Editorial |
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| · Interview with Nita Freire SILVA, ITAMAR MENDES DA; ARELARO, LISETE
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| · Policy and practice of curriculum management in São Paulo: lessons from paulo freire at the head of the Municipal Department of Education (1989-1991) SAUL, ANA MARIA; SAUL, ALEXANDRE; VOLTAS, FERNANDA CORRÊA QUATORZE
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| · Curriculum policy in freirean management in Sao Paulo: dialogue with Ana Maria Saul OLIVEIRA, INÊS BARBOSA DE
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| · Paulo Freire and the progressive consensus in the management of municipal education in São Paulo. The wedge and chisel GIGLIO, CELIA BENEDICTO; MENDONÇA, MARCOS
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| · Paulo Freire: democratic management in three formations KRUPPA, SONIA MARIA PORTELLA; TELLES, SILVIA ANDRADE DA SILVA; ANGELO, ALINE APARECIDA
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| · Paulo Freire and the democratic management as educational policy: oppositions to neoliberalism COSTA, DAIANNY MADALENA; PAULO, FERNANDA
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| · Paulo Freire and the current educational policy: possibilities and counter- hegemonic perspectives in defense of the education and of the life LINO, LUCILIA AUGUSTA; ARRUDA, MARIA DA CONCEIÇÃO CALMON
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| · Educational management in Paulo Freire: political and democratic education SOUZA, LEONARDO CARVALHO DE; DONAIRE, SAMIRA KRUPEK; NEVES, SANDRA GARCIA
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| · Democratic school management: more Freire, never less BARCELOS, VALDO HERMES; AZZOLIN, MARIA APARECIDA
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| · Challenges of freirean’s practices in pandemic times: remote education and school management in PROEJA OLIVEIRA, EDNA CASTRO DE; REZENDE, ALDO; FERREIRA, MARIA JOSÉ DE RESENDE; FALCÃO, PATRÍCIA HELMER
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| · Militization of public schools: reflections in light of the conception of democratic management of education in Paulo Freire ALVES, MIRIAM FÁBIA; REIS, LÍVIA CRISTINA RIBEIRO DOS
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| · Paulo Freire and democratic management: epistemological and formative approaches RODRIGUES, RODRIGO SOARES GUIMARÃES; SILVA, LUANA ROSA DE ARAÚJO
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| · ‘I do not want followers’: critical reflections from freirean basis to democratic management ESQUINSANI, ROSIMAR SERENA SIQUEIRA
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| · Paulo Freire and educational management: analysis of research in three brazilian graduate programs HAMMES, LÚCIO JORGE; HAMMES, ITAMAR LUÍS; ZITKOSKI, JAIME JOSÉ
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| · Educational policy and management at the São Paulo Municipal Secretariat of Education (1989-1992) DIAS, VAGNO EMYGDIO MACHADO; MARTINS, TÂNIA BARBOSA
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| · Contributions of the culture circle to popular participation in the management of basic education: dialogues with Paulo Freire TOMELIN, NILTON BRUNO; RAUSCH, RITA BUZZI
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| · Democratic management and vocational and technological education based on paulo freire’s assumptions URBANETZ, SANDRA TEREZINHA; BASTOS, ELIANA NUNES MACIEL
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| · Curriculum document of the bragantina school and democratic school management: a view from the freirean educational principles MACIEL, ROGERIO ANDRADE; NEVES, JOANA D’ARC DE VASCONCELOS; OLIVEIRA, MARCOS RENAN FREITAS DE
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| · The culture of silence: culture of poverty, domination and pedagogy of liberation SILVA, ALBERTO; SGUISSARDI, VALDEMAR
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Artigos |
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| · Internationalization policies in higher education: transfer of educational ideas PINTO, MARIALVA MOOG; VOLPATO, GILDO
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| · Highlighted: the new school management STRASBURG, QUÊNIA RENEE; CORSETTI, BERENICE
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| · The formative movement of the national pact for literacy at the right age: impacts on math literacy FONTANA, MARIA IOLANDA; GUÉRIOS, ETTIÈNE; SOUZA, VANDA MARIA DE
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| · Autonomy, entrepreneurship and competitivity: university on the future-se program trail SOUSA, ANA PAULA RIBEIRO DE; COIMBRA, LEONARDO JOSÉ PINHO
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| · Occupied schools in sao paulo, policies and democracies ABDIAN, GRAZIELA ZAMBÃO; CARVALHO, VIVIANE IZAÍAS DE; HOJAS, VIVIANI FERNANDA
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| · Curriculum policies, high school and the democracy paradoxes: conceptual perspectives for the composition of a critical diagnosis SILVA, ROBERTO RAFAEL DIAS DA; LUTHIANE MISZAK VALENÇA DE, OLIVEIRA
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Seção Especial |
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| · Mosaicos de uma trajetória acadêmica: homenagem a nosso querido professor Cleiton de Oliveira CALDERÓN, ADOLFO-IGNACIO; COSTA, RAFAEL FERNANDO DA; WANDERCIL, MARCO
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| · Quando um educador vai para o paraíso BRUNO, PUCCI
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