Articles |
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| · An Analysis of Antibullying Laws in Latin America and the Caribbean Woolley, Natalia Oliveira; Macinko, James; Ríos-Salas, Vanessa; Heymann, Jody
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| · Inclusion policy of disabled people at Federal University of Viçosa/MG: speech and its practice in the view of their enabling agents Oliveira, Nathália Dias Pereira Alves; Loreto, Maria das Dores Saraiva de
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| · Proposal of a logic model in the evaluation of the Conta pra Mim Program Carvalho Junior, José Roberto Abreu de; Silveira, Suely de Fátima Ramos
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| · Continuous progression in the pedagogical field: challenges for school management in a public school of the municipal network of Santa Maria-RS Rodrigues, Katia Rezende; Lunardi, Elisiane Machado
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| · The debate on affirmative policies of graduates UFPR Coastal Sector Oliveira, Adriana Lucinda de; Joucoski, Emerson; Pontes, Thaís Pedrinho de; Almeida, Vilma Alves de
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| · Teacher appreciation policies in the public school system in Rio Branco/Acre Silva, Maria da Conceição de Moura; Hojas, Viviani Fernanda
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| · Among displacements and sedimentations: institutionalization path of the National School Food Program Silva, Sandro Pereira
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| · Common National Curricular Base and City Curriculum of: total alignment Bonetto, Pedro Xavier Russo
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| · Financing policy of the early childhood education and the incidence of social movements Lima, Maria Carmem Bezerra; Lima, Carmen Lúcia de Sousa; Fontineles, Isabel Cristina da Silva
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| · Democratic management in early childhood education: current possibilities of participation based on the existence of collegiate schools Cruzetta, Danieli D' Aguiar; Silva, Marcus Quintanilha da
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| · Projeto Equidade na Educação: a public policy to minimize inequalities in the municipal education system of Curitiba (2014-2016)) Roballo, Roberlayne de Oliveira Borges; Almeida, Tirzá Ben-Hur de
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| · Democratic Management: a debate on the perception of school counselors of the state public network of Maranhão Verde, Alexandre Viana; Lima, Francisca das Chagas Silva
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| · High school reform and distance education legitimation: technologic mediation as an obscene knot Ferrazzo, Gedeli; Gomes, Marco Antônio de Oliveira
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| · Distance education and teacher training: expansion and commodification Almeron, Andrews Alves; Portelinha, Ângela Maria Silveira
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| · Foundations and conditions of the polemics concerning the Kit to Combat Homophobia: from the shadows of the cave to the fight for hegemony Cêa, Georgia Sobreira dos Santos; Santos, Rodrigo Severiano dos
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| · Public policies for Youthand Adult Education and Special Education in Brazil: brief contextualization Trentin, Valéria Becher
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| · Students assistance in the “neo-developmentalism”: right or concession? Pessanha, Carolina França; Silva, Renata Maldonado da
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| · Research on educational policies: characterization and categorization of the theoretical-methodological foundations Chimel, Luciane; Lima, Michelle Fernandes
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| · Intercultural Border Schools Program and the reality of Brazil/Paraguay: a regional integration policy for the border Bueno, Mara Lucineia Marques Correa; Souza, Kellcia Rezende
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| · Education Development Arrangements: decentralization settings in strengthening privatization Viegas, Elis Regina dos Santos
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| · School management in pandemic times in the alagoan capital Silva, Givanildo da; Silva, Alex Vieira da; Gomes, Eva Pauliana da Silva
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| · Challenges in the offering of vacancies in children’s public education system Gesqui, Luiz Carlos; Fernandes, Andréia Gasparino
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| · Educational policies and evaluation: inflections of the PISA exam Sudbrack, Edite Maria; Fonseca, Dora Maria Ramos
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| · Internationalization of Brazilian educational policies: developments on the mission of school education Schwartz, Cleonara Maria; Batista, Patrícia Veronesi
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| · Public policy of the full-time childhood education: notes on the perception of families Araújo, Vania Carvalho de; Auer, Franceila; Taquini, Rennati
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| · Entrepreneurship as a key point of the “Future-se” Program and “Novos Caminhos” Program: critical notes Possamai, Tamiris; Zotti, Solange Aparecida; Vizzotto, Liane
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| · Academic and professional qualification of law course teachers in Angola: an analysis based on institutional development plans Domingo, Rangel Assunção Francisco; Mendes, Maria da Conceição Barbosa Rodrigues; Oliveira, Diana da Silva; Costa, Nilza Maria Vilhena Nunes
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| · Inequality in the school infrastructure of state schools in São Paulo Carnaval, Marilya Mariany
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| · Overview of research groups on Education Policy in Brazil Mainardes, Jefferson
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| · Theory and practice of performance management of the Nacional Education Plan: PNE 2014-2024 Laranja, Mirza Rosas Augusto
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| · PIBID in the public policy path of initiation to teaching Bartochak, Ântony Vinícius; Santos, Everton Rodrigo; Sanfelice, Gustavo Roese
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| · The Identity of Public Policies for Early Childhood Education in Brazil: analysis from Proinfância Simões, Patrícia Maria Uchôa; Barbosa, Marcela Pires; Barbosa, Mariana Uchôa Simões; Lima, Juceli Bengert; Santos, Elaine Florencio Suane dos
