Editorial |
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| · “Quero ter olhos pra ver a maldade desaparecer”! Fora, Bolsonaro! Impeachment, desde sempre e já! Silva, Maurício Roberto da; Pires, Giovani De Lorenzi; Pereira, Rogério; Bianchi, Paula
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Artigo Original |
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| · Motivation students in the face of different class composition (un)serial for Physical Education of high school Andrade, Eduardo Azevedo de; Conceição, Carla da
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| · Representation of undergraduate students on supervised curricular internship in the Physical Education degree Oliveira, Ayra Lovisi; Mourão, Ludmila Nunes; Maroun, Kalyla; Braga, Aura Condé
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| · Cultural resistances faced by women in the context of the modalities of struggles Souza, Juliana de; Franco, Laercio Claro Pereira
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| · Continuing education processes: aligning practices and building knowledge in school Physical Education Santos, Leontine Lima dos; Montiel, Fabiana Celente; Afonso, Mariângela da Rosa
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| · University physical education teachers: professional assignments under investigation Gomes, Roberta de Souza; Lamassa Junior, Francisco; Silva, Alan Camargo; Lüdorf, Sílvia Maria Agatti
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| · History of obesity: Georges Méliès´s filmography Santolin, Cezar Barbosa
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| · Profile of sport and leisure managers in the municipalities of the southern coastal identity territory of Bahia Ávila, Marco Aurélio; Bahia, Cristiano de Sant Anna; Marta, Felipe Eduardo Ferreira; Santos, Carla Carolina Venâncio Dos; Levita, Lucas Menezes Amaral
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| · Students' perception of creating games in Physical Education classes Paiano, Ronê; Rodrigues, Graciele Massoli; Freire, Elisabete dos Santos; Casco, Patrício; Carreiro, Luiz Renato Rodrigues
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| · Experiencing circus activities and giving new meaning to social relations at school Yonamine, Mariana Harue; Rossi, Fernanda
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| · The school has to argue; the family to guide: rio-grandinas schools and gender issues Dias, Thais Mortola; Frizzo, Giovanni Felipe Ernst
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| · Gymnastic elements present in the play in the park of a children's school institution: an approach focusing on basic movement patterns Nobre, Juliana Nogueira Pontes; Silva, Ana Flávia da; Lopes, Priscila; Niquini, Claudia Mara
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| · Between departures and arrivals: the possibilities of student mobility for initial training in Physical Education Ribeiro, José Antonio Bicca; Afonso, Mariângela da Rosa
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| · Can university students participating in a physical activity and leisure program change their lifestyle? Rossato, Carla Emilia; Souza, Gabriela dos Santos de; Daronco, Luciane Sanchotene Etchepare; Pavão, Sílvia Maria de Oliveira
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| · The workplace as a potentializer in the professional training of basketball coaches Cunha, Luiza Darido da; Rodrigues, Heitor de Andrade; Galatti, Larissa Rafaela; Hunger, Dagmar Aparecida Cynthia França
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| · Dumbo, the way of one athlete as the synthesis of connection Brasil-Angola Almeida, William Douglas de; Ferreira Junior, Neilton de Sousa; Rubio, Katia
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| · Ethnographic notes on education in values in the school context Souza, Adriano Lopes de; Tavares, Otávio
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| · Body and movement and the political-pedagogical project in childhood education: tensions in the relationship with BNCC and RCG Elesbão, Heloisa; Camargo, Maria Cecília da Silva
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| · Teaching work in sports schools: experiences narrated in school Terragno, Tatiana Martins; Ginciene, Guy
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| · The impacts of the pandemic on the professional activity of dance teachers in gyms in Campo Grande (MS) Cruz, Karen de Souza; Rosa, Marcelo Victor da
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| · Teaching chinese games: intercultural contributions in Physical Education classes Fú, Ho Shin; Silva, Pedro Henrique Bezerra da; Brasileiro, Lívia Tenorio; Melo, Marcelo Soares Tavares de
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| · The pedagogical practice of Physical Education teachers: challenges for continuing formation Valle, Paulo Roberto Dalla; Rezer, Ricardo
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| · Protection system of work and Physical Education workers: why we are against the regulation of the profession Taffarel, Celi Nelza Zülke; Hack, Cássia; Morschbacher, Márcia; Luz, Sidnéia Flores
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| · The ludic in the Second Time program classes in the city of Recife/PE Figueirêdo, Marcela Natalia Lima de; Brasileiro, Lívia Tenorio; Souza Júnior, Marcílio; Melo, Marcelo Soares Tavares de
