Artigo |
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| · Teachers’ perceptions of an emotional education program: a qualitative study Furlan, Natália Pozzan; Méa, Cristina Pilla Della
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| · Dialogues between digital culture skills and scientific, critical, and creative thinking in the National Common Curricular Base Machado, Aline Alvares; Amaral, Marília Abrahão
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| · Educational Administration in Portugal under analysis Carvalho, Maria João de
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| · The art-museum-education encounter and the invention of perennial spectators-pupils Prates, Adriana Pedrassa; Aquino, Julio Groppa
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| · Education of toddlers and children in tender age in Colombia, 1870-1930 Velasco, Miguel Ángel Martínez
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| · Trajectories reviewed: reasons from teaching philosophy to teaching philosophy of education Pedreira, Andre Luiz Simões; Cruz, Giseli Barreto da
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| · Imaginary about school physical education in the countryside of Amazonas: records of perceptions and possibilities of transformation Oliveira, Victor José Machado de; Barros, João Luiz da Costa; Rocha, Jamillys Rocha da
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| · Teaching career planning and budgeting: analysis of the perspective of basic education teachers in Mozambique Santos, Júnior João Samuel dos; Aliante, Gildo
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| · The idea of university in Van Rensselaer Potter and Jürgen Habermas: new looks at university in the digital age Paulo Neto, Alberto
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| · Productivity analysis in resource allocation of FUNDEB in the state of Amapa between 2010 and 2019 Grillo, Cecília Calcagno; Souza Júnior, Celso Vila Nova de; Moreira, Tito Belchior Silva; Galvão, César Augusto de Souza Pinto
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| · Cooperative learning scale: validation among Portuguese and Brazilian university students Silva, Helena Santos; Lopes, José; Estrada, Jose Antonio Cecchini; Fernandez-Rio, Javier; Leite, Ângela
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| · Academic stressors as predictors of burnout syndrome in university students Câmara, Sheila Gonçalves; Carlotto, Mary Sandra
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| · Things seen during childhood, reminiscences told in adulthood: the institutionalization of elementary school inthe province of Paraná through egodocuments (1854-1889) Anjos, Juarez José Tuchinski dos
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| · The itineraries of Ludvig Kumlien and the dissemination of Swedish gymnastics in France (1895-1921) Bonifácio, Iara Marina dos Anjos; Moreno, Andrea; Baía, Anderson da Cunha
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| · Impacts of mergers and acquisitions on academic quality: an analysis of Brazilian private higher education institutions between 2007 and 2016 Freire, Eduardo José; Teixeira, Aridelmo José Campanharo
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| · Competencies in the training of school leaders: the case of the Master’s Program in Leadership and Management of School Organizations (MLGOE) Leiva-Guerrero, María Verónica; Segovia Embry, Hery Alejandro; Benavides Meneses, Matías
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| · “Capitães da Areia” by Jorge Amado and Pierre Bourdieu’s “heretical discourse” Valle, Ione Ribeiro
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| · Environmental education at school: international literature and analysis of brazilian studies Rosa, Maria Arlete; Kauchakje, Samira; Fontana, Maria Iolanda
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| · Intellectuals and language games: the discourse on Primary Education at the First National Education Conference (1927) Vieira, Carlos Eduardo
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| · Learning to construct scientific explanations: an analysis of everyday life in the Science classroom Carneiro, Thalita de Oliveira; Franco, Luiz Gustavo; Teles, Ana Paula Souto Silva; Matos, Santer Alvares de
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| · Literacy practices and shared repertoire by teachers who teach mathematics Silva, Neomar Lacerda da; Oliveira, Andréia Maria Pereira de
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| · Decolonization of teacher educators in universities from the Global South Parra, Yamith José Fandiño
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| · Collaborative work, emotions, and inclusion in Chile during the pandemic Poblete-Christie, Octavio; Sánchez, Claudia Caro; Martín, Gabriel Salinas San; Vega, Agueda Elgueta; Araya-García, Aida
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| · Study of the dimensions of professional learning communities in Chile Ruz, Marcela Andrea Peña; Asparó, Carme Armengol
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| · For an integrative and pluralist ethics: pathways to moral education based on conflict resolution Arantes, Valéria Amorim; Pinheiro, Viviane Potenza Guimarães
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| · Political education, violence, resistance: the formation of conscience and the fight against authoritarianism and aggressiveness Giovinazzo Júnior, Carlos Antônio
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| · The place of assessment in the pedagogical projects of the Mathematics degree of a public institution in São Paulo Ferrarotto, Luana; Garcia, Marta Fernandes
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| · Moral pedagogical leadership: perceptions of secondary school students Zárate, Zaida Espinosa; de la Hoz, Jesús Plaza
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| · Affinity between the interests and aptitudes of ethnic communities and the regional offer of higher education in Colombia Dussan, Fredy Andrés Olarte; Garcia-Pinilla, Jose Ignacio; Rodríguez-Jiménez, Olga Rosalba
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| · Standards, autonomy, and internationalization: accountability in graduate programs in Chile Valdivia, Alejandra Crocco; Cofré, María Beatriz Fernández
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| · Affectivity, gender and care. Contributions to the area of Education Cristi, Miguel Antonio Ahumada
