Artigos |
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| · Teaching Coordination in the University: the case of the initial training of the future Social Sciences teacher in Spain Sebastiá-Alcaraz, Rafael; García-Rubio, Juan
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| · Wishful thinking: processes of meaning in the discourse of the learning crisis of multilateral organizations Rochadel, Olivia; Hostins, Regina Célia Linhares
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| · The role of the “New” High School in the logic of capital: stratification, perspectives and resistances Oliveira Gomes, Mike Ceriani de
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| · Poetics of the contingent: some essays about teaching Ribeiro, Cintya Regina
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| · Pedagogy of masculinization in porn videos: the production of the young man barebacker Oliveira, Danilo Araujo de; Sales, Shirlei Rezende
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| · Environmental education in initial teacher education: contributions of the Critical Pedagogy Lopes, Theóffillo da Silva; Abílio, Francisco José Pegado
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| · Systematic synthesis of research on pedagogical practices in Brazil: an analysis of the academic production of the Graduate Programs in Education CAPES Grade 7 (2006-2015) Diniz-Pereira, Júlio Emílio
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| · Force relationship between UNESCO guidelines and student demands in Law no. 13.415/2017 Boutin, Aldimara Catarina Brito Delabona; Flach, Simone de Fátima
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| · Schools in rural areas and school concentration measures: the case of the geographical area of Pinhal Interior Sul, Portugal (early 21st century) Silva, Carlos Manique da
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| · Intermittent pathways in the access to artistic careers in young descendants of migrants Gaspar, Sofia; Iorio, Juliana
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| · Relationship with society from a gender perspective: a study in Ecuadorian university Aguirre, María Cristina Useche; Reinoso, Johanna Rosali Reyes; Gavilanes, Magdalena Emilia Ordóñez; Ullauri, María del Cisne Aguirre; Iñiguez, Enma Alexandra Espinosa
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| · Existentialities in the countryside established by the rurality of the presence Mota, Charles Maycon de Almeida; Rios, Jane Adriana Vasconcelos Pacheco
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| · Carnival shed of floats and Ethnomathematics: pedagogical practices and reflections in the Carnival of Florianópolis Fernandes, Jéssica Lins de Souza; Passos, Joana Célia dos; Gonçalves, Rita de Cássia Pacheco
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| · The use of digital technologies in education: future paths for a digital education Coppi, Marcelo; Fialho, Isabel; Cid, Marília; Leite, Carlinda; Monteiro, Angélica
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| · Detailed textual analysis of the Brazilian Inclusion Law: perspectives and advances in relation to the rights of people with disabilities Rocha, Luiz Renato Martins da; Oliveira, Jáima Pinheiro de
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| · Pierre Bourdieu and the issue of the intellectuals Campos, Névio de
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| · Paulo Freire’s contributions in India and its connections with Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s philosophy: expressions of internationalization Marcoccia, Patrícia Correia de Paula; Streck, Danilo Romeu
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| · (Almost) anthropophagic reflections on unequal teachers’ remuneration in Brazil and the United States of (North) America Gouveia, Andréa Barbosa; Fischman, Gustavo E.
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| · Curricularization of extension in Pre-service teacher education courses Zanon, Denise Puglia; Cartaxo, Simone Regina Manosso
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| · The homeschooling network in Brazil: the conservative alliance in action Lima, Iana Gomes de; Gandin, Luís Armando; Rosa, Luis Felipe; Santos, Gabriel Dias dos
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| · The name of the flower: dialogues between Paulo Freire, Francisco Brennand and decolonialities Peloso, Franciele Clara; Scortegagna, Paola Andressa; Mota Neto, João Colares da
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| · Education Coordination: action with teachers to promote school inclusion Rosário, Gabriela Chem de Souza do; Papi, Silmara de Oliveira Gomes
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Entrevista |
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| · Interview with Pablo del Río – Human development and educational design: some challenges of contemporary schooling Río, Pablo del; Braga, Elizabeth dos Santos; Rego, Teresa Cristina; Smolka, Ana Luiza Bustamante
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| · Conservative alliance in Brazilian Education: revisiting Educating the “right” way: interview with Michael W. Apple Apple, Michael W.; Lima, Iana Gomes de; Golbspan, Ricardo Boklis; Santos, Graziella Souza dos; Gandin, Luís Armando
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| · A dialogue: interview with Gisèle Sapiro Sapiro, Gisèle; Campos, Névio de
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Tradução |
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| · The politics of critical policy sociology: mobilities, moorings and elite networks Savage, Glenn C.; Gerrard, Jessica; Gale, Trevor; Molla, Tebeje
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| · The challenge of individuality in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory: “collectividual” dialectics from a transformative activist stance Stetsenko, Anna
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| · What is policy assemblage? Savage, Glenn C.