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| · Distance Education, Quality and Innovation: A Study on Research on the Spanish Thesis Portal Ribeiro, Rosselini Diniz Barbosa; Carvalho, Rose Mary Almas de; Andrade, Pollyana Vieira de; Gontijo, Elda Jane de Almeida; Freire, Flávia Magalhães
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| · The fights of Paraná teachers from 1988 and 2015 for working conditions: conflicts and consensus, repression and resistance Souza, Rodrigo Diego de
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| · Judicialization of early childhood education: trajectories and effects in a pioneer case Coli, Heloisa; Ximenes, Salomão Barros
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| · Stricto sensu academic production on municipal education plans 2015 - 2017: bibliometric survey Alves, Edson Ferreira
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| · Democratic management in Municipal Education Plans: commitments and achievements of municipalities in the northern region of Tocantins Almeida, Gilzilene França; Locatelli, Cleomar
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| · PROEJA evasion: the IFMT case - Campus Cuiabá Costa Filho, José Vinicius da; Costa, José Vinicius da; Gonçalves-Costa, Lyssa; Oliveira, Ângela Santana de
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| · Challenges faced by municipal councils in Brazil: a literature review in Capes databases Garcia, Ana Luiza Casasanta; Halmenschlager, Karine Raquiel; Brick, Elizandro Mauricio
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| · The teacher qualification and the maternal language teaching in the second stage of the elementary school Silva, Maria Cristina Mesquita da; Raminho, Edney Gomes; Brito, Renato de Oliveira
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| · Teaching illness in the municipal public education system of São Paulo Minhoto, Maria Angélica Pedra; Vitorino, Alessandra Mirna; Bock, Karen Cristina Sobral
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| · Evolution of state, municipal and private enrolments in basic education in the state of Rio de Janeiro from 2005 to 2019 Davies, Nicholas; Alcântara, Alzira Batalha
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| · Maintenance of the historic split between “nursery” and “pre-school” and the implications for the declaration and effectiveness of the right to education in the context of early childhood education Jakimiu, Vanessa Campos de Lara
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| · Understanding the Recent Crises Facing Graduate Education in Brazil Verhine, Robert Evan; Souza, Ângelo Ricardo de
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| · Speech by the occasion of awarned Doctor Honoris Causa degree by Federal University of Paraná, on July 2, 2021 Cury, Carlos Roberto Jamil
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| · Homage from the Education Sector to Professor Carlos Roberto Jamil Cury on occasion of the award of Doctor Honoris Causa degree at UFPR, on July 2, 2021 Ferraz, Marcos Alexandre dos Santos
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| · Carlos Roberto Jamil Cury: a life in defense of Education Moreira, Claudia Regina Baukat Silveira
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| · Changes in Chilean Education System: public private partnership and privatization of resources Susin, Maria Otília Kroeff; Mendonça, Juliana
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| · The organization and action of the Todos pela Educação [All For Education] business movement during the Covid-19 pandemic Uczak, Lucia Hugo; Bernardi, Liane Maria
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| · Strategic philanthropy and education. Notes from a reference to a case in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil Martinis, Pablo López
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| · The role of private enterprises in State schools in Latin America countries and the materialness characteristic of the dispute for hegemonic control Caldas, Andrea do Rocio
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| · The Aprende Brasil Teaching System and the privatization process in education Lumertz, Juliana Selau
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| · Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism in the educational policies that aim the brazilian youth development Peronil, Vera Maria Vidal; Caetano, Maria Raquel; Valim, Paula de Lima
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| · Alignment between private social investment and business: a field of action of the private sphere in the educational offer Carvalho, Elma Júlia Gonçalves de; Pires, Daniela de Oliveira
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| · The public-private relationship of education in latin america: research notes Pires, Daniela de Oliveira
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Dossiê: A Educação Básica na América Latina |
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| · Basic education in Latin America Alves, Andréia Vicência Vitor
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| · Teacher education in the early years of schooling: a comparative study between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay Perboni, Fabio; Farias, Alessandra Fonseca; Nogueira, Isadora de Souza
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| · Teaching professionalization in the municipality of Mundo Novo – MS Montiel, Larissa Wayhs Trein; Carvalho, Patrícia da Silva; Almeida, Roseli Maria Rosa de
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| · Structure and functioning of basic education: a comparative study between Brazil and Cuba Ghellere, Francielle de Camargo; Fernandes, Maria Nilvane; Souza, Silvana Aparecida de
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| · Brazil-Paraguay educational management: conceptions of educational policies Gimenes, Pamela Caetano; Cavalcanti, Ana Claudia Dantas; Campos, Míria Izabel
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| · Privatization of school management in Chile: The case of the Institutional Educational Project (PEI) Alarcón-Leiva, Jorge; Gotelli-Alvial, Catalina
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| · Conceptions of educational management in Latin American countries: Brazil and Chile Alves, Andrêssa Gomes de Rezende; Nucci, Leandro Picoli
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| · National policy children education in Brazil and Argentina: an inventory of normative and practical aspects Alves, Andréia Vicência Vitor; Oliveira, Magda C. Sarat; Pais, Mónica Fernández
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| · Advocacy practices for Latin American Early Childhood Education: the emphasis on successful practices by international agencies Bortot, Camila Maria; Lara, Ângela Mara de Barros
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