brazil and Argentina (2015-2022) Schneckenberg, Marisa; Amar, Hernán Mariano; Gorostiaga, Jorge Manuel
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| · Academic and career trajectory of university students who are pregnant or have children Barros, Leonardo de Oliveira; Reis, Andreza Nathielly Batista
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| · An examination of methodological rigor and reliability in qualitative research within theses and dissertations across biomedical and non-biomedical fields from 2008 to 2018 Barros, Valquiria S.; Vasconcelos, Sonia Maria Ramos
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| · Pedagogical work in Polytechnic Higher Education in Portugal: an analysis from the Polytechnic Institutes Vieira, Josimar de Aparecido; Ferreira, Liliana Soares
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| · Educational inequalities during emergency distance education by COVID-19: a systematic review Torres, Ana María; Moreno-Medina, Irene; Fuentes, Sergio Sánchez
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| · State of knowledge: contributions to the development of intercultural continuing education for teachers Guesser, Silvia Zimmermann Pereira; Hobold, Márcia de Souza
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| · Revisiting concepts and data on sexual violence against children and adolescents: Amazonas under debate Oliveira, Márcio de; Cavalcanti, Francisca Maria Coelho; Nascimento, Jefferson Araújo do
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| · Experience, training and teaching enactment: representations of gymnastics throughout the life of school Physical Education teachers Heinen, Eduarda Heydt; Oliveira, Lucas Machado de; Boaventura, Patrícia Luiza Bremer; Pizani, Juliana
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| · A portrait of enrollments of Special Education and education for the deaf, deafblind, and hearing-impaired students: from Basic Education to Higher Education Rocha, Luiz Renato Martins da; Lacerda, Cristina Broglia Feitosa de; Prieto, Rosângela Gavioli
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| · Desecration and autopoiesis: training dynamics as ethical experiences in the educational context Strieder, Roque; Girardi, Aracéli; Benvenutti, Dilva Bertoldi
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| · Bilingual intercultural educational management in rural Peruvian institutions in times of COVID-19 Torres-Acurio, Julissa; Turpo-Chaparro, Josue Edison
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| · Emancipatory educational processes, deepening the unavoidable dialog with counter-hegemonic movements Fernandes, Maria Lidia Bueno; Patiño, Kathia Núñez; Gozález, Martín Plascencia
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| · Expansion of Distance Learning: Universidade Pitágoras Unopar under the logic of financialization Santos, Maria Caroline Cavalcante dos; Ribeiro, Maria Edilene da Silva
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| · For an engaged Sociology teaching: propositions from bell hooks’ pedagogy Machado, Lucas Antunes; Caprara, Bernardo Mattes
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| · Breaking barriers and amplifying voices: science in the age of gender equity Martín-Gutiérrez, Ángela; Valencia-Olivero, Nelcy Yoly
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| · The knowledge needed for advisors in the Strict Sensu Graduate Studies in Education: a review study Lelis, Diego Andrade de Jesus; Vosgerau, Dilmeire Sant’Anna Ramos; Zoppo, Beatriz Maria
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| · Evaluation practices in the context of SAEB and its implications on the constitution of subjectivity and teaching work Morais, Joelson de Sousa; Pereira, Francisca Eudeilane da Silva
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| · PIBID as a public policy for teaching initiation: a gaze at the formative processes in narrative writing Brito, Fernanda de Jesus Santos; Ferreira, Luciana Haddad; Pucci, Renata Helena Pin
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| · What Do Future Teachers Think and Know About the Use of Calculators in Primary Education? García-Lázaro, Desiré; Arnal-Bailera, Alberto; Beltrán-Pellicer, Pablo
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| · Conclusion and dropout of university students in MOOC courses: analysis from the benefits perspective Ceballos, Salvador Ponce; López, Karla Maria Díaz; Mexía, Paul Yitzen Ruelas
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| · Knowledge of musical content that constitutes the professional identity of Art teachers skilled in Visual/Fine Arts Borges, Adilson de Souza; Delgado, Ana Cristina Coll
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| · Teachers’ knowledge of Specialized Educational Service teachers at the Santa Catarina State University Godinho, Patrícia Alves; Pasqualli, Roberta
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| · Territories, lines and bodily practices: the geomorphological dimension of school Physical Education Lopes, João Pedro Goes; Vieira, Rubens Antonio Gurgel
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| · Frameworks for teacher evaluation in Basic Education: the case of Mexico Vazquez-Rodriguez, Oscar; Serrano, Edna Luna
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| · Educational implications of incorporating contemporary interactive techniques into the curriculum Seifullina, Bayan S.; Shokybayev, Zhenis A.
