Articles |
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| · The Materialist dialectic: principles, dialogues and research in Education Melo, Alessandro de
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| · Conglomerate of Private Hegemony Apparatus Lemann and partners in the “public selection” of people for the educational management of the State of Paraná Farias, Adriana Medeiros
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| · Enacting accountability reforms in Brazil: the mediating role of school leadership Mentini, Laura
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| · Field Education and Educational Practices of the José Fidelis de Moura School, of the Bonfim da Conceição Settlement - Ceará State Amorim, Francisco Valdir; Chaves, Luciane Azevedo; Mendes, Márcia Cristiane Ferreira
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| · The zero (0) not so neutral in Complex Planetary Decolonial Education Rodríguez, Milagros Elena
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| · Lesson study as a pedagogical practice in higher education from an inclusive perspective: strategies and resources indicated by professors Oliveira, Jáima Pinheiro de; Bracken, Seán; Nakano, Natália; Dart, Gareth
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| · Philosophical foundations in Paul Natorp’s Social Pedagogy and approaches to community education Orzechowski, Suzete Terezinha; Machado, Érico Ribas
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| · E-Learning Education and teacher training in Santa Catarina (1998-2018) Trevisol, Joviles Vitório; Toledo, Jaques Antonio de
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| · CONSED in the construction of BNCC: a shared public experience? Auer, Franceila; Negreiros, Heitor Lopes; Araujo, Gilda Cardoso de; Araújo, Vania Carvalho de; Santos, Wagner dos
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| · Optimization of functions with derivatives in an inverted classroom: study through multiple teaching strategies Rengifo, Carlos Fernando López; Perez, Edison Chanca; Rivera, Edwin Roger Esteban
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| · Bachelor Course in Military Sciences: construction and mobilization of teaching knowledge Barbosa, Alexandre Cardoso; Costa, Maria Adélia da; Pasqualli, Roberta
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| · Corporal education and school dropout: a forgotten issue in the innovations of revue EP.S and official discourses (1981-2020)? Gandrieau, Joseph; Llena, Clément; Caballero-Julia, Daniel; Flavier, Eric; Saint-Martin, Jean
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| · Articulating Science Education with the Sociology of Education: the significant contribution of Ana Maria Morais Neves, Isabel Pestana
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| · How the states and capital cities in Brazil deal with school principal’s competences Souza, Ângelo Ricardo de; Oliveira, Ana Cristina Prado de; Carvalho, Cynthia Paes de
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| · A curriculum that pours blood: apoptosis technology in the necrocurriculum of serial media narratives Gurgel, Evanilson; Maknamara, Marlécio
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| · The production of the sexuality device in times of neoconservative avalanche in education: Latin American scientific discursivities Voss, Dulce Mari da Silva; Krakhecke, Eliada Mayara Alves
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| · Revisiting the family-school relationship: unaccomplished discourses Pereira, Anderson de Carvalho
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| · “Human Rights and Education”: theory and praxis in an educational context - report of an experience in Higher Education in Portugal Monteiro, Susana Sardinha; Sousa, Jenny
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| · Gallery of losses: Brazilian education after the coup (2016-2022) Ramalhete, Mariana Passos
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| · The regulation of the National Education System (NES) in Brazil: a long debate Oliveira, Karoline de; Segatto, Catarina Ianni
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| · The market of children’s décor as a socialization agent: new styles for old hierarchies Carvalho, Cibele Noronha de; Nogueira, Maria Alice
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| · The pedagogist and the educator: ideological models proposed by the journal O Ensino (1922-1924) Nascimento, Maria Isabel Moura; Zanlorenzi, Claudia Maria Petchak; Leal, Sandra do Rocio Ferreira
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| · Heidegger and the University: on the essential link between science and education Doro, Marcelo J.