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| · Dance in high school: experience with ICTs use Diniz, Irlla Karla dos Santos; Darido, Suraya Cristina
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| · The violence etiquette: master, training brothers and family in the MMA team Mariante Neto, Flávio Py; Vasques, Daniel Giordani; Freitas, Maitê Venuto de; Stigger, Marco Paulo
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| · Beyond the classroom: complementary activities in the Physical Education teacher development at the FEF/Unicamp Cibim, Julia Pichi; Ribeiro, Olívia Cristina Ferreira
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| · The beginning of a community of practice: a case study with swimming teachers Ristow, Leonardo; Brasil, Vinicius Zeilmann; Rodrigues, Heitor de Andrade; Backes, Ana Flávia; Ramos, Valmor
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| · The change in the understanding of a trainee in Physical Education about the meaning of the curricular component at school: an autoethnography Mallmann, Anderson Henrique Rozek; González, Fernando Jaime; Borges, Robson Machado
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| · Physical Education in the remote model in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: reflections by students and teachers on teaching-learning Silva, Juliana Daniele de Araújo; França, Tereza Luiza de
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| · Neglect, desorientation and continued (desin)formation: resonances in the curricular construction Tavares, Natacha da Silva; Wittizorecki, Elisandro Schultz; Fraga, Alex Branco; Fonseca, Denise Grosso da; Machado, Roseli Belmonte; Ilha, Franciele Roos da Silva
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| · Professional training and labor of world: an analysis of the lack of performance of bachelor’s degree in Physical Education Souza, Laysson Henrique Ferreira de; Pires, Pedro Henrique Gibim; Francisco, Marcos Vinicius; Souza, Thaís Godoi de
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| · The use of renewing approaches in public tenders for Physical Education in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro Moura, Iuri Leal; Lima, Rogerio Mendes de
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| · Pedagogical practices that won the “Educador Nota 10” award: evidences of innovation in Physical Education? Godoi, Marcos; Gomes, Luciane de Almeida; Trevisoli, Anderson da Silva; Silva, Emmanoel Costa Ferreira da; Xavier, Môgoa Souza
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| · Family, sweat and tears: the beginning of a (possible) professionalization trajectory for under-15 and under-17 players at a club from Rio Grande do Sul Burch, Martina; Kessler, Cláudia Samuel
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| · The view of students graduating from Physical Education courses at federal public universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro on the role of scientific initiation programs in professional training Carneiro, Elaine de Brito; Meirelles, Rosane Moreira Silva de
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| · The state of Paraná and the budget for sport - 2002 to 2018 Castro, Suélen Barboza Eiras de; Maoski, Ana Paula Cabral Bonin; Mezzadri, Fernando Marinho
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| · Effective offensives and defensives strategies in Goalball Picolo, João Gabriel Dal; Travitzki, Leonardo; Alves, Isabella dos Santos; Morato, Márcio Pereira
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| · Association between declarative tactical knowledge and the anxiety level of young futsal practitioners Machado, Pablo Alejandro Rizza; Castro, Henrique de Oliveira; Marques, Thamara; Leite, Mateus Medeiros; Oliveira, Vivian de; Ferrari, Elisa Pinheiro
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| · Physical Education and Cinema: problematizing the coach-teacher figure among the schoolteachers from Rio Grande - RS Bandeira, Charles da Costa; Gonçalves, Arisson Vinícius Landgraf
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| · Tradition and identity: the Ticumbi of Itaúnas on stage Goulart, Milainy Ludmila Santos; Damasceno, Leonardo Graffius; Tavares, Otávio
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| · Competition and simbolic violence in online games: reflections from World of Warcraft Reis, Leoncio José de Almeida; Cavichiolli, Fernando Renato
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| · Professional motivation in adapted school Physical Education Scarpato, Leonardo Cavalheiro; Fernandes, Paula Teixeira; Almeida, José Júlio Gavião de
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| · The scientific practice of research groups in the academic-scientific subfield of Physical Education in schools Frasson, Jessica Serafim; Borowski, Eduardo Batista von; Wittizorecki, Elisandro Schultz
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| · Female futsal: indicators of the training environment of athletes of the brazilian team Martins, Mariana Zuaneti; Medeiros, Daniele Cristina Carqueijeiro de; Reis, Heloisa Helena Baldy dos; Castellani, Rafael Moreno; Santana, Wilton Carlos de
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Porta Aberta |
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| · E-Sports: a current sport practice Godtsfriedt, Jonas; Cardoso, Fernando Luiz
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| · Practices of pedagogical training by academics from the licensing course in physical education mediated by the supervised internship Paixão, Jairo Antônio da
