Editorial |
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| · Bolsonaro e a COVID-19: e daí? “o Brazil tá matando o Brasil”, “do Brasil, SOS ao Brasil”, “chora a nossa pátria, mãe gentil...” Silva, Maurício Roberto da; Pires, Giovani De Lorenzi; Pereira, Rogério; Bianchi, Paula
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Artigo Original |
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| · The education project for school Physical Education: a look at the educational policies of the last twenty years Prietto, Adelina Lorensi; Souza, Maristela da Silva
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| · Private counseling and medicalization of physical activity in a mobile health application: the production of homogeneous bodies and universal subjects Abib, Leonardo Trápaga; Gomes, Ivan Marcelo; Galak, Eduardo Lautaro
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| · Afro-brazilian culture in basic education: a study on the exercise of law 10.639 / 2003 in three municipal schools of Tucuruí-PA Bugarim, Jonatha Pereira; Bugarim, Maria da Conceição Pereira; Costa, Andréia do Socorro de Andrade da; Oliveira, Rayná Benedita Sabóia de
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| · History of sport in Mozambique: a vision of teachers and managers of Physical Education Sitoe, Selso Ananias; Contreiras, Andressa Ribeiro; Moreira, Caio Rosas; Costa, Luciane Cristina Arantes da; (Doutora), Lenamar Fiorese
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| · Initial training in Physical Education and the construction of knowledge in dance: relations with university extension Kleinubing, Neusa Dendena; Dal-Cin, Jamile
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| · Afro-brazilian culture and dance in school Physical Education Santos, Karolainy Benedet dos; Bona, Bruna Carolini De; Torriglia, Patrícia Laura
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| · Body and school: what the play in the queues reveals Spolaor, Gabriel da Costa; Prodócimo, Elaine
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| · Mood State of athletes from the base of a basketball team Oliveira, Fernanda Arantes de; Dorneles, Sthefannie Postal; Prado, Vivian Loietes de Oliveira; Garcia, Rosana Lopes da Silva; Machado, Afonso Antonio; Tertuliano, Ivan Wallan
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| · Sports public policy: water sports promotion in the Lisbon metropolitan area Figueira, Tiago Miguel Neves; Teixeira, Mário Rui Coelho
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| · Women in shooting: ethnographic notes on women's participation in a so-called male practice Pires, Amanda J.; Stigger, Marco Paulo
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| · Body knowledge in Physical Education: reflections on evaluation processes Brasil, Isabella Blanche Gonçalves; Ferreira, Lílian Aparecida
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| · Physical Education and gender issues: reasons for choosing certain sports by high school’s students in a military school Jacoby, Lara Félix; Goellner, Silvana Vilodre
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| · Parliamentary amendments and the federal budget for brazilian sport (2004-2015) Castro, Suélen Barboza Eiras de; Scarpin, Jorge Eduardo; Mezzadri, Fernando Marinho
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| · School Physical Education and inclusion: a case study in Brazil from the perspective of the bioecological model Santos, Mariselma Oliveira dos; Carvalho, Camila Lopes de; Araújo, Paulo Ferreira de; Salerno, Marina Brasiliano
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| · Supervision of students’ practices by Physical Education teachers Godoi, Marcos; Borges, Cecilia
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| · The presence of the term youth in the scientific production of brazilian Physical Education: where are we going? Bungenstab, Gabriel Carvalho
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| · The academic master in the process of professional development of Physical Education teachers Clates, Daniela de Moura; Fighera, Adriana Claudia Martins; Camargo, Maria Cecília da Silva
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| · Netnography of Physical Education in the reform of brazilian high school: discursive practices on social networks youtube, instagram, facebook and twitter Nazário, Murilo Eduardo dos Santos; Santos, Wagner dos; Ferreira Neto, Amarílio
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Porta Aberta |
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| · Satisfaction of body image and its relationships with biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender schemas of self-concept in dancers: a systematic review Brandão, Alex Carneiro; Freitas, Kamyla Thais Dias de; Silva, Walan Robert da; Carvalho, Helton Pereira De; (Doutor), Fernando Luiz Cardoso
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| · Ethical and aesthetic values of kung-fu: a systematic review Mocarzel, Rafael Carvalho da Silva; Queirós, Paula; Lacerda, Teresa Oliveira
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| · The inconfidence and insubordination of Tantalus and its reverberations in the politial body Borelli, Sandro; Marques, Flávia Brassarola Borsani; Roble, Odilon José
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| · The sportivization of surf: reflections in the light of Pierre Bourdieu Nepomuceno, Léo Barbosa; Nogueira, Júlia Aparecida Devidé; Honorato, George Washington Noronha; Bosi, Maria Lúcia Magalhães; Silva, Fidel Machado de Castro
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| · The financing os sports in brazilian scientific journalism: a systematic review Pereira, Claudia Catarino; Carneiro, Fernando Henrique Silva; Reis, Nadson Santana; Athayde, Pedro Fernando Avalone; Mascarenhas, Fernando
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| · Teaching gymnastics at school: an account of experience with historical-critical pedagogy Viana, Ludmila Siqueira Mota
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| · Dance and knowledge: reflections on the lived body Nascimento, Marcelo de Maio
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| · Health promotion through popular education and corporal practices: enhancing care and strengthening social bonds Oliveira Junior, João Batista de; Wachholz, Luana Bertamoni; Manske, George Saliba; Lange, Fernanda Cornelius
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| · Philosophical reflections in Physical Education: interview with professor Iraquitan de Oliveira Caminha Pereira, Arliene Stephanie Menezes; Guedes, Mileyde Bárbara Santos
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| · Teaching representations of school Physical Education: singularities produced by the work projects Coelho, Márcio Cardoso; Bossle, Fabiano
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| · Inclusion of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes in regular public schools in Brazil: a systematic literature review Castro, Mariana Oliveira Rabelo de; Telles, Silvio de Cassio Costa
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| · Migratory flow in the sports: a systematic review Nascimento, Diego Ramos do; Ribeiro, Carlos Henrique de Vasconcellos; Palma, Alexandre; Pereira, Erik Giuseppe Barbosa
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| · Competition in youth soccer: considerations about the match organization and participation in the competitive environment Bettega, Otávio Baggiotto; Scaglia, Alcides José; Pasquarelli, Bruno Natale; Prestes, Marcelo Freitas; Kssesinski, Felipe da Cunha; Galatti, Larissa Rafaela
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| · Conceptions and perspectives to Physical Education in the common national curriculum base of high school in Brazil Cruz, Lauro Rafael; Negrão, Alice Raquel Maia; Abreu, Meriane Conceição Paiva
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| · Pedagogical principles of teaching games for understanding model: a praxiological view on sports teaching for understanding Fagundes, Felipe Menezes; Ribas, João Francisco Magno
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| · Praxis in teaching initiation: book review PIBID: training and methods of teaching in physical education - volume 2 Arruda, Érika Fernandes de Almeida; Tolomeotti, Katharine Aguiar; Pimentel, Giuliano Gomes de Assis
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| · Sexuality and school Physical Education in brazilian journals (1979-2018) Evangelista, Marcio Henrique Scotelano; Machado, Bruna Pinho; Franco, Neil
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| · The thematization of the sertanejo in Physical Education classes: the circle of culture as inspiration for the pedagogical practice Sousa, Cláudio Aparecido de; Maldonado, Daniel Teixeira; Farias, Uirá de Siqueira
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