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| · Are you out there?: Social situations in a distance-based continuous teacher training experience, in the context of COVID-19 Figueroa-Céspedes, Ignacio; Fica-Pinol, Esteban; Yáñez-Urbina, Cristopher; Zapata, Paulina Cáceres; Aldunate, Alejandra Morales
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| · The Nonpartisan School: between political control of the teaching activity and unconstitucional attempts to resume censorship Garcia, Miliandre; Dias, Jennifer Caroline
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| · School management from the perspective of professional identity Fernández, Francisco Javier Amores; Ruiz, Miguel Ángel Gómez; Real, Maximiliano Ritacco; Gil, Mónica María López
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| · Multiple meanings of the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in the aging process: family narratives Rosetto, Andréia Migliorini; Pieczkowski, Tania Mara Zancanaro
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| · The ethical formation of undergraduate students in pedagogy in times of "gender ideology": a cross-sectional study using the Defining Issues Test-2 (DIT-2) Silva, Matheus Estevão Ferreira da; Morais, Alessandra de; Brabo, Tânia Suely Antonelli Marcelino
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| · An intergenerational pact? Challenges for the child's influential action in building a culture of peace Graça, Maria Teresa
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| · The place of educational policy in the continuing education of teachers in the municipal schools of Belo Horizonte and São Paulo Silva, Deise Rosalio; Martins, Juliana Faltz
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| · Design and evaluation of an educational resource to promote social and emotional competences with indie games through design based research Oceja, Jorge
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| · A PhD dissertation in education written by artificial intelligence? Lopes, Carlos; Forgas, Rubén Comas; Cerdà-Navarr, Antoni
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| · I-margin, or the modes to germinate a bottomless for education de Amorim, Antonio Carlos Rodrigues
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| · Access to education promoting sustainable mobility in cities Molinari, Alana Tamara Gonçalves; Bernardinis, Márcia de Andrade Pereira
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| · Textbook and curriculum policies: from the fetish object to discursive articulation Frangella, Rita de Cassia Prazeres
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| · Research on the production of school failure: memories of its construction Viégas, Lygia de Sousa; Machado, Adriana Marcondes
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| · Exit of the teaching career in basic education: a systematic review Melo, José Rodrigo Silva de; Moura, Diego Luz
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| · The pandemic, distance education and remote teaching at the Federal Institute of Goiás (Brazil) Witeze Junior, Geraldo; Borges, Kamylla Pereira; Araújo, Claudia Helena dos Santos
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| · Racial maternity at school: for an anti-racist education Landim, Fernanda Cássia; Saraiva, Eduardo Steindorf; Mallmann, Tatiana Weber
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| · The Educational Sciences in Portugal and Brazil Pinto, Umberto Andrade
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| · The education of ethnic-racial relations in early childhood education institutions in Minas Gerais Silva, Otavio Henrique Ferreira da; Oliveira, Grasiela Ramos de
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| · Does mosquito have a heart? The representation of scientific concepts from storytelling Lima, Guilherme da Silva; Cota, Maria Cecília Soares Barbosa; Gilbert, Anmaly Natália Miguel Monteiro
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| · Two sides of the same coin: a comparative case study of students’ perceptions in two public universities (Portugal and Brazil) about higher education quality assessment Soares, Rogéria; Souza, Sidclay Bezerra; Fernandes, Jesus Maria Vaz
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| · When education becomes a necessity beyond a universal right: an interface between the academic field and peasant collective action in the constitution of Differentiated Education Meneses, Alcione Sousa
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| · Lack of school interest: literature review (2007–2021) in theses, dissertations and scientific journals from Latin America Santos, Edvanderson Ramalho dos
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| · La Verneda-Sant Martí Adult School: dream and science in education Oliveira, Cristiane Fontes de; Mello, Roseli Rodrigues de; Marigo, Adriana Fernandes Coimbra; Constantino, Francisca de Lima; Braga, Fabiana Marini
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| · Didactic representations on the teaching of science: meanings assigned by Peruvian teachers Gonzales-Miñán, Milagros; Turpo-Gebera, Osbaldo; Pari-Tito, Fernando
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| · What can Bakhtin say about babies: life in a nursery from the perspective of the philosophy of language Barboza, Georgete de Moura; Motta, Flávia Miller Naethe
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| · The educational policies for youth and adult education in Brazil on the perspective for 2030 agenda: arguments for a dialogue Novais, Valéria Silva de Moraes; Akkari, Abdeljalil
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| · Project for the appreciation of plastic works of the Cuban avant-garde by high school students Haza, Julio Leyva; Véliz, Yusimí Guerra; Guerra, Ramón Hurtado; Valencia, Betania Pérez
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| · Formative trajectory of black women in a teacher training course: experiences and challenges Heidelmann, Stephany Petronilho; Candau, Vera Maria Ferrão
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| · Introducing methodological components to school coexistence Andrades-Moya, Jonathan
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| · Strategies and movements of large publicly held higher education groups between 2007 and 2021 Carvalho, Cristina Helena Almeida de; Lima, Raimundo da Silva