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Dossiê: Relações étnico-raciais: práticas e reflexões pedagógicas em contextos, espaços e tempos |
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| · O ferrete da “aparência” Gomes, Candido Alberto
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| · Black women on the move: individual and collective creations for lives with dignity and rights Ribeiro, Matilde
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| · Education for Ethnic-Racial relations in Physical Education research and initial training: a state of knowledge Silveira, Keylla Amélia Dares; Alviano Júnior, Wilson
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| · Education to overcome racism in a public school context Ponce, Branca Jurema; Ferrari, Alice Rosa de Sena
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| · Ethnic-racial issues in the school environment: reflections from theses and dissertations on pedagogical practices developed in Basic Education Santos, Adriana Regina de Jesus; Araújo, João Fernando de; Chingulo, Martinho Gilson Cardoso; Tiroli, Luiz Gustavo; Mazzafera, Bernadete Lema
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| · The legacy of whiteness: reflections from oral reports by white teachers Souza, Ana Laura Bonini Rodrigues de; Castro, Rosane Michelli de; Santiago, Flávio
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| · “Escrevivências” and literary affects between university and school Oliveira, Iris Verena; Lima, Jeane Matos Araújo; Santos, Geniclécia Lima dos
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| · “Demarcating universities”: indigenous peoples and affirmative actions in Brazilian Graduate Studies courses Bonin, Iara Tatiana
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| · The meaning of the black person in teaching materials: a semantic analysis of activities related to the National Day of Black Consciousness Silva, Florisbete de Jesus; Campos, Leonardo Lacerda
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| · Ancestral memories and African philosophies forging paths to an Afro-referenced education Machado, Adilbênia Freire; Oliveira, Lorena Silva
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| · A decolonial possibility to think about the constitution of the caboclo ethos in the Western Santa Catarina Tedesco, Anderson Luiz; Battestin, Cláudia
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| · Philosophy of education from other landscapes: Afro-Brazilian childhoods and decolonial pedagogy Santana Miranda, Amanaiara Conceição de; dos Santos, Luís Carlos Ferreira
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| · The orientation process as a strategy to overcome institutional racism: reports of an ancestral encounter in a Graduate Studies context at a Federal Institute Nascimento, Bianca Barreto do; Santos, Mariana Fernandes dos
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| · School, resignification, decolonization: narratives of Kaingang students on Brazil’s Southern border Vicenzi, Renilda; Picoli, Bruno Antonio
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| · Poetics of quilombola movement and interculturality: body and decolonial dances from the Freirean perspective Ferreira, Thais de Jesus; Paula Silva, Maria Cecilia de
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| · Towards an anti-racist Physical Education: the protagonism of CEAFRO from Vitoria and Cariacica in Espírito Santo Monteiro, Pamela Tavares; Anjos, José Luiz dos
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| · Decolonial thoughts about ethnic-racial relations on ENEM’s Spanish exams (2010-2020) Botelho, Gabriela Rodrigues
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| · For a teaching of Physics afrocentered in the curriculum of the Integrated Middle School of a Federal Institute Dantas Junior, Jorge Ferreira
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| · Mith, ideology and utopia in the Brazilian indigenist schooling education policy Sousa, Kasandra Conceição Castro de; Amaral Filho, Fausto dos Santos
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| · From marginalization to centrality: the importance of black representativeness in children’s and young adult literature Caetano, Janaína Oliveira; Gomes, Suzete Araujo Oliveira; Castro, Helena Carla
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| · Ethnic-racial thinking: scientific knowledge, legal norms and education Aguiar, José Vicente de Souza; Oliveira, Kelly Almeida de; Nascimento, Izaura Rodrigues do
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| · “I don’t know if I can say I’m not racist”: student narratives on the history of Afro-Brazilian and indigenous culture in the Higher Education Rodrigues, Cíntia Régia; Fabrício, Edison Lucas
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| · Health education of the black population in the Family Health Strategy Ferreira, Adicéa de Souza
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| · Racial quotas as a mechanism of visibility and social valuation of the black population Almeida, Nara Cristina Fernandes; Leon, Adriana Duarte
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| · Paulo Freire’s actuality in the suffocated “cry” of the oppressed Lima, Kelly Cristina Soares; Plaster, Josiane Arnholz; Schütz-Foerste, Gerda M.