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| · Perceptions of old age and transition to retirement of older adults Silva, Maria das Neves; Cavaco, Carmen
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| · The regional community model and equity in Brazilian Higher Education Bertolin, Julio Cesar Godoy; Schaeffer, Olmiro Cristiano Lara; Ré, Cassiano Cavalheiro Del
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| · Evaluation of the State Education Plan in the Paraná State Prison System: subjects’ discourses in a female prison Bonatto, Bruna Mayara; Brandalise, Mary Ângela Teixeira
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| · Standardized continuing teacher training: an analysis of the SEED-Paraná project Tozetto, Susana Soares; Domingues, Thaiane de Góis
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| · The establishing process of the teacher education policy of the Federal University of Rio Grande in the context of the Resolution CNE/CP no. 2/2015 Trombetta, Derlan; Luce, Maria Beatriz
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| · Public education in Ponta Grossa-PR: Grupo Escolar Senador Correia and Ginásio Regente Feijó (1912-1945) Solomon, Silmara; Martins, Leonardo Miguel; Weber, Maria Julieta
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| · Common Core State Standards (BNCC) and the Common Core from Santa Catarina: dangerous crossings in the struggle against social inequalities Tedesco, Anderson Luiz; Picoli, Bruno Antonio; Fávero, Altair Alberto; Trevisol, Marcio Giusti
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| · External voluntary care and school teaching Ferracioli, Marcelo Ubiali
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| · A possible state of art: contribution of research in education about the pandemic in Brazil Roncarelli, Isadora Alves; Stecanela, Nilda
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| · The research on inclusion of visually impaired students in graduate studies in Education in Southern Brazil Eches, Elisabete Cristina Pereira; Roveratti, Mirela Casonato
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| · Experimental Science Teaching practices in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education in Portugal: an analysis of the reports of the General Inspectorate of Education and Science Silva, Patrícia Christine; Rodrigues, Ana Valente; Vicente, Paulo Nuno
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| · School learning of students with intellectual disabilities in Youth and Adult Education (EJA): discussions and implications Bueno, Olga Mara; Oliveira, Rita de Cássia da Silva
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| · Confluences in the training of educators in the areas of Natural Sciences and Languages from the Social Technology of earth paint Lemes, Anielli Fabiula Gavioli; Magnani, Luiz Henrique; Mendes, Maurício Teixeira; Allain, Luciana Resende
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| · External evaluation of schools, peer regulation, collaborative work, and educational quality: What is the relationship? Miranda, Helena Maria Cerqueira Gonçalves; Seabra, Filipa; Pacheco, José Augusto
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| · Practice of urban dances in school context: memory and attention of schoolchildren aged 7 and 8 years old Silva, Cielle Amanda de Sousa e; Gasparotto, Guilherme da Silva
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| · Educational evaluation and accountability: analysis of articles published in Brazil and Colombia Rostirola, Camila Regina; Schneider, Marilda Pasqual; Posada, Jorge Jairo; Ballén, José Emilio Díaz
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| · Deconstructing the archives of school violence: reflections on the relationship between teaching and the Philosophy of Education Trevisan, Amarildo Luiz
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| · State of knowledge: research carried out in Brazil on female teachers’ narratives Albert, Évelin
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| · Teacher training for digital culture: elements in different perspectives from the instrumental view Costa, Douglas Pereira da; Moura, Maria da Glória Carvalho
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| · Global education agenda and expansion of Higher Education Lobo, Gilneide Maria de Oliveira; Castro, Alda Maria Duarte Araújo
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| · Curriculum and school culture: scarcity of reading practices among impoverished and peripheral students Carvalho, Dayane Pereira Barroso de; Silva, Maria da Guia Taveiro
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| · School Inclusion Law in Chile: management challenges for subsidized private establishments Benavides-Moreno, Nibaldo; Reyes-Araya, Daniel; Alarcón-Leiva, Jorge
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| · Homeschooling: analysis of interviews in television programs Costa, Natália Caroline da; Natal, Isabella; Sisla, Heloisa Chalmers
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| · ADHD at school: a study on interaction rituals among students Wuo, Andrea Soares; Marques, Luiza Nunes
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| · Tensions and contradictions in the education policies of Lula and Dilma Rousseff administrations: learning from the lessons of the past Clementino, Ana Maria; Oliveira, Dalila Andrade
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| · Neoliberalism in early childhood education: an international systematic literature review Fernández, Loreto; Falabella, Alejandra
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| · Network ethnography: shifting perspectives and approaches to make sense of education governance Avelar, Marina; Ball, Stephen J.