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| · Physical Education as a school subject: reflections on disciplinarity in school education Hildebrandt-Stramann, Reiner; Hatje, Marli
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| · The current scenario of teaching training in Brazil: the developments of BNCC in licensing courses Milani, Michael Flores; Gomes, Gabriel Vielmo; Souza, Maristela da Silva
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| · The school without body: considerations about the legitimacy crisis of Physical Education Bezerra, Harrison de Souza; Furtado, Renan Santos
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| · The make-believe games in the Physical Education academic-scientific productions with early childhood education Mello, André da Silva; Scottá, Bianca Andreatta; Marchiori, Alexandre Freitas
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| · A mapping of theses and dissertations about rhythmic gymnastics in Brazil Nunes, Jéssica Gomes; Moraes, Letícia Cristina Lima; Marchi Júnior, Wanderley
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| · Shotokan karatê teaching methodologies for children Proença, Victor Henrik Lemos de; Manzato, Mariana Heloisa; Sant’Ana, Paula Grippa
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| · A proposal for the production of the evaluation of Physical Education in child education: an experience based on continuing education Silveira, Juliano; Silva, Cecília da; Liz, Luiza Oliveira de; Medeiros, Sabrina Vicente de; Schneider, Catiuscia Francieli de Oliveira; Quint, Renata Ouriques
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| · Classical sociology and Brazilian Physical Education: the place of Émile Durkheims Bungenstab, Gabriel Carvalho; Garcia, Silas Alberto; Lazzarotti Filho, Ari
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| · Gymnastics for all and the Bahia that is not seem Antualpa, Kizzy Fernandes; Santos, Emilena Sousa dos; Lima, Letícia Bartholomeu de Queiroz; Nascimento, Vitória Lima
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| · Book review “Sport in the 2018 elections: candidates for the presidency of the republic and the governments of the states” Oliveira, Marcus Peixoto de; Garcia, Emerson Bevilaqua
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| · Corporate adventure practices as content in the IFPB Physical Education classrooms Melo, Gertrudes Nunes de; Nunes, Ana Clara Cassimiro; Rodrigues, Raizabel; Santos, Samara Celestino dos; Souto, Giulyanne Maria Silva
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| · For the centrality of the praxis: the corporal culture as the way of overcome the dissociation between theory and practice at the Physical Education classes Castro, Matheus Rufino
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| · Public sports policies in urban public spaces: a bibliographic review on sports projects for participation on the Brazilian coast Zamboni, Kaio Julio; Ordonhes, Mayara Torres; Costa, Isabelle Plociniak; Cavichiolli, Fernando Renato
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| · Organization of actions in offensive systems at goalball Siqueira, Gabriel Goulart; Saraiva, Carolyne de Lima; Winckler, Ciro
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| · Recommendations about the participation of transgender athletes in sport Garcia, Rafael Marques; Pereira, Erik Giuseppe Barbosa
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| · Review of the book: Physical Education and sexuality: educational challenges Silva, Beatriz Barreto e; Mezzaroba, Cristiano
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| · Electronic games and Physical Education: an option for the early years of elementary school Silva, Marcelo Andrade
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| · Postcritical ethnography as a way of researching the pedagogical practice of cultural Physical Education Oliveira Junior, Jorge Luiz de; Neira, Marcos Garcia
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| · Theses and dissertations on the teaching of handball in Brazil: an overview Madeira, Mayara Gonçalves; Morato, Márcio Pereira; Greco, Pablo Juan; Menezes, Rafael Pombo
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| · Reflections on the integration of ICT in school Physical Education Warth, Lauriano Cecchin; Duek, Viviane Preichardt; Zilch, Geyson Ricardo; Farias, Gelcemar Oliveria
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| · Training to innovate in Physical Education: basis for production of innovation in basic education Santos, Marcio Antonio Raiol dos; Santos, Carlos Afonso Ferreira dos
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| · Citizen education and health in school Physical Education: humanization in liquid times Araújo, Mauren Lúcia Braga de; Maldonado, Daniel Teixeira
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| · Pedagogical Residence Program: residents' experiences and perceptions Souza, Bruno Macedo; Gomes, Kalinca Pena
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| · "Do we need to see?": inclusive teaching practices in Physical Education at school Rafael, Leandro Soares Assunção; Fernandes, Gyna de Ávila
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| · Perspectives on women in the field of women's football / futsal: what research in national journals shows. Ferreira, José Ricardo Lopes; Melo, Lucas Xavier de; Lima, Hadonay Jonys Souza; Lima, Robson Arthur Moura; Melo, Lucas Fellype Buarque De