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| · Teacher education: history, delimitation of the field and its perspective for the area of education Peixoto, Priscila de Andrade Barroso; Luquetti, Eliana Crispim França
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| · Training and work: professional trajectories of graduates in education sciences Vaz, Henrique; Correia, Miguel
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| · Right to the city and hospitable school: possibilities to develop educating cities Alves, Alceli Ribeiro; Schmidt, Adriane da Silva
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| · Pedagogy for the oppressed: inequality and career choice in teaching Rodrigues, Wallace Faustino da Rocha; Pacheco, Daniela Paiva de Almeida
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| · Gender perspective through the experience of women in higher education Rodríguez, Ana María Rosas; Suárez, Carlos Andrés Alberto
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| · What can a diary do? A look at the academic literature Pezzato, Luciane Maria; Bragança, Inês Ferreira de Souza; Prado, Guilherme do Val Toledo
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| · Playing and teaching activities in preschool autism spectrum disorder children Pezzi, Fernanda Aparecida Szareski; Frison, Marli Dallagnol
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| · The diary of an inmate: female uses of writing in prison environments Godinho, Ana Claudia Ferreira
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| · Gender, race, school dropout and expulsion: why do girls and boys stop attending school? Ratusniak, Célia
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| · The question of reference in pedagogical-curricular proposals for literacy education in the 1980/1990s Pietri, Émerson de; Galian, Cláudia Valentina Assumpção; Romero, Márcia; Oliveira, Fernando Rodrigues de
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| · Other curricula for teacher education: discussing decolonial and intercultural principles Mariano, André Luiz Sena
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| · Environmental education in argentina's child education: does everything change? Silva, Elizandra Garcia da; Silva, Tatiane Garcia da
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| · The teacher made of rice: feeding and belonging among children from a rural school in Maranhão (Brazil) Sousa, Emilene Leite de; Brito, John Jamerson da Silva; Monteiro, Karla Bianca Freitas de Souza
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| · The thought of Faria de Vasconcelos and natural science education Bonito, Jorge
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| · A cultural enclosure — literate experiences at the clube curitibano (1881-1890) Gomes, Leonardo do Couto
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| · The intimate unknown: a reflection on infantile, psychoanalysis and education Santos Filho, Francisco Carlos; Cossetin, Vânia Lisa Fischer
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| · Literary literature in pedagogy courses: where is EJA? Miguel, José Carlos; Silva, Cláudio Rodrigues da; Leal, Luciana Ferreira; Moraes, Agnes Iara Domingos
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| · Experimental science teaching practices: what factors make a difference? Rodrigues, Ana Valente; Oliveira, Diana; Bem-Haja, Pedro
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| · Foucault and special education: amidst discourses by teachers who teach science in a city in the northeast of Pará Nascimento, Anderson Thiago do; Malheiro, João Manoel da Silva
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| · Learning and democratic culture in school: a theoretical and methodological approach Patiño, Ramiro Gastón Lobatón
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| · Initial training for adult education teachers Arcas, Begoña Rumbo; Sánchez, Tania Fátima Gómez
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| · Black women in EJA: understanding the challenges and strategies to fight racism at school Lima, Flavia Souza Rocha; Sepulcri, Lara Mendes Christ Bonella; Nossa, Silvania Neris; Figueiredo, Sabrina Oliveira de
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| · The integrative review in studies of educational public policy: potential and applicability of the method Alvarenga, Eldaronice Queiroz de; Batista, Maria Clarice Lima; Niitsuma, Eyleen Nabyla Alvarenga; Oliveira, Rosimar de Fátima
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Interview with Patricia Hill Collins Corrochano, Maria Carla; Gomes, Nilma Lino; Vianna, Cláudia; Valentim, Silvani dos Santos; Marques, Eugenia Portela de Siqueira
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Resenha |
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| · A case for an alternative institutional approach:about reading and writing in the academic setting David, Antônio
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| · Critical Thinking and practical wisdow in the classroom: Bell Hooks Contributions to teacher training Bitencourt, Silvana Maria
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| · Antonieta de Barros: affections, networks and trajectories Philippi, Carolina Cechella
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| · Review of the book "Research in education: methods and epistemologies" by Silvio Sanchéz Gamboa Pinto, Arliene Stephanie Menezes Pereira; Gomes, Daniel Pinto; Medeiros, Rosie Marie Nascimento de
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| · Review of the book Objectification Theory: a perspective Vygotskiana on knowing and becoming in teaching and learning of mathematics Santos, Maria José Costa dos
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| · About special education and its history Rocha, Heloísa Helena Pimenta
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| · Protect, transform, value the school and its teachers. Disintegration or metamorphosis? Kaizer, Daiane Machado; Fabris, Elí Terezinha Henn
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| · "Evidence-based literacy: from science to the classroom": Which science? Which classroom? Caldeira, Maria Carolina da Silva
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| · Digital culture Souza, Helen Santana Mangueira de; Silva, Danilo Garcia da
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