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| · School self-evaluation: between the exercise of participatory democracy and the simple bureaucratic exercise Carvalho, Maria João de; Folgado, Cristina
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| · Associationism, participation and community development during the pandemic: a study in the city of Porto Campos, Aida Lorenzo; Villar, Belén Caballo
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| · Education and language: notes on learning and reality Schlesener, Anita Helena
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| · Validation of a scale for measuring the gender perspective in Higher Education Gavilanes, Magdalena Emilia Ordóñez; Ullauri, María del Cisne Aguirre; Reinoso, Johanna Rosali Reyes; Aguirre, María Cristina Useche; Iñiguez, Enma Alexandra Espinosa; Benavides, Diego Aquiles Heras
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| · Convergence of interests in educational reform in Latin America and the Caribbean: genealogy and enactment of a multilevel governance network Martins, Erika Moreira
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| · A public policy proposal for evasion in Natural Science and Mathematics teaching degree courses Nunes, Nelson da Silva; Antonelli-Ponti, Mayra; Pimentel, Fernando Silvio Cavalcante; Silva, Alan Pedro da
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| · The impacts of the pandemic and the use of ICTs in pedagogical practices in school institutions: a literature review Nakanichi, Claudia; Silva, Michael Santos; Furlanetto, Ecleide Cunico
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| · Pierre Bourdieu’s epistemethodological contributions to research in the field of Education Policy Stremel, Silvana
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| · National Education Plan and universalization of High School Education: delayed right Costa, Gilvan Luiz Machado; Geraldi, Deivid Vitoreti
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| · Teacher’s training and practices in Early Childhood Education: policies and opportunities for oral and writing language development Pereira, Julia Scalco
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| · Pedagogical praxis of teachers who teach Mathematics in Multifunctional Resource Rooms Silva, Alessandra Aparecida dos Reis; Lübeck, Marcos
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| · Analysis of the right to education in Chile: the pending challenge González, Emanuel Arredondo; Garmendia, Luis María Naya; Balsera, Paulí Dávila; Matías, Muñoz Montané
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| · Objective items of ENADE 2021 specific component (Geography Bachelor’s degree): distractor-attractor analysis Dantas, Lucas Andrade; Martins, Maria Inês
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| · Evaluative perspectives of Science teachers in secondary education institutions: a case study Gonzales-Miñán, Milagros; Turpo-Gebera, Osbaldo; Zavala, Rocío Díaz; Cruz, Kevin Laura-De la
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| · Brazilian Education System: universities of excellence in light of national academic rankings Wandercil, Marco; Ganga-Contreras, Francisco; Calderón, Adolfo Ignacio; Abello-Romero, Juan; Araya-Castillo, Luis; Martín, Walter Sáez San
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| · Inequalities linked to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): Differences between public and private schools in Bahía Blanca, Argentina Achwal, Mariano Anderete; Formichella, María Marta
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| · Sentence remission through reading in an extramural environment: notes and experience report from the Asas à Leitura Extension Project Silveira, Felipe Lazzari da
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| · Neoliberalism’s strategic attack on education: homeschooling Melo, Sthéfany Araújo; França, Robson Luiz de; Lima, Kênia Aparecida de; Marques, Welisson
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| · “ICMS education” proposal as a policy to induce improvement in the quality of public education: risks and challenges for the inclusion of target students in Special Education Segabinazzi, Marília; Rocha, Juliane Gonçalves
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| · Teacher training policies in the Amazon of Pará: limits, contradictions and possibilities in Pedagogical Residency and PIBID programs Silva, Hellen do Socorro de Araújo; Costa, Maria da Conceição dos Santos; Hage, Salomão Antônio Mufarrej
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| · Portuguese public universities as actors in development cooperation: mapping the evaluation of Science Education projects with Timor-Leste and São Tomé and Príncipe Caçador, Helena; Lopes, Betina; Galupa, Rafael; Santos, Olga