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| · Representativeness, visibility and vocality: notes on whiteness and academic production in scientific events in times of remote education Mello, Marina Pereira de Almeida; Ribeiro, Samuel Dias
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| · Educational practices of teachers and families in the process of building the identity of the black children Silva, Giovanna Santos da; Martins, Edna
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| · Interculturality: experiences and challenges in/of University Boacik, Daniela; Rubin-Oliveira, Marlize; Peloso, Franciele Clara
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| · Racial quotas at the university: a case study on access to Higher Education in a Federal Institution Savi, Claudinéia Lucion; Bernartt, Maria de Lourdes; Mello, Nilvania Aparecida de
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| · “I was all that they did not want from a teacher”: black and lesbian teaching in Basic Education Nascimento, Tainah Mota do; Silva, Rodrigo Manoel Dias da
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| · Racism as a condition for thinking the ethics of ethnic-racial relations in Basic Education Correa, Beatriz da Silva; Siquelli, Sônia Aparecida
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| · Diaspora Literacy and the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations: theoretical-methodological approximations Araujo, Débora Cristina de; Araujo, Eduardo da Silva
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| · Black Movement in Brazil: approval of Law no. 10,639/2003 and education for ethnic-racial relations Cunha, Adrielle Soares; Amorim Júnior, José Correia de; Duvernoy, Doriele Andrade
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| · Non-hegemonic subjects in Postgraduate courses in Brazil and Portugal: Indigenous, Angolans, Mozambicans and Timorese Backes, José Licínio
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| · Teacher education from an anti-racist education perspective as a social practice Sousa, Fausto Ricardo Silva; Sousa, Lizandra Sodré; Carvalho, Herli de Sousa; Silveira, Francisca Morais da
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| · The racial issue between treaties and portraits: laws and implementations “just for show” Leal, Simoní Portela; Boakari, Francis Musa; Silva, Francilene Brito da; Silva, Alisson Emanuel
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| · Analysis of the category content and form of Azur & Asmar workpiece: reflections on ethnic-racial relations in and out of school Klem, Suelen Cristina dos Santos; Franco, Sandra Aparecida Pires
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| · The state of the art of research on anti-racism in Early Childhood Education (2013-2021) Barros, Tainara Batista; Souza, Rita de Cássia de; Euclides, Maria Simone
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| · Implementation of the affirmative policy for the black population in three public universities in the South of Brazil: a long walk Bastos, Alessandra Alfaro; Schwarzkopf, Alejandro Javier Lezcano
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| · The authority of the black teacher: a study on the perception of students and teachers of the early grades of Elementary School Florenço, Heloisa Martins; Volpato, Gildo
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| · “The dream is over”: education and ethnic-racial relations, and political-institutional setbacks Pereira, Amauri Mendes
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| · Black schoolteachers: training of black teachers in a silent environment Pamplona, Laura Rodrigues Paim; Silva, Natalino Neves da
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| · Brazilian indigenous youtubers: interfaces between culture and education Fialho, Lia Machado Fiuza; Mendes, Márcia Cristiane Ferreira
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| · Afro-pindoramic confluences: for a counter-colonialist human formation Dantas, Luís Thiago Freire
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| · Some reflections about quota system, curriculum and Biology teachers Pinho, Maria José Souza; Fernandes, Kelly Meneses
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| · African counternarratives: action research in response to the construction of hegemonic stigmas Almeida, Elizângela Áreas Ferreira de; Saravali, Eliane Giachetto
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| · Indigenous culture approaches in the Brazilian Basic Education: reflections for an intercultural teaching Flores, Cristine Gabriela de Campos; Gomes, Luana Barth; Casagrande, Cledes Antonio