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| · Educational Program for Introduction to Tactile Cartographic Language and introduction to map reading in the regular classroom Birão, Fabiana Cristina Giehl; Denari, Fátima Elisabeth
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Tradução |
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| · Radical-transformative agency: continuities and contrasts with relational agency and implications for education Stetsenko, Anna
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Thematic Section: Psychosocial perspectives on education in the pandemic period |
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| · Learning in situations of uncertainty: from experience to knowledge Breton, Hervé
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| · Discursive approach to the study of social representations in the educational field Gutiérrez-Vidrio, Silvia
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| · The construction of the social thinking of teachers and pedagogical coordinators about the COVID-19 pandemic: a study in social representations Sousa, Clarilza Prado de; Ens, Romilda Teodora; Oswald, Serena Eréndira Serrano
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| · Professional recognition of the teaching work through the point of view of Basic Education teachers in times of pandemic Bôas, Lúcia Villas; Novaes, Adelina; Sarubbi Junior, Vicente; Pucinelli, Ricardo Henrique
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Thematic Section: Ethics research and academic integrity in Humanities and Social Sciences: updating the debate |
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| · Analysis of the prevalence, evolution, and severity of dishonest behaviors of Spanish graduate students: the vision of academic heads Navarro, Antoni Cerdà; Garma, Carmen Touza; LLorente, Teresa Pozo; Forgas, Rubén Comas
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| · Research Ethics in Humanities and Social Sciences: between the norm and its application Guerriero, Iara Coelho Zito
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| · Analysis of the presence of ethics in the teaching guides of the undergraduate degrees in Design Modernel, Renata Canevari; Fernández, Beatriz Feijoo
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| · Training of researchers on Integrity in Research: spaces and subsidies related to ethical care in educational research Mercado, Luis Paulo Leopoldo; Rêgo, Ana Paula Monteiro
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| · Ethics and Learning Analytics: a necessary combination for scientific rigor Menezes, Jones Baroni Ferreira de; Almeida, Andrea Chagas Alves de; Lima, Marcos Vinicius de Andrade; Sousa, Thales Mesquita
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| · A critical review of Kant thoughts on ethical education: a reflection on current era Gohar, Amna; Carvalho, Alonso Bezerra de
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| · The silence of the PNLD and textbooks on cyberplagiarism Rodrigues, Sirlene; Lopes, Carlos
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| · Automatic paraphrasing tools: an unexpected consequence of addressing student plagiarism and the impact of COVID in distance education settings Forgas, Rubén Comas; Lancaster, Thomas; Marín, Elvira Curiel; Garma, Carmen Touza
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| · Ethical action in education research from the historical and dialectical materialism perspective Souza, Antônio Carlos de; Gabriel, Fábio Antônio
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| · Research ethics in the Human and Social Sciences: divergences and convergences in data processing Trevisol, Marcio Giusti; Schoenardie, Davi Alexandre
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| · The emergence of ethics in the philosophical education of Chemistry teachers: a curricular analysis of Pre-service teacher education in the State of Paraná Garcia, Mariana da Silva; Sousa, Robson Simplicio de
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| · Ethics and research in education: the ethical-epistemological (in)visibility of children in the informed consent Pedro, Ana Paula da Silveira Simões
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| · Experience report on the participation in a Working Group of the National Commission for Research Ethics Silva, Martinho Braga Batista e
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| · Ethics in research and scientific production: a dialogue between the ANPEd collection and classic authors Oliveira, Terezinha
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| · The ethical review of research in the Humanities and Social Sciences: considerations on a Brazilian peculiarity Nicacio, Erimaldo Matias
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| · Ethics in educational research - What is it for? Britto, Luiz Percival Leme; Colares, Anselmo Alencar
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| · “Risks”, “harm” and “benefits” of participating in a COVID-19 oral history project Rodeghero, Carla Simone
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| · Ethics and oral history practice: thoughts from Italian and European contexts Casellato, Alessandro
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| · Research ethics and the perspective of the principle of autonomy in the professional project and in Social Work research Sgarbieiro, Márcia
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| · Ethics review of research on humans in the biomedical and non-biomedical sciences: bridging "two cultures" in Brazil? Rocha, Karina de Albuquerque; Vasconcelos, S onia M. R.
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| · A cartography of the Ethics Committees of the Polytechnic Higher Education in Portugal (2023) Nunes, Lucília
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| · Ethics in research in Education: challenges facing overlapping referrals to Plataforma Brasil Moro, Catarina; Coutinho, Angela Scalabrin; Pinho, Gabriela
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| · Ethics in education research: analysis of dissertations and theses in Brazil Nunes, João Batista Carvalho
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| · Ethics teaching in research in education: analysis of training programs in scientific research and the relevance of monographs produced in Angola Alfredo, Francisco Calóia Hombo; Simões, Aníbal João Ribeiro
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| · Interview with leaders in promoting research ethics and academic and scientific integrity Coutinho, Angela Scalabrin; Leite, Sandra Fernandes; Foltýnek, Tomáš; Forgas, Rubén Comas; Fernandes, Frederico Garcia; Vasconcelos, Sonia Maria Ramos; Mainardes, Jefferson
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| · Apresentação da Seção Temática Mainardes, Jefferson; Coutinho, Angela Scalabrin; Nunes, João Batista Carvalho; Fare, Mónica de La
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Seção temática: Internationalization, interculturality and neo-humanism |
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| · The neohumanist moment and our planetary futures Bussey, Marcus
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| · Internationalization, interculturality and Neohumanism Philosophy of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar Bhowmik, Sunandita
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| · Diversifying Universalism: Neohumanism, Internationalism, and Interculturalism in Education Kesson, Kathleen; Oliveira, Marco Alexandre de
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Resenha |
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| · SAPIRO, Gisèle. É possível dissociar a obra do autor? Tradução de Juçara Valentino. Belo Horizonte: Moinhos, 2022. 184p. Campagnoli, Karina Regalio; Floriano, Jaine dos Santos
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| · SUASNÁBAR, C.; WEBER, M. J.; OLIVEIRA, N. C. de (org.). Os intelectuais em contextos nacionais e internacionais: educação, intervenções e culturas. 1. ed. Porto Alegre: Editora FI, 2022. v. 2. 583 p. Ávila, Marieli de Oliveira
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