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| · Maria Apparecida Fernandes Vieira Pinto, clerk typist and political exile: feminist hermeneutics of biographical traces Gonzatto, Rodrigo Freese; Campagnaro, Sara; Eggert, Edla
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| · Promoting collaborative and inclusive school culture in a municipal school in São Paulo Mendes, Enicéia Gonçalves; Costa, Juliane Dayrle Vasconcelos da; Silva, Márcia Altina Bonfá da; Pedroso, Cristina Cinto Araujo
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| · Main regulations and laws of the school library: Brazil and Amazonas Silva, Lívia Sousa e; Medeiros, Adriana Francisca de
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| · Who are the teachers of adults in Portuguese prisons and how they construct their knowledge? Loureiro, Armando Paulo Ferreira; Ribeiro, Nuno Manuel Oliveira
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| · Teacher, yes, aunt, no? A proposal for professionalization of early childhood education from a feminist theory perspective Falabella, Alejandra; Poblete-Núñez, Ximena; Lagos-Serrano, María José; Rojas, María Teresa
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| · Training for teaching in Higher Education based on the Lesson Study Richit, Adriana; Loss, Adriana Salete; Breda, Adriana; Tomkelski, Mauri Luís
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| · Subjective images of objective realities: what are we doing with the name of extension curricularization? Teo, Carla Rosane Paz Arruda; Alves, Solange Maria
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| · Vozes ausentes dos estudantes e corpos negligenciados. Os espaços de aparição como possibilidade para a inclusão Recio, Rosa Vázquez
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| · Training of Ambiental Educators (FEA) in the Cultivando Água Boa (CAB) Program: collective and subjective constructions Klunk, Luzia; Mazzarino, Jane Marcia; Turatti, Luciana
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| · Experiencing the continuing training of Higher Education Chemistry teachers Quadros, Ana Luiza de; Corrêa, Roberta Guimarães
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| · The Bio-socio-psycho-philosophical concept of Physical Education by Inezil Penna Marinho: a pedagogical discourse for the National Method (1943-1944) Stec, João Pedro; Lezan, João Pedro; Silva, Marcelo Moraes e; Moro, Vera Luiza
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| · Initial teacher training in Brazil and Portugal: a qualitative investigation in times of pandemic Unglaub, Tânia Regina da Rocha; Pereira, Cléia Demétrio; Lopes, Betina da Silva
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| · Teaching Mathematics from a dialogic perspective: a course on Youth and Adult Education for teaching undergraduate students Almeida, Aline Marinho de; Rangel, Ingrid Ribeiro da Gama
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| · The relation between theory and practice: praxis assumptions for the continuing education of teachers in Early Childhood Education Peroza, Marilúcia Antônia de Resende
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| · Social inequality in public education during the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of productions in the area of Education Ribeiro, Camila de Souza; Darcoleto, Carina Alves da Silva
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| · Research in the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE/UEPG) from 2010 to 2024: an overview of productions on School Physical Education and Teacher Training Madrid, Silvia Christina de Oliveira
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| · Development of collaborative writing: challenges of its implementation through digital tools Ríos, Claudine Glenda Benoit
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Thematic section: Ethics and academic scientific integrity |
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| · Unmasking deceptive journals in education sciences: a study on prevalence, characteristics and visibility Comas-Forgas, Rubén; Álvarez-García, Olaya; Cerdà-Navarro, Antoni
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| · Perceptions of integrity in university teaching: insights from student's perspective Caballero, Maritza Minelli Briceño
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| · Academic integrity in pre-service teacher education: a review of the literature Adillón, Maria Vallespir; Bellón, Eva María Espiñeira; Cantero, Jesús Miguel Muñoz; Forgas, Rubén Comas
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| · Estratégias para a prevenção e combate às práticas de desonestidade acadêmica no contexto universitário: propostas a partir da perspectiva do estudante Céspedes, Jensy Campos; Chavarría, Benjamín Campos
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| · A model of the interrelationship between research ethics and research integrity Muthanna, Abdulghani; Chaaban, Youmen; Qadhi, Saba