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| · Chalking up space for women in artistic gymnastics: the consolidation of uneven bars between the years 1952-1964 Oliveira, Mauricio Santos; Souza, Anna Stella Silva de; Nunomura, Myrian
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| · Theoretical foundation in the graduation of Physical Education teachers Pereira, Dimitri Wuo
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| · Mirror, mirror on the wall, what body is that, which is not mine? Scientific production on feminine body, Physical Education and media Marcelino, Luiza Pizolati; Bona, Bruna Carolini De
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| · Physical Education in times of COVID-19: an analysis based on dualities Angelo, Denis Fernando Barcellos; Fonseca, Denise Grosso da; Medeiros, Tanise Baptista de
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| · The Theory of Social Representations in studies on the training of Physical Education teachers: mapping the production of knowledge in Brazilian journals Triani, Felipe da Silva
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| · Security devices in argentine and colombian football: a bibliographic review Célia, Fábio Perina; Lopes, Felipe Tavares Paes
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| · Physical Education at BNCC: challenges of the republican school Holanda, George Ivan da Silva; Lasch, Jane Vanusa; Dias, Rodrigo Francisco
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| · The (un)serialization of Physical Education in CAp/UFRGS secundary education: an experience report from the teaching internship Boldori, Gabriel Ziel; Oliveira, Dienifer de Lima de; Corrêa, Ivan Livindo de Senna; Fonseca, Denise Grosso da
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| · Psychological evidences of surf: therapeutic effects and assistance demands Souza, Débora Matias de; Kamp, Monick Leonora Inês Kort; Nepomuceno, Léo Barbosa; Conde, Erick Francisco Quintas
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| · Professional qualification of municipal public sports and leisure agents Bernabé, Andressa Pelói; Starepravo, Fernando Augusto
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| · NOTA EDITORIAL DE RETRATAÇÃO - Fundamentação teórica na graduação de professores de Educação Física
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Seção Temática |
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| · The sports necropolitics of the Bolsonaro government (2019-2020) Matias, Wagner Barbosa
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| · Public policies on Physical Education, sport, health and leisure: research groups and knowledge production Carneiro, Fernando Henrique Silva; Melo, Marcelo de Paula
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| · LEPEF-EdSaLa research group's production of knowledge on sports and leisure public policies in the state of Acre Silva, Adriane Corrêa da; Elicker, Eliane; Melo, Sandro Victor Alves; Nascimento, Tiago Barbosa do; Oliveira, Alessandra Lima Peres de; Amaral, Cledir de Araújo
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| · Public policies on sport and leisure: a critical assessment of the scientific production of GEPPEF/UFMA Araujo, Silvana Martins de; Magalhães, Ywry Crystiano da Silva; Sousa, Jonathas Carvalho de; Nunes, Aline Silva Andrade; Teixeira, Pablo Linhares
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| · The center for studies in sports and leisure policy and management: scientific trajectory and future perspectives Souza, Neidiana Braga da Silva; Silva, Temistocles Damasceno; Silva, Ivan Luiz Ferreira da; Menezes, Murillo Lago
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| · Contemplar: the trajectory of a collective in promoting research, extension and citizenship for leisure Silveira, Shaiane Vargas da; Braga, Solano de Souza; Oliveira, Sofia Araujo de
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| · Avante! you can only forge a path of 10 years by walking... Athayde, Pedro Fernando Avalone; Castellani Filho, Lino; Liáo Junior, Roberto; Sampaio, Juarez Oliveira; Mascarenhas, Fernando; Húngaro, Edson Marcelo
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| · Study and research group on sports and leisure policies (GEPPOL/UEM): a decade of Scientific/Academic contributions Malagutti, João Paulo Melleiro; Rojo, Jeferson Roberto; Canan, Felipe; Starepravo, Fernando Augusto
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| · Scientific production and contributions of the group of studies and research on public policies and leisure (GEP3L) of UNICAMP Amaral, Silvia Cristina Franco; Silvestre, Bruno Modesto; Bandeira, Marília Martins; Silva, Dirceu Santos
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| · Implementation models and approaches for the analysis of sports and leisure policies: the construction of Polis/NeoPolis research group Costa, Luciana Assis; Silva, Luciano Pereira da; Rocha, Daniete Fernandes; Pereira, Brisa de Assis; Abade, Natascha Stephanie Nunes; Mendes, Marcelo de Melo; Oliveira, Marcus Peixoto de
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| · The latinoamerican and caribbean network of deporte social for inclusion: sport under the orbit of popular and neoliberal governments Zambaglione, Daniel Ruben
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