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| · The insurgency of black intellectuality in Pedagogy courses in Southern Brazil Gaudio, Eduarda Souza; Passos, Joana Célia dos
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| · The political and pedagogical dimension of the celebration in the Quilombola community of Campina de Pedra, Poconé, MT Castilho, Suely Dulce de; Oliveira, Bruna Maria de
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| · What do the teachers who won the Educar para a Igualdade Award teach us? Calado, Maria da Gloria; Felix, Anna Beatriz Mendes
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| · Limitations of anti-racist education policy implemented by the Ethnic-Racial Division of the Macapá Municipal Secretariat of Education-AP Gomes, Cleidiane Colins; Videira, Piedade Lino
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| · Ethnic-racial relations and their productions in the area of Education: an analysis on the SciELO platform Silva, Brunna Alves da; Ustra, Sandro Rogério Vargas
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| · Monteiro Lobato’s children’s books: from racistês to pretuguês Pereira, Anamaria Ladeira; Pereira, Camila Santos
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| · Dialogues between schools and the knowledge of Quilombola communities: the decolonization of the curriculum from Law no. 10.639/2003 Barzano, Marco Antonio Leandro; Sampaio, Maria Cristina de Jesus; Melo, André Carneiro
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| · Afrocentered education as decolonial pedagogy in the Brazilian educational context Silva, Maurício
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| · Ethnic-racial relations on the Pedagogical Master Plans of undergraduate teaching training degree courses in Biology in São Paulo Barbara, Ana Carolina Ferreira; Silvério, Florença Freitas; Motokane, Marcelo Tadeu
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| · Dialogues with Paulo Freire: unity in diversity, intersectionality and equality of differences Coelho, Marciele Nazaré; Guedes, Helenice Aparecida Magalhães de Sousa; Dyonisio, Regina de Oliveira
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| · Black pedagogies: formative experiences for the education of ethnic-racial relations Damasceno, Ilaina; Ribeiro, Liana dos Santos; Viana, Natalia Conceição; Santos, Sônia Beatriz dos
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| · African descendencies in Iberian troubadourism Silva, José Nogueira da; Santos, Adriana Cavalcanti dos
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| · Racial heteroidentification: the context of affirmative actions in Higher Education Alves, Pâmella Silva
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| · Life knowledges: interactive circles, dialogues and the Black Women Movement Silva, Fernanda Priscila Alves da
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| · Inclusion of black people and Afro-diasporic knowledge in Brazilian Universities: epistemic diversity as a strategy Mendonça, Érika de Sousa; Gominho Filho, Amilson de Carvalho; Melo, Ana Letícia Cordeiro de
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| · From being adrift to the “aquilombamento”: territoriality and production of knowledge by black collectives at UFRJ Rizzo, Tamiris Pereira; Fonseca, Alexandre Brasil Carvalho da
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| · Jongueira education: afro-diasporic life-affirming repertoire in childhood Silva, Vivian Parreira da; Rodrigues, Tatiane Cosentino
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| · When representativeness matters: reflections on racism, identity valuation and Basic Education Correa, Adriana Gonçalves; Silva Junior, Paulo Melgaço da; Carvalho, Érika Loureiro de
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| · From being adrift to the “aquilombamento”: territoriality and production of knowledge by black collectives at UFRJ Rizzo, Tamiris Pereira; Fonseca, Alexandre Brasil Carvalho da
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Resenha |
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| · MAINARDES, Jefferson. Alfabetização & prática pedagógica: trajetórias e vivências. Curitiba: CRV, 2021. 194 p. Moreira, Laélia Portela
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| · BOURDIEU, Pierre; PASSERON, Jean-Claude. Os herdeiros: os estudantes e a cultura. Tradução de Ione Ribeiro Valle e Nilton Valle. Florianópolis: Editora da UFSC, 2014. 172 p. Campagnoli, Karina Regalio
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