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| · Artificial Intelligence: between risks and potentialities Gallent-Torres, Cinta; Romero, Begoña Arenas; Adillón, María Vallespir; Foltýnek, Tomáš
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| · Ethics in academic research: reflecting with master’s and doctoral students on necessary activist positions Soares, Ademilson de Sousa; Mendes, Débora Suzane Gomes; Rennó, Giovanna Vargas Consoli; Silva, Guilherme Henrique Calais; Barbosa, Juliana; Amaral, Paula Mendes Costa
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Seção Temática: A Educação Básica na América Latina: política, gestão e formação de professores |
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| · BNDES loan concessions for public education Leonardo, Francisco Morilhe
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| · Habitus and performativity in teaching practice in the state school network of Piauí: implications of the ENEM policy Sousa Sobrinho, Aysllan de; Cavalcanti, Cacilda Rodrigues
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| · Collaboration and Distribution of Leadership: Keys for Improvement in Chile's Vocational and Training Education Jara, Armando Rojas; Cabrera, Óscar Maureira; Figueroa, Luis Ahumada; Muñoz, Erick Vidal
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| · Educational transformation in Uruguay: analysis of key documents for Basic Education Questa-Torterolo, Mariela; Techera, Andrea Tejera
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| · The proposal for a Single Teacher Statute in Colombia in Basic, Secondary and Secondary Education: A comparison with the Current Statutes Pérez, Jhan Carlos Herrera; Londoño, Efraín Darío Ochoa; Zuluaga, Jefferson Tello
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| · The right to education in MERCOSUL: actions to receive immigrants in Dourados-MS Viegas, Elis Regina dos Santos; Domingues, Alex Torres
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| · Policies for the management of Basic Education in Mato Grosso do Sul: redefining old concepts Alves, Andrêssa Gomes de Rezende; Bigarella, Nadia
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| · Brazil and Paraguay: border specificity in pedagogical practices and current legislation Bueno, Mara Lucinéia Marques Correa; Sanabria, Alba Maria Bethania Sanchez
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| · Educational management and teacher job satisfaction in educational institutions of the Ayacucho region, Peru Quispe-Morales, Rolando; Quispe, Pedro Huauya; Cruz, Alejandro Huamán De La
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| · The Fees School Reduction Policy in Chile 2015-2020: factors related to the replacement of fees in private provision Carrasco-Bahamonde, Juan Antonio; Quiero-Bastías, Máximo
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| · Pedagogical teacher training of the Scientific, Technological and Professional Education in Brazil: brief history and contemporary challenges Cesar, Leide Patrícia da Silva; Lins, Rafaella Rosa dos Santos; Moi, Raysa Soares; Azevedo, Jefferson Manhães de
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| · The choice of leaders in municipal schools in Jaboatão dos Guararapes: a look at the legislation Duquini, Mônica Melo; Santos, Catarina Cerqueira de Freitas; Santos, Thiago Rodrigo Fernandes da Silva
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| · Teacher training in Latin America: a parallel between Brazil and Paraguay Cruz, Francisca da Silva; Teixeira, Liziana Arâmbula; Silva, Thaise da
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| · Federative relations and government formulations for the management of Basic Education Alves, Andréia Vicência Vitor; Fernandes, Maria Dilnéia Espíndola
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| · Education Councils and Forums in intergovernmental relations: educational policies and planning Oliveira, Regina Tereza Cestari de; Scaff, Elisangela Alves da Silva
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| · Occupational health of teachers who work in Basic Education: an issue for Brazilian education policies Freitas, Vinicius da Silva; Hansel, Tiago Fernando; Abreu, José Roberto Gonçalves de; Vieira, Maurício Aires; Santos, Adelcio Machado dos
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| · Implications of private sector action in the reorganization of the middle level public school in Mato Grosso do Sul Garcia, Yara Ligia Bambil Daros; Alaniz, Érika Porceli
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| · Teacher appreciation policies in Brazil: a promised and denied dream? Lima, Tamara de; Leite, Yoshie Ussami Ferrari
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Resenhas |
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| · TIRIBA, Léa. Educação Infantil como direito e alegria: em busca de pedagogias ecológicas, populares e libertárias. São Paulo: Paz & Terra, 2021. 308 p. Polli, Bianca; Camargo, Daiana
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| · BALL, Stephen J.; MAINARDES, Jefferson (org.). Pesquisa em Políticas Educacionais: debates contemporâneos. São Paulo: Cortez, 2024. 477 p. Marcondes, Maria Inês; Cunha, Viviane Peixoto da
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Entrevista |
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| · Educação e racismo: o contexto colonial português e os resquícios na atualidade - entrevista com Patrícia Ferraz de Matos Matos, Patrícia Ferraz de; Weber, Maria Julieta
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Dossiê: As dimensões éticas, estéticas e políticas das pesquisas nos/dos/com os cotidianos: um viva à escola pública! |
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| · Still subjects? Why? - Thinking about these issues in everyday life Alves, Nilda
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| · Thinking of school as a practice of sharing the common: inventing research in education Rodrigues, Minna Gondim Marques; Pérez, Carmen Lúcia Vidal
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| · Reasons for UPorto (Portugal) students choose the teaching profession and their perceptions of it Leite, Carlinda; Rodrigues, Sónia Valente; Teixeira, Diana Neves
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| · Research in Education from a multicultural perspective: a study on anti-racist practices in a continuing teacher training extension course Ivenicki, Ana; Carvalho, Érika Loureiro de; Gonçalves, Adriana do Carmo Corrêa
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| · Learning in education from research with schools and teachers: the “Ecological curricular creations” project Oliveira, Inês Barbosa de; Reis, Graça Regina Franco da Silva
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| · Public school: spacetime for weaving knowledge in dialogue with children from popular classes Esteban, Maria Teresa; Oliveira, Joana Paula dos Santos Gomes de; Armaroli, Luana
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| · Think-with the movie Los silencios, temporal displacements towards a daily life of minor lives Estevinho, Lucia de Fatima Dinelli; Amorim, Antonio Carlos Rodrigues de
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| · Three afternoons (Or telling stories is to face genocides!) Süssekind, Maria Luiza
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Tribute |
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| · Tribute to Betty Antunes de Oliveira Saviani, Dermeval
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Dossiê: Centenário da Escola Normal de Ponta Grossa Instituto de Educação Prof. Cesar Prieto Martinez (1924-2024) |
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| · Instituto de Educação Prof. Cesar Prieto Martinez (1924-1996): paths and detours of an institution of initial teacher training Subtil, Maria José Dozza
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| · Cesar Prieto Martinez: the path of school education and modernization (1920-1924) Palhano, Isabel Castilho; Nascimento, Maria Isabel Moura
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| · Documento: Jornal “Normalista” (1958) Secundária, Órgão da Escola Normal
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| · Documento: Instituto de Educação de Ponta Grossa: Resumo histórico (1966)
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| · Documento: Histórico do Instituto Estadual de Educação: Professor Cesar Prieto Martinez (1970)
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| · Documento: Atas do Jardim da Infância - Anexo da Escola Normal de Ponta Grossa (1926-1930)
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| · Documento: A Instrução Pública no Paraná - Entrevista com o Professor Cesar Martinez (1923)
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| · State instruction in Paraná (Interview) Martinez, Cesar Prieto
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| · Discurso da Profª Dra. Maria do Rosário Knechtel na solenidade comemorativa do Centenário do Instituto de Educação Prof. Cesar Prieto Martinez, no dia 27 de fevereiro de 2024
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| · Homenagem da Profª Maria Eulina dos Santos Schena no Jubileu de Ouro do Instituto de Educação Prof. Cesar Prieto Martinez (1974)
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| · Relatório da Escola Normal Primária de Ponta Grossa, apresentado ao Exmo Snr. Dr. Hostilio Cezar de Souza Araujo, DD. Diretor Geral do Ensino pelo Prof. Roberto Emilio Mongruel, director (1928) Mongruel, Roberto Emilio
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| · Documento: Jornal “O Educandário” (